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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Chapter 9: Discovery of a Bolivian Foothills Giant Gas Field: Incahuasi
Jean-Claude Heidmann, Jacques Durand, Philippe Mallard, Jean-Francois Ballard, Jean-Marc Moron
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the northern and central Bolivian sub-Andean zone, in A. J. Tankard, R. Suarez S., and H. J. Welsink, eds., Petroleum basins of South America: AAPG...
Geometry and Kinematics of Single-Layer Detachment Folds
Josep Poblet, Ken McClay
AAPG Bulletin
... and below blind, bedding-parallel thrust faults. Unlike other fault-related fold types, such as fault-bend folds (Suppe, 1983) and fault-propagation...
Automated thermotectonostratigraphic basin reconstruction: Viking Graben case study
L. H. Rupke, S. M. Schmalholz, D. W. Schmid, Y. Y. Podladchikov
AAPG Bulletin
... is consistent with well temperatures, Ro data, and paleobathymetry, although we did not include these data in the inversion. These successful blind tests...
Quantitative structural analysis using remote sensing data: Kurdistan, northeast Iraq
Daniel Reif, Bernhard Grasemann, Robert H. Faber
AAPG Bulletin
...:10.1306/02170403091.Berberian, M., 1995, Master blind thrust faults hidden under the Zagros folds: Active tectonics and surface morphotectonics...
CSPG/CSEG/CWLS Convention 2006; - Abstracts, #90211 (2015).
Search and Discovery.com
Evolution of a complex early Permian coarse-grained shoreline along a rift basin margin
Antoine Dillinger, Annette D. George, Romain Vaucher
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Hodgson, D.M., and Veiga, G.D., 2016, Recognition criteria, characteristics and implications of the fluvial to marine transition zone in ancient deltaic...
Regional structural setting and evolution of the Mississippi Canyon, Atwater Valley, western Lloyd Ridge, and western DeSoto Canyon protraction areas, northern deep-water Gulf of Mexico
Renaud Bouroullec, Paul Weimer, and Olivier Serrano
AAPG Bulletin
... bodies are present in the northeastern part of the study area (Figure 2). The central part of the study area is a transitional zone between the western...
Coal Deposits of Wyoming
Gary B. Glass
Wyoming Geological Association
... the Bear River Formation by a marine shale, the overlying Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation (variously mapped as the Blind Bull Formation) contains...
Coal Fields and Coal Beds of Wyoming
Gary B. Glass, Richard W. Jones
Wyoming Geological Association
... of the Blind Bull Formation) contains numerous fairly thick, persistent coal beds in western Wyoming (Glass, 1977). Throughout the rest of the State...
Planform and Facies Variability in Asymmetric Deltas: Facies Analysis and Depositional Architecture of the Turonian Ferron Sandstone in the Western Henry Mountains, South-Central Utah, U.S.A.
Christopher R. Fielding
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... stratigraphy of the Upper Ferron Sandstone Last Chance Delta: an application of coal zone stratigraphy, in Chidsey, T.C., Adams, R.D., and Morris, T.H., eds...
S. Warren Carey
CSPG Bulletin
... of the anticline, which completely vanished in the decollement zone, and below the blind decollement, did not exist at all. Once the decollement...
A Pliocene lacustrine system in the Nellis basin, southern Nevada, USA: implications for the Colorado River drainage system
Brett T. McLaurin, Dirk Goossens, Brenda J. Buck, Wanda Taylor
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Creek Formation are exposed along the trace of the Las Vegas Valley shear zone in the Nellis Dunes Recreation Area (NDRA), northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada...
Thickness trends and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Formation, Appalachian Basin: Implications for Acadian foreland basin evolution
Gary G. Lash, Terry Engelder
AAPG Bulletin
... approximately 1.8 m.y., extending from the upper costatus conodont zone through the hemiansat zone (Kaufmann, 2006; Ver Straeten, 2007). The relatively...
