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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,294 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Tocito Sandstone: The Relationship Between Incised Valleys and Hydrocarbon Accumulation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico
David C. Jennette, Clive R. Jones, John C. Van Wagoner, Jeff E. Larsen
AAPG Special Volumes
... fining-upward profile culmina es at the top in a burrow-churned shaley sandstone. Trace fossils are dominated by horizontal Paleophycus burrows...
Petrofacies and Provenance of a Late Cretaceous Suture Zone Thrust-Top Basin, Cantwell Basin, Central Alaska Range
Jeffrey M. Trop, Kenneth D. Ridgway
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Petrofacies and Provenance of a Late Cretaceous Suture Zone Thrust-Top Basin, Cantwell Basin, Central Alaska Range Jeffrey M. Trop, Kenneth D...
The Hypothesis of Continental Displacement
Charles Schuchert
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and is blind to every fact and argument that tells against it. Much of his evidence is superficial. Nevertheless, he is a skillful advocate and presents...
Transport and Deposition of Cassiterite by a Malaysian Stream
W. K. Fletcher , C. H. Loh
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... submitted for Sn determination as blind duplicates. Based on the duplicate analyses, analytical precision is ± 12% at the 95% confidence level. OBSERVATIONS...
Fluvial Systems of the Upper Cretaceous Mesaverde Group and Paleocene North Horn Formation, Central Utah: A Record of Transition from Thin-Skinned to Thick-Skinned Deformation in the Foreland Region: Part III. Middle Rocky Mountains
T. F. Lawton
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the San Rafael Swell. Age and Correlation The absolute ages of zone fossils that bracket the fluvial section are taken from the chronostratigraphic...
Sequence Sets, High-accommodation Events, and the Coal Window in the Carboniferous Sydney Coalfield, Atlantic Canada
J. C. Pashin and R. A. Gastaldo, Martin R. Gibling, K. I. Saunders, N. E. Tibert, J. A. White
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the Yorkshire Geological Society, v. 46, p. 111121.Wise, D. U., E. S. Belt, and P. C. Lyons, 1991, Clastic diversion by fold salients and blind thrust...
Integrated Quantitative Stratigraphy of the Cenomanian-Turonian Bridge Creek Limestone Member Using Evolutive Harmonic Analysis and Stratigraphic Modeling
Stephen R. Meyers , Bradley B. Sageman , Linda A. Hinnov
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... lenses and beds in the upper 4 meters of the study interval (Fig. 2). With the exception of a zone from about 3.5 to 5.5 m above the base of our...
Sandstone Petrography of Continental Depositional Sequences of an Intraplate Rift Basin: Western Cameros Basin (North Spain)
Jose Arribas, Angela Alonso, Ramon Mas, Amparo Tortosa, Magdalena Rodas, Jose F. Barrenechea, Jacinto Alonso-Azcarate, Rosana Artigas
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... from the erosion of low- to medium-grade metamorphic terranes of the West Asturian-Leonese Zone of the Hesperian Massif during deposition of DS-2...
Chapter 131: Stratigraphic Architecture, Seismic and Dynamic Signature of a Sand-rich Turbidite Ramp: Cime Dieu de Delfy, Grès d’Annot Formation, France
P. Joseph, F. Guillocheau, N. Babonneau, J. Seguin, A. Bourgeois
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the research meeting “Turbidite Sedimentation in Confined Systems:” Nice, France, 10–15, September 2001, p. G1–G8. Kerckhove, C., 1969, La “zone du Flysch...
Carbon Sequestration and Enhanced Recovery Potential of Mature Coalbed Methane Reservoirs in the Black Warrior Basin
Jack C. Pashin, Marcella R. McIntyre, Richard E. Carroll, Richard H. Groshong Jr., R. Marc Bustin
AAPG Special Volumes
... flooding surfaces, or parasequence boundaries, marking the top of each Pottsville coal zone (e.g., Pashin, 1998, 2004). Coalbeds thinner than 1 ft (0.3 m...
Heterogeneity in Fill and Properties of Karst-Modified Syndepositional Faults and Fractures: Upper Permian Capitan Platform, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Eduard Kosa, David W. Hunt
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the Southern Appenines, Italy: Journal of Petroleum Geology, v. 24, p. 147–169. Billi, A., Salvini, F., and Storti, F., 2003, The damage zone-fault core...
Stratigraphic Evolution of Fine-Grained Submarine Fan Systems, Tanqua Depocenter, Karoo Basin, South Africa
David M. Hodgson, Stephen S. Flint, David Hodgetts, Nicholas J. Drinkwater, Erik P. Johannessen, Stefan M. Luthi
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to basinward then landward migration of the channel-lobe transition zone (CLTZ) associated with increasing and decreasing flow efficiency (Gardner et al...
