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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,317 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.

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LWD Resistivity Imaging in Invert Emulsion Oil-Based Drilling Fluid

Jianzhong Yang, Joseph Szabo, Reza E. Osgouei, Joseph Arensdorf, Rosa Swartwout, Andreas Hartmann, Stephen A. Morris

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... stages at regular intervals in a well with only limited information to evaluate the zones of productivity. To move from a largely blind fracturing...


Perceptual quality-based model training under annotator label uncertainty

Chen Zhou, Mohit Prabhushankar, Ghassan AlRegib

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... Bovik, 2011, Blind image quality assessment: From natural scene statistics to perceptual quality: IEEE transactions on Image Processing, 20, 3350–3364...


Seismic Reservoir Characterization Based on Litho-Seismic Classification Constrained by Wells to Detect Gas-Bearing Sands in Peciko Main Zone, Mahakam Delta

Muhammad Thurisina Choliq, Sung Yuh, Magali Beele, Laurent Schulbaum, Gilles Vallon

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Seismic Reservoir Characterization Based on Litho-Seismic Classification Constrained by Wells to Detect Gas-Bearing Sands in Peciko Main Zone...


Classification of sedimentary basins

Zhiqiang Feng, Gao Dengliang, Stephan A. Graham, Wu Gaokui, Duan Taizhong

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... is characterized by: a) a wide wedgetop with basement blind thrusts, detached faults with in the sedimentary sequences and related folds; b) thick wedgetop...


Introducing stochasticity into CNN-based property estimation from angle-stack seismic

Haibin Di, Tao Zhao, Aria Abubakar

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... GOR-1E and GOR-2C are reserved for blind testing. First, for visual result QC, we display the machine predictions along two sections IL7069 and XL2591...


Casing Drilling Technology Potential for Cost Reducing Operations in South Texas Lobo Trend

Kyle Fontenot, Joe Highnote, Tommy Warren, and Bruce Houtchens

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and required cementing off the loss zone. The first well lost full returns while drilling with 8.7-ppg mud. and the losses could not be cured...


Petroleum Geology of Covenant Oil Field, Central Utah Thrust Belt

Thomas C. Chidsey Jr., Jacob S. DeHamer, Emily E. Hartwick, Keith R. Johnson, Daniel D. Schelling, Douglas A. Sprinkel, Douglas K. Strickland, John P. Vrona, David A. Wavrek

Utah Geological Association

... a series of splay thrusts in a passive roof duplex along the “blind” Gunnison-Salina thrust and west of a frontal triangle zone within the Jurassic Arapien...


From geophone arrays to point receivers: Implications for sensor and land survey design

Nicolas Goujon, Tom O’Toole

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... digital group forming in processing. Users of arrays are essentially blind to their actual effectiveness for random noise attenuation because...


Serang Field – Discovery Within a Seismic "Fault Shadow"

Tom Clark, Mike Turk, Joewono Hadiwijoto, Yoseph Partono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... The lost circulation zone (LCZ) must be "drilled blind" until casing is set below the losses (below the bottom carbonates). Seismically...


Inversion of magnetotellurics data with enhanced structural fidelity

Federico Golfré Andreasi, Simone Re, Federico Ceci, Luca Masnaghetti

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...-gradients, show interesting features that are not recovered by the unconstrained workflow. For instance, looking at the zone IV, we can appreciate...


Using Seismic Inversion to Predict Geomechanical Well Behavior: A Case Study From the Permian Basin

Simon S. Payne, Jerry Meyer

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... elastic properties derived from the inversion, a zone of low fracture initiation pressure and high stress anisotropy was identified at Well A. This zone...


Colour Image Transformations of Wireline Logs as a Medium for Sedimentary Profile Analysis

D.R. Collins, J.H. Doveton

CSPG Bulletin

... provides an automatic zonation device, where the depths of zone boundaries are marked at zero crossing points. On both the SP and gamma-ray logs...


Using recursive inversion as input for gross-rock volume extraction from lithology prediction volumes: How bad can it be?

James Shadlow

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... volumes. The seismic data used for input was exceptionally good, and there was abundant well control to provide control and for use in blind testing...