Fracture characterization in sigmoidal folds: Insights from the Siah Kuh anticline, Zagros, Iran
Giulio Casini, Indiana Romaire, Emilio Casciello, Eduard Saura, Jaume Vergés, Naiara Fernández, and David William Hunt
AAPG Bulletin
... “blind” thrust faults hidden under the Zagros folds: Active basement tectonics and surface morphotectonics: Tectonophysics, v. 241, p. 193–224, doi...
Energy, Mineral, and Ground-Water Resources of Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah (B-132)
R.W. Gloyn, D.E. Tabet, B.T. Tripp, C.E. Bishop, C.D. Morgan, J.W. Gwynn, R.E. Blackett
Utah Geological Survey
... Figure 22. Total coal isopach of Blind Canyon zone, Wasatch Plateau coalfield, Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah (includes Bear Canyon [east-central...
Mechanical Stratigraphy and Deformation of the Gobbler Anticline, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico, USA
Joseph C. Syzdek, Christopher K. Zahm, Charles Kerans, David H. Malone
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of the Gobbler Anticline, a north-trending, doubly plunging, tight fold that is interpreted to be a fault-propagation fold above a blind, basement-rooted...
Controls on Fracture Development, Spacing, and Geometry in the Austin Chalk Formation, Central Texas: Considerations for Exploration and Production
Kevin P. Corbett, Melvin Friedman, David V. Wiltschko, Jih Hao Hung
Dallas Geological Society
... Country. It may be inferred, but cannot be proved, that the location and trend of the Balcones system is the result of an existing weak zone...
D.R. Lageson
Montana Geological Society
... or for the shortening produced by the steep east limb. Therefore, a west-dipping blind thrust fault or thrust zone must exist at depth along...
Marine Borers: Trace Fossils and Geological Significance
John E. Warme and Eric J. McHuron
Special Publications of SEPM
...); and fishes (Fig. 13). Geometry and Identification of Borings Narine borers produce a variety of borings, from simple pits and blind tubes to ramifying...
Solving the puzzle of the bivalve shell fragment: inferring the original abundance and size frequency from the fragmented record
Eric N. Powell
...) 0883-1351/20/035-432 at the analysis of taphofacies, not community structure (e.g., Best and Kidwell 2000; Parsons-Hubbard 2005; Rodrigues and Sim˜ es 2010...
Cretaceous Palynomorph Biozones for the Central and Northern Rocky Mountain Region of the United States
D.J. Nichols, S.R. Jacobson, R.H. Tschudy
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... in partly correlative middle Albian through Maestrichtian nonmarine facies. The ma cending order, Spinidinium vestitum Assemblage Zone, Alterbia sp...
Bioturbators as Ecosystem Engineers: Assessing Current Models
Brittany A. Laing, Luis A. Buatois, M. Gabriela Mángano, Nicholas J. Minter, Luke C. Strotz, Guy M. Narbonne, Glenn A. Brock
...) open irrigation (U- or Y- shaped burrows); and (3) blind-ended irrigation (e.g., blind ended burrows, no burrow systems). In the field of ichnology...
Tentaculitids in Subvertical (Life) Position in the Middle Devonian Arkona Formation, Southern Ontario, Canada
Cameron J. Tsujita, Gordon C. Baird
... themselves formed along a thin zone of alkalinity that developed below the sediment-water interface at the sulfate-methane boundary during a depositional...
Engineering Geology of Jordanelle Dam and Reservoir Bonneville Unit, Central Utah Project, Utah
Gary Dow
Utah Geological Association
... occurred along a surface or zone of failure by shear; characterized by polished surfaces, striations, slickensides, gouge, breccia, mylonite, or any...
Tectonic Framework, Origin, and Evolution of the San Francisco Bay Region
Richard L. Sedlock
Pacific Section SEPM
.... Passage of the Mendocino triple junction, and the change from a subduction zone to a transform boundary, occurred about 11 Ma at the latitude...