Application of LANDSAT Imagery to Petroleum and Mineral Exploration
Michel T. Halbouty
AAPG Bulletin
... stable landmass since at least the Permian. The northeastern boundary of this little "continent" is a fault zone, which has been traced between...
Geology and Hydrocarbon Discoveries of Canadian Arctic Islands
J. H. Stuart Smith , J. H. N. Wennekers
AAPG Bulletin
... of the Blind Fiord Formation represent the time-equivalent basinal facies. A zone of sandstone, siltstone, and shale is present between the two dominant...
Regional Fractures II: Fracturing of Mesaverde Reservoirs in the Piceance Basin, Colorado (1)
AAPG Bulletin
..., and L. Yan, 1987, Case history of hydraulic fracture performance in the naturally fractured paludal zone: the transitory effects of damage: Society...
Structure of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Implications for Trap Styles and Regional Tectonics
Carlos A. Dengo , Michael C. Covey
AAPG Bulletin
... basin and Central Cordillera and which roots in the Benioff zone beneath the Western Cordillera. The presence of a mid-crustal detachment...
Testing a Seismic Interpretation of Great Bahama Bank with a Computer Simulation
Gregor P. Eberli , Christopher G. St. C. Kendall , Phil Moore , Gregory L. Whittle , Robert Cannon
AAPG Bulletin
... and Waltham, 1990; Kendall et al., 1990; Lawrence et al., 1990; Bosscher and Southam, 1992) and not be blind creations of the users. These parameters...
Late Paleozoic Deformation of Interior North America: The Greater Ancestral Rocky Mountains
Hongzhuan Ye , Leigh Royden , Clark Burchfiel , Martin Schuepbach
AAPG Bulletin
... to as the late Paleozoic "foreland" deformation. In this paper, we refer to this either as the zone of late Paleozoic deformation of interior North...
Estimating Average Fracture Spacing in Subsurface Rock
Wayne Narr
AAPG Bulletin
... the scanline orientation and the fracture set decreases. Indeed, Lacazette (1991, p. 451) points out "the blind spot for fractures that are nearly...
Basin evolution in western Newfoundland: New insights from hydrocarbon exploration
Mark Cooper, John Weissenberger, Ian Knight, Doug Hostad, Derek Gillespie, Henry Williams, Elliott Burden, Janet Porter-Chaudhry, Don Rae, Elizabeth Clark
AAPG Bulletin
...-Ordovician passive margin clastic and carbonate rocks (Stockmal and Waldron, 1990). A later model suggested that the triangle zone was due to a blind...
Geomorphology and sequence stratigraphy due to slow and rapid base-level changes in an experimental subsiding basin (XES 96-1)
Paul L. Heller, Chris Paola, In-Gul Hwang, Barbara John, Ronald Steel
AAPG Bulletin
... the slow base-level fall, an incised valley developed once the shoreline prograded out of the zone of maximum subsidence, suggesting that incision...
Regional geologic and tectonic setting of the Maracaibo supergiant basin, western Venezuela
Paul Mann, Alejandro Escalona, Mara Vernica Castillo
AAPG Bulletin
... Memoir 62, p. 659665.De Toni, B., and J. Kellogg, 1993, Seismic evidence of blind thrusting of the northwestern flank of the Venezuelan Andes: Tectonics...
Early and middle Miocene depositional history of the Maracaibo Basin, western Venezuela
Jos I. Guzmn, William L. Fisher
AAPG Bulletin
..., Edo. Zulia: Proceedings VI Congreso Geolgico Venezolano, v. 5, p. 29302947.De Toni, B., and J. Kellogg, 1993, Seismic evidence for blind thrusting...
Quantitative analysis of slip-induced dilation with application to fault seal
Scott J. Wilkins, Stephen J. Naruk
AAPG Bulletin
... model for calculating the volumes and rates of fault-zone fluid migration during dynamic slip events is developed. This model is based on observations...
Middle Atokan sediment gravity flows in the Red Oak field, Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma: A sedimentary analysis using electrical borehole images and wireline logs
Chunming Xu, Thomas P. Cronin, Thalbert E. McGinness, Brad Steer
AAPG Bulletin
.... 163194.Valderrama, M. H., K. C. Neilsen, and G. A. McMechan, 1996, Three-dimensional seismic interpretation from the triangle zone of the frontal Ouachita Mountains...