El Furrial Oil Field: A New Giant in an Old Basin: Chapter 10

Rodulfo Prieto, Gustavo Valdes

AAPG Special Volumes

... and the location of El Furrial field. The thrusts are mostly blind thrusts that usually end on mud volcanos and that can be followed for many kilometers trending...


VTI anisotropic stiffness tensor logging: A case study

Kristoffer Walker, Alexei Bolshakov, Gama Firdaus, Tim Fischer, Luca Duranti, Luisa Crousse, Mason Edwards

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... ratio in this over-pressured zone shows values greater than one, which also may be interpreted as a result of vertical microcracks. A correlation also...


Gas Hydrates Exploration Using Continuous Wavelet Transform Based on Spectral Decomposition

Hafidz Dezulfakar, Muhazzib, Yulia Nur Fajrina

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... as an energy blind zone limited above by the reflection in the ocean bottom and below by the signals that comes from subsequent reflectors under the BSR...


Bi-directional LSTM-based non-causal deconvolution

G. Roncoroni, I. Deiana, E. Forte, M. Pipan

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...rg/10.1162/neco.1997.9.8 .1735. Iqbal, N., E. Liu, J. McClellan, and A. Al-Shuhail, 2019, Sparse multichannel blind deconvolution of seismic data via spectral project...


Innovative Water Well Completion In The Denver Basin, Colorado

Theresa Jehn-Dellaport

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... bedroom community a n d golf course. T h e well w a s drilled a s a blind completion a n d was successfully tested at a n average rate of 83 gpm...


Winchell Coulee, Case History of an Integrated Structural-Stratigraphic Play Using Computer-Balanced Cross-Sections

P.B. Jones, E.A. Schink, M.E. Downey

CSPG Bulletin

... conglomerate body in the Cardium Zone, at the top of the Late Cretaceous Cardium Formation. The conglomerate trends southeast to northwest in the plains...


Well Logging and Completion Technology for Horizontal Wellbores

Walter H. Fertl , Sid B Nice

GCAGS Transactions

... waters, and environmentally sensitive and/or restrictive areas. More recently, industry has found that by controlling the borehole angle in the pay zone...


Unlocking Overlooked Gumai Play Potential at Jabung Betara Complex: A Best Case Study of Gas While Drilling Classification in Finding The New Pays

I Gusti Agung Aditya Surya Wibawa, Andri Syafriya, Beiruny Syam, Mawar Indah Nursina, Mohammad Risyad, Abghia Dini Fanzuri

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Furthermore, blind well test performed by applying correlation and integration amongst mudlogs and DST data has proven the reliability of the method...


New Insight in Samboja Field Development Strategy: The Integration of Stratigraphic Analysis, EEI Inversion and Passive Seismic Data

Benny Nugroho Ardhiansyah, Ayu Trisnasih, Erlangga Septama

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... This method has been successfully applied to map the pay zone in the Samboja deep prospect, validated by blind test using the appraisal wells. The oil...


North Slope Oil-Rock Correlations Using Computerized GC-MS Comparisons: SPECIALIZED OR STATISTICAL APPROACHES

D. A. Flory , R. B. Scott, M. K. Fencl, D. W. Nooner, T. Flory-Todd, H. A. Lichtenstein, K. Biemann, J. E. Biller, C. Barker

AAPG Special Volumes

... by use of the "compression algorithm," which compares only those characteristics of the oil data that are not affected by the alteration process(es...


Developing Predictive Power in the Permian: Leveraging Advanced Petrophysics to Deliver Cash to the Business

Aidan Blount, Tyler Croft, Brian Driskill, Adam McMullen, Melanie Durand

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... core. Additionally, this program can be run “blind” with respect to reservoir name; mudstones and siltstones are clearly identified and separated...


Clay Mineral Composition of Recent Sediments from the Mississippi River Delta

W. D. Johns, R. E. Grim

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... indicated by heavy lines. End_Page 189------------------------ Rouge), river channel, Baptiste Collette sub-delta and inner Blind Bay. interdistributary...


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