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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Hydrocarbon Occurrences on the Western Margin of the Queen Charlotte Basin
T.S. Hamilton, B.E.B. Cameron
CSPG Bulletin
.... Sticky tar with a low-maturity odour occurs in blind vesicles within the lava. No migration pathways to these vesicles are obvious. It is unclear how...
Rio Thrusting, Multi-Stage Migration, and Formation of Vertically Segregated Paleozoic Oil Pools At Torchlight Field On the Greybull Platform (Eastern Bighorn Basin): Implications For Exploration
Donald S. Stone
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... on the south to near Lovell on for the north. Generated in l'recanibri:u~ basement, this blind thrust dies out within Cretaceous rocks in the subsurface...
Carbonate Depositional Sequences and Systems Tracts--Responses of Carbonate Platforms to Relative Sea-Level Changes: Chapter 1
C. Robertson Handford, Robert G. Loucks
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Differential dissolution of a Pleistocene reef in the ground-water mixing zone of coastal Yucatan, Mexico: Geology, v. 14, p. 137-140. Bathurst, R...
Timing of Deformation in Overthrust Belt and Foreland of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah
David V. Wiltschko, John A. Dorr, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
..., along Deadman, Blind Bull, and South Horse Creeks in the Wyoming Range, it cuts the middle Late Cretaceous (Santonian) upper part of the Blind Bull...
Extensional Collapse of the Charleston-Nebo Salient and Its Relationship to Space-Time Variations in Cordilleran Orogenic Belt Tectonism and Continental Stratigraphy
Kurt N. Constenius, Richard P. Esser, Paul W. Layer
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
...: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 86, p. 1544–1552. Cheney, E.S., 1994, Cenozoic unconformity-bounded sequences of central and eastern Washington...
The Heterogeneity of Paleocavern Systems Developed Along Syndepositional Fault Zones: The Upper Permian Capitan Platform, Guadalupe Mountains, U.S.A.
Eduard Koša, David Hunt, William M. Fitchen, Marie-Odile Bockel-Rebelle, Gerald Roberts
Special Publications of SEPM
... platform. The fault-zone paleocaverns contain a unique internal record of events and processes that have no counterpart in the shelf succession. Their study...
Diamond Deposits Of The North American Craton –An Overview
W. Dan Hausel
Wyoming Geological Association
.... Geological Survey of Wyoming Open-File Report 88–11. 11. 5 plates. Hearn, B.C., Jr., and McGee, E.S., 1983, Garnets in Montana diatremes: a key...
Carpathian Foredeep Basin (Poland and Ukraine): Its Sedimentary, Structural, and Geodynamic Evolution
N. Oszczypko, P. Krzywiec, I. Popadyuk, T. Peryt
AAPG Special Volumes
... p.Andreychuk, M., Y. Krupski, and V. Kotyk, 2001, The pre-Miocene paleorelief of the outer zone of the Precarpathians foredeep, in XII International...
Late Quaternary Niger Delta, and Adjacent Areas: Sedimentary Environments and Lithofacies
J. R. L. Allen
AAPG Bulletin
... and shallow offshore environments, and with layered deposits in the delta floodplain environment. Layered sediments are found alone in a zone...
Sensitivities, Limitations, and Error Inherent in Resistivity-tool-response Modeling - Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation Evaluation - Archie Series No. 2
Hezhu Yin
AAPG Special Volumes
... identical ILD responses (blue dotted lines). The earth model in the left track is below the ILD blind frequency. If inversion is performed based only...
Canadian Arctic Islands
K. J. Drummond
CSPG Special Publications
... by the marginal non-marine sandstone facies of the Bjorne Formation and the equivalent basinal marine facies of the Blind Fiord Formation. Middle...
Advancing Carbon Storage in Offshore Louisiana: Evaluation and Modeling Potential of Two Major Depleted Reservoirs in Vermilion_014 Field
Ahmed Eleslambouly, Mursal Zeynalli, Andreas Moncada, Ahmed Fathy, Seda Rouxel
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
..., as in the VR014 case. Inversion results were validated by a series of blind wells tests. To derive a singular reservoir property from AI such as porosity...
