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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,317 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Petroleum Prospects of the Middle Tertiary Reservoirs in the Southwest Peninsula of Trinidad, #10626 (2014).
Krishna Persad, Neil Ritson
Search and Discovery.com
... Lower Miocene in the north-northwest to Lower Pliocene in southsoutheast. Those thrusts in the south-southeast are blind thrusts, underlying...
3D Forward Stratigraphic Modeling in Reservoir Quality Prediction Arab-D Reservoir, #20325 (2015).
Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia, Rainer Zuhlke, Dave Cantrell, Robert F. Lindsay, Yousef Mousa
Search and Discovery.com
... achieved by comparing virtual wells from the model with actual well data. Predictions have been blind-tested – in this case, it has been achieved...
Sequence of Deformation in Thrust-Fold Belts: Implications for Cross-Section Balancing; #41724 (2015)
Steven E. Boyer
Search and Discovery.com
... sections for a blind fold-thrust belt: Geosphere, v. 8/3, p. 1-18. Schlische, R.W., Groshong, R.H., Jr., Withjack, M.O. and Hidayah, T.N., 2014...
The Polar Urals Fold Belt: Tectonic Framework, Hydrocarbon Plays, and New Exploration Opportunities, #11019 (2017).
Konstantin Sobornov, Oleg Prishchepa, Sergey Ptetsov, Bogdan Plotnikov
Search and Discovery.com
... zone, and the Chernyshev swell (slide 8). In the inner part of the belt multiple foreland-verging blind thrust faults control the structural framework...
Rift Shoulder Erosion and Basin Deformation Associated with the Wichita Uplift (Mountain Front): Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, U.S.A, #30523 (2017).
Thomas P. Bulling, Robert Marksteiner, Kristian Meisling, Jesse Koch, Kim Koepke
Search and Discovery.com
..., a buried mountain range (Wichita Mountains) bounded by the Mountain View fault zone with a left lateral transpression sense of movement. Clastic detritus...
Modeling the Effect of Borehole Orientation on Stereonets; #42066 (2017)
Charles R. Berg
Search and Discovery.com
... 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 b° The shadow zone or “blind zone” (Terzaghi, 1965) causes the attenuation found on polar plots...
Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait - A Case Study; #20419 (2018)
Mona Rashaid, Yaser Amjad, Pratik Sangani, Steven Low, Christophe Darous, Laila Hayat, Alan Sibbit
Search and Discovery.com
... correction is based on the density of the hydrocarbon, and its saturation in the flushed zone (Figure 5). The core porosity, after overburden...
Inversion of Magnetotelluric (MT) Data with Enhanced Structural Fidelity, #42333 (2018).
Federico Golfre Andreasi, Simone Re, Federico Ceci, Luca Masnaghetti
Search and Discovery.com
... features that are not recovered by the unconstrained workflow. For instance, looking at the zone IV, we can appreciate that there is a split of the two...
Tectonics and Subsidence in the West Texas (Permian) Basin: A Model for Complex Intracratonic Basin Development; #30606 (2019)
Thomas E. Ewing
Search and Discovery.com
... involvement • Presence of BOTH scales implies a deep thrust of the CBA over Delaware, blind except at FSU CENTRAL SECTION (Fort Stockton Uplift...
Fluid-Rock Interaction and Hydrocarbon Migration: Quantifying Wettability-Affected Advection and Diffusion Processed in Various Reservoir Rocks; #42437 (2019)
Qinhong Hu
Search and Discovery.com
... Trautz, and J.S.Y. Wang, 2002, Tracer Penetration into Welded Tuff Matrix from Flowing Fractures: Vadose Zone Journal, v. 1, p. 102-112. Hu, Q., R.P....
Look at Situations from all Angles and you will Become More Open: Advanced Analytics Approach to Exploration Portfolio Allocation Decisions, #70378 (2019).
Dmitry Surovtsev, Tom Levy, Muhammad Usman Sethi
Search and Discovery.com
... steps beyond the biobjective Markowitz portfolio optimization. Table 1 presents our set of arguments cautioning against the blind application of pure...
