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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Betsy Campen, Ted Campen
Montana Geological Society
... in the "blind zone" immediately below the coal. The long normal curve has sharp reversal readings opposite coal beds thinner than...
A Compositional Classification For Grain Assemblages In Fine-Grained Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks—Reply
Kitty L. Milliken
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., siliceous, calcareous, etc.) are rejected for the reasons explored in detail in my paper. To repeat: Bulk compositional analysis is blind to critical...
Geologic Structure and Deformation Sequence of the Barúa-Motatán Area, Eastern Margin of Maracaibo Basin, Zulia Oriental, Northern Venezuelan Andes
L. Benkovics, F. Leon, S. Sarzalejo, F. Luna, A. Peña, J. Díaz, G. Sornes, J. Quintero, V. Morales, K. León, J. Helwig
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... lithified non-marine elastics angular unconformity weak marine shales, detachment zone sand rich, medium strength weak, MFS marine shales, detachment...
Condicionantes Estructurales y Estratigraficos en el Yacimiento Terciario de Río Ceibas, Cuenca Alto Magdalena, Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Structural and Stratigraphic Constraints on the Tertiary Deposit of the Ceibas River, Upper Magdalena Basin, Colom
Mario G. de Freitas, Jaime Vallejo
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
..., Braspetro Colombia, Bogota, Colombia El Campo Rfo Ceibas es un yacimiento de aceite y gas descubierto en 1988, que produce de arenas fluviales...
A Hydrocarbon Exploration History of Papua
T. H. Fraser
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
..., seismic data interpreters soon realized that most energy was absorbed by the Miocene and Oligocene limestones, leaving them blind below this horizon...
Mineral Deposits of the Henry Mountains
Hellmut H. Doelling
Utah Geological Association
... that surround the peaks. Butler (1920) reports the presence of contact deposits which probably correspond to Hunt’s shattered zone mineralizations...
Holocene Peat Accumulation in a Tropical Intermontane Mire System, Tasik Bera, West Malaysia: Implication for Coal Formation
Raphael A. J. Wüst, R. Marc Bustin, Lee Chai Peng, Wan Hasiah Abdullah
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... project is "to conserve and enhance the biodiversity ofTasik Bera Ramsar Site and its buffer zone, and ensure the wise use of its wetland resources...
Ute Dome II: 3-D Seismic Attribute-Based Detection of Fracture-Swarm Sweet Spots in Paradox Basin (Pennsylvanian) Carbonates
B.S. Hart, M. Herrin, K. Nikolaissen, S. Ralser, S.P. Cooper, R.S. Balch
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...-angle blind thrust. All of these features are thought to have formed during Laramide deformation (latest Cretaceous to early Tertiary). The Ute Dome...
Geology and Mineral Deposits of the New World District, Park County, Montana
Allan R. Kirk, Todd W. Johnson
Montana Geological Society
... zone, a prominent northwest-trending lineament and structural low (Foose et al., 1961) within the Beartooth uplift Other intrusive...
Increasing signal-to-noise ratio of borehole image logs using convolutional neural networks
Mustafa A. Al Ibrahim, Mokhles M. Mezghani
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...iv:1505.07293 [cs]. Batson, J., and L. Royer, 2019, Noise2Self: Blind denoising by self-supervision: arXiv preprint, arXiv:1901.11365 [cs, stat]. Blundell, C.,...
The Queen of Sheba Gold and the Boston–Deep Creek Silver Mines Goshute Indian Reservation, Juab County, Utah
Laurence P. James
Utah Geological Association
... to the big mansion in Salt Lake City, a bit nervous. The Colonel was old, sick, and nearly blind then. But he knew immediately who I was. “I remember your...
Turbidity Generation and Distribution in Tampa Bay as Monitored with a Towable Optical Transmissometer
George M. Griffin , S. Gene Whitney
GCAGS Transactions
... effluent plume of Tampa Bay, which was quite evident. The same type of turbid plume was also noted off Pass-a-Grille and Blind Pass, both of which...