Huesser horizon: A lake and a marine incursion in northwestern South America during the early Miocene
Andres A. Gomez, Carlos A. Jaramillo, Mauricio Parra, Andres Mora
... within the Verrutricolporites rotundiporus palynological zone of Germeraad et al. (1968), palynological zone 27 of Muller et al. (1987...
Stratigraphic and Structural Relations in the Proximal Cutler Formation of the Paradox Basin: Implications for Timing of Movement on the Uncompahgre Front
Katherine D. Moore, Gerilyn S. Soreghan, Dustin E. Sweet
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... such a subsurface fault coeval with Cutler deposition (i.e. a blind thrust) would produce dip changes consistent with fault-propagation folds, drape folds...
Using Machine Learning Methods to Identify Coals from Drilling and Logging-While-Drilling LWD Data
Ruizhi Zhong, Raymond L. Johnson Jr., Zhongwei Chen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., the statistical and shouldering effects can be avoided. Due to the limited height of the figure, an individual coal zone in the 4 URTEC-198288-MS...
Memorial: Sidney Powers (1890-1932)
W. E. Wrather, Frank R. Clark
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... attributes. These tendencies which he developed early in life continued with him in his professional career. He was an original thinker and no blind...
Field Trip B1: Accretion of Peri-Gondwanan Terranes, Northern Mainland Nova Scotia and Southern New Brunswick
Sandra Barr, Susan Johnson, J. Brendan Murphy, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper, Chris White
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
... Transpression and transtension along a continental transform fault: Minas Fault Zone, Nova Scotia John W.F. Waldron, Joseph Clancy White, Elizabeth MacInnes...
Contamination of Fish and Shellfish Following Oil Spill Incidents
Robin J. Law, Jocelyne Hellou
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... elsewhere (Quevauviller et al., 1995). Participation in proficiency testing schemes and inter-comparison exercises in which “blind” samples...
The Petroleum Business in Papua New Guinea a 1996 Perspective
P. R. Botten
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... in that it tested a struc ture that had little correlation to surface topography. The well drilled a number of thrust repeat sections before testing a “blind” Toro...
Composition and Provenance History of Late Cenozoic Sediments in Southeastern Bolivia: Implications for Chaco Foreland Basin Evolution and Andean Uplift
Carola Hulka, Christoph Heubeck
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of thrusting (Sempere et al. 1990; Uba et al. 2006; Uba et al. 2009). The Subandean zone is characterized by thin-skinned, in-sequence and partially blind...
Diagenesis of the Sappington Formation in the Bridger Range, Montana: Implications for the burial and thermal history of the Western Crazy Mountain Basin
Clayton Schultz, Michael H. Hofmann
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... that is reflected in a series of imbricate thrust faults that comprise a blind-thrust zone beneath the Bridger Range (Fig. 4c). Figure 3. Structural basemap...
Reservoir Characterization and Estimation of Remaining Oil Saturation using NMR logs for Optimizing a CO2 Flood: A Pilot Study
Sandeep Ramakrishna, Eric Murphy, Ron Balliet, Lonnie Sullivan, Kathleen Barclay, Raymond Schutte
West Texas Geological Society
.... Hence, using the current chloride count in the Holt/Bryant zone to estimate resistivity-based saturations would be incorrect. Another challenge...
Selected Uranium Bibliography
Houston Geological Society
... of the origin of the Blind River uranium deposits: Econ. Geol., vol. 55, pp. 906-927. Dooley, J. R., Jr., and others, 1964, Radioactive disequilibrium...
Montana Geological Society
... argillite that weathers light brown. The Greyson is conformable with the Newland below and the Spokane above. The basal zone...
Earthquake Swarm near Great Sand Dunes, Colorado, Investigated with Temporary Seismic Network and Machine Learning Seismic Phase Analysis
Kyren R. Bogolub, Jackson P. Bell, Enrique R. Chon, Robert M. Kirkham, Anne F. Sheehan
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of west-dipping fault and are not located on it. Instead, the earthquake epicenters define a narrow, linear, east-west-trending zone that projects...