Porosity Determination from Mechanical Measurements in Carbonates Affected by Severe Drilling Fluid Invasion; #42560 (2020)
Peter Kirkham
Search and Discovery.com
... and wireline log suite available which allows the drilling porosity relationship to be applied to the drilling parameters and blind tested against the wireline...
The Semail Gap Fault Zone (Oman Mountains) - Influences of an Inherited Basement Structure on Cenozoic Deformation?; #51662 (2020)
Andreas Scharf, Frank Mattern, Daniel Moraetis, Ivan Callegari, Christian Weidle
Search and Discovery.com
...The Semail Gap Fault Zone (Oman Mountains) - Influences of an Inherited Basement Structure on Cenozoic Deformation?; #51662 (2020) Andreas Scharf...
The Renaissance of Gravity, B.S. Anderson, M.E. Weber, J.E. Bain #40035
Search and Discovery.com
Focal Mechanism Determination and Stress Inversion for Induced Seismicity Related to Shale Gas Hydraulic Fracturing
Yuyang Tan, Jun Hu, Zhengguang Zhao, Lei Li
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... direction. This observation is consistent with a relevant study that indicates a wide distribution of blind faults in the study area (Wu et al., 2015). Figure...
Oil-Bearing Features Along the Karamay Overthrust Belt, Northwestern Junggar Basin, China
Xie Hong, Zhao Bai, Lin Long-Dong, You Qi-Mei
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... and the evolution of the overthrust belt include the development of nappe structures (early stage), growth faults (middle stage), and blind faults (late stage...
Combined Application of Unsupervised and Deep Learning in Absolute Open Flow Potential Prediction: A Case Study of the Weiyuan Shale Gas Reservoir
Lian Wang, Yuedong Yao, Kongjie Wang, Caspar Daniel Adenutsi, Guoxiang Zhao
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... distribution of data. Figure 9—Blind test results of AOFP without PCA for RBFN model Figure 10—Blind test results of AOFP for RBFN-PCA model...
Geology of Northern Lincoln County, Nevada
Charles M. Tschanz
Utah Geological Association
... Rezak, 1957, written communication). C. W. Merriam (1959, oral communication) considers this fossil an index for a zone near the top of the Laketown...
Crustal-Scale Wedging Beneath an Imbricate Roof-Thrust System: Geology of a Transect Across the Western Sacramento Valley and Northern Coast Ranges, California
Stephen Paul Phipps, Jeffrey R. Unruh
Pacific Section of AAPG
..., James O., 1972, Paleogene "frozen" subduction zone in the Coast Ranges of northern California: 24th International Geological Congress, Montreal...
Field Trip Road Log
H. H. Doelling
Utah Geological Association
... of Blind Trail Canyon (Fig. 21). Examine coal beds and if time permits to examine excellent exposures of Blue Gate-Emery-Masuk strata. Discussion...
The Saldaña Victims': Unsuccessful Subthrust Exploration in the Upper Magdalena Valley of Colombia - Reasons for Failures and the Way Ahead
Mario G. de Freitas
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... structures all across from the Central to the Eastern Cordillera, separating major compartments in the basin (eg the Yaguara transfer zone, figure 1...
General Geology and Oil Possibilities of the Amazonas Basin in Brazil
Luis G. Morales
Tulsa Geological Society
... the north and south flanks actually limit the central area while the Upper, with the exception of the Acre, is covered and geologically blind. Because...
Late Quaternary Folding and Faulting of Santa Cruz Island, California
Nicholas Pinter, Christopher C. Sorlien, Andrew T. Scott
Pacific Section of AAPG
... Cruz Island, interpretation of seismic-reflection profiles north of the island, measurement of fault-zone striations, and study of uplifted...
Reef Environment: Chapter 8: PART 3
Noel P. James
AAPG Special Volumes
... and stromatolites abound, the interrelationship between stromatolite morphology and environment has recently been documented (Hoffman, 1976). In the intertidal zone...
The Kimbell Ranch 32-1: Implications of a deep wildcat drilled near the Meers Fault in the Slick Hills of southwest Oklahoma, USA.
Andrew Cullen
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... Wichita igneous province in the Southern Oklahoma rift zone, Lithos 174, 57–70. Harlton, B.H., 1951, Faults in sedimentary part of Wichita Mountains...