Neotectonics of North Sumatra Forearc
Nugroho D. Hananto, Satish C. Singh, M. Maruf Mukti, Ian Deighton
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is mostly taken up by the Sumatra Fault Zone (SFZ) cutting along the Sumatra mainland. The residual strain resulted from those two major structures...
Frontier Exploration in the Lengguru Foldbelt Irian Jaya, Indonesia
A. Sulaeman, A. Sjapawi, S. Sosromihardjo
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... systems separated the Lengguru and Papuan Foldbelts as indicated by structural convergence towards the fault zone where both the NNW-SSE trending...
Plate Tectonic History of Southern California with Emphasis on the Western Transverse Ranges and Northern Channel Islands
Tanya M. Atwater
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... The block occupied the forearc region of a subduction zone, collecting continental shelf sediments equivalent to those in the Great Valley belt farther north...
Environmental Genomics Applications for Environmental Management Activities in the Oil and Gas Industry: State-of-the-Art Review and Future Research Needs
Michael Marnane, Marc Skinner, Catie Young, Mary Murdoch, Jordan Angle, Jeffrey Pollock, Thomas Merzi, Nicolas Tsesmetzis, Paola Maria Pedroni, Ane Kjølhamar, Anita Skarstad, Cyril Mickiewicz, Felicite Robertson, Harvey Johnstone
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... is powerful yet still blind: a www.publish.csiro.au/aj The APPEA Journal comparative analysis of morphological and molecular surveys of seagrass...
Regional Cross Section Across Santa Barbara Channel from Northwestern Santa Rosa Island to Canada de Molino
Marilyn E. Tennyson, Adrian P. Kropp
Pacific Section of AAPG
... as the back limb of a regional anticlinorum above a north-dipping ramp in a major south-verging blind thrust at roughly 8-18 km depth, the Channel...
How to Better Define the Structures Using 2D and 3D Restoration Tools in Complex Areas. Case Study in the Sub Andean Zone, Bolivia.
I. Moretti, A. Macris, J.F. Lecomte, V. Delos, A. Leclerc, J. Letouzey, A. Otero, J.C Calvo
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
...How to Better Define the Structures Using 2D and 3D Restoration Tools in Complex Areas. Case Study in the Sub Andean Zone, Bolivia. I. Moretti...
Selected Case Studies
Bruce S. Hart
Special Publications of SEPM
..., 7.13, 7 .14) . The throw on these faults decreases up-section (i .e., blind thrusts), such that in the upper part of the Paradox Group they appear...
Famennian Corals from the southern Holy Cross Mountains
Maria Rozkowska
CSPG Special Publications
... at the localities. The stratigraphic range as established by conodonts is given. 1) Kadzielnia: crepida Zone, rhomboidea Zone and quadrantinodosa Zone. 2...
Burrows of the polychaete Perinereis aibuhiutensis on a tidal flat of the Yellow River Delta in China: implications for the ichnofossils Polykladichnus and Archaeonassa
Wang Yuanyuan, Wang Xueqin, Alfred Uchman, Hu Bin, Song Huibo
...) could mark position of the intertidal zone. INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND METHODS As the present is the key to the past, neoichnology is the key...
Structural Overlap of Passive Continental Margin Stratigraphic Packages Onto the Colorado Plateau Cratonic Package in Southwestern Utah.
M. C. Erskine
Pacific Section of AAPG
... representation of how this region might have looked by the end of the Cretaceous. The leading thrust is blind. The marine Cretaceous of the foreland...
Paleotemperatures in the Gulf Coast Using the Esr-Kerogen Method
Walter C. Pusey, III
GCAGS Transactions
..., there is a liquid window between 150 and 300°F which encompasses the zone of oil occurence. Present-day geothermal gradients can only be used to predict organic...
Genetic Relationship of Oil Reservoirs to Shore-Line Deposits
Charles Brewer, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... development of this type of oil pool without considerable blind groping and drilling of dry holes presents a difficult problem to a petroleum geologist...
Ground-Water-Quality Assessment of the West Bountiful Municipal Landfill
David L. Shank Jr.
Utah Geological Association
... Elevation Contours on 1–27,28–89 The new monitoring wells which are designed to tap the most permeable shallow water-bearing zone at the site (except...