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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 25,442 Results. Searched 197,265 documents.

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Abstract: Late Cretaceous Eugeosynclinal Sedimentation, Gravity Tectonics, and Ophiolite Emplacement in the Oman Mountains, Southeast Arabia

H. Hugh Wilson

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... this high is believed to have been by means of turbidity currents activated by repetitive block-fault movement over a rising mantle diapir. Hawasina...


A Success of the New Play Concept Offshore Northwestern Myanmar: Pliocene Deepmarine Turbidites of the Eastern Bengal Fan

Su-Yeong Yang, Michelle Kim

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... of the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Sedimentary Geology, v. 127, p. 221–236. Daewoo International Corporation acquired Block A-1 and Block A-3 in 2000 and 2004...


Wrench Fault Tectonics in Northern Irian Jaya

W. Waschsmuth, F. Kunst

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... shows a more complicated depositional history. Here sedimentation alternated with erosion. In addition, sediments over this block have been strongly...


Structure of the Frontal Belt of the Ouachita Mountains: Abstract

Thomas A. Hendricks

Tulsa Geological Society

... in an extreme frontal block, the block between the Ti Valley and Windingstair faults, and the block south of the Windingstair fault, with the deformation...



Richard A. Mills

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

..., Guatemala and Honduras. Honduras is the central part of the Chortis block that includes southern Guatemala. El Salvador and most of Nicaragua. The Chortis...


Abstract: Deep Crustal Structure and Plate Tectonic Development of the Canadian Appalachians: Insights From Marine Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling

Glen Stockmal, The Lithoprobe East Group

Atlantic Geology

.... The western block is the North American craton that formed the western margin of the Iapetus Ocean; it underlies the Anticosti basin, the Humber Zone...


Oil and Gas Opportunities in the Bodalla Block

I. R. Mortimore

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...Oil and Gas Opportunities in the Bodalla Block I. R. Mortimore - 37- OIL AND GAS OPPORTUNITIES IN THE BODALLA BLOCK by l.R. Mortimore, Regional...


Gas Reservoirs in the Lower Miocene Peutu Formation, Aceh Timur, Sumatra

Charles A. Caughey, Turcahyo Wahyudi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Associated platform facies are much thinner (50 m) and consist of tight limestone, sandstone, and shale. A deep drilling program in Block-A recently...


Economic Evaluation on Bidding Proposals in the Tender of Oil and Gas Blocks

Nuzulul Haq

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... IN THE TENDER OF OIL AND GAS BLOCKS Nuzulul Haq* ABSTRACT In the process of block tendering, each contractor should submit a competitive bidding...


Hydrogeological Closure of Structures of the Central Part of the Interior Zone of the Cis-Carpathian Downwarp in Connection with Oil Prospects

V. M. Shchepak

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... northwest dipping blocks: Severo-Strutyn, Yuzhno-Strutyn, Yasinovets, Ivanov, and Ol’khovka. Further, an independent tectonic block, the Obolon...


A Comparison of Experimentally Created and Naturally Formed Drape Folds

David W. Stearns, David M. Weinberg

Wyoming Geological Association

... block. These movements occur at high angles to the layering. Such folds are stable in contrast to the earlier unstable buckle folds and the final geometry...


Mensa Project: An Overview

Dennis C. McLaughlin

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... north of the Mensa exploration wells, and a four block unit was formed. SOI is the operator and has a 100% ownership of the unit. As interest...


Regional update … Horn of Africa

Ian Cross

GEO ExPro Magazine

... when Perenco drilled the Chita-1 well in the Defnin Block, situated in the Red Sea Basin. The Ministry of Energy and Mines continues to offer through...


Ghawar keeps on going

Geo ExPro Staff

GEO ExPro Magazine

... be absent in places across the crest of the horst block. It is therefore likely that this reservoir is mainly found along the flanks of the horst block...


Large licence turnover, but whats the value added?

Ian Cross

GEO ExPro Magazine

... committed in both tranches, by Shell and partner NEO Energy in Block 22/30d on the Eastern Central Graben. Total relinquished this block in 2020...


Abstract: On the nature, timing and relationships of Late Precambrian tectonic events on the southeastern (Gondwanan) margin of the Newfoundland Appalachians

S. J. O’Brien, G. R. Dunning, R. D. Tucker, C. F. O’Driscoll, B. H. O’Brien

Atlantic Geology

... Zone, in southwestern Newfoundland, where the composite Avalonian block, with a Silurian cover, overthrusts mid-Ordovician Dunnage Zone. The observed...


Unconventional Gas Sources and Carbon Sequestration Interplay in Mui Basin, Kitui County, Kenya

Achoki Obwocha Dennis

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Electric resistivity data was used to delineate the sediment thickness in block A of Mui basin. The sedimentary sequence was found to be thin...


Experimental Study of Hydraulic Fracture/Natural Fracture Interaction on a Tight Sandstone Formation

Xiangtong Yang, Jeffrey Burghardt, Hui Zhang, Yang Zhang, Fuxiang Zhang, Jianyong Pei, Chunyan Qi, Kaibin Qiu, Nick Whitney

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... from the Keshen sandstone formation, Tarim Oil Field. Simulated natural fractures were created in each block with strike and dip directions similar...


Late Cretaceous and Paleogene Molluscan Fossils of the Gualala Block and Their Paleogeographic Implications

William P. Elder, LouElla R. Saul, Charles L. Powell II

Pacific Section SEPM

...Late Cretaceous and Paleogene Molluscan Fossils of the Gualala Block and Their Paleogeographic Implications William P. Elder, LouElla R. Saul...


Abstract: Basement Tectonics and the Origin of the Sabine Uplift

Richard L. Adams

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... in the same processes that formed the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Basin. The Sabine Uplift is supported by a large rhombic basement block that originated as a mid...


The Abadi Gas Field

H. Nagura, H. MP Bandjarnahor, I. Suzuki, K. Kihara, T. Teramoto, T. Swiecicki, Y. Hayashi, R. Bird, T. Yoshida

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... extremity of the Sahul Platform and occupies a large tilted fault block bounded to the east and south by the Calder-Malita Grabens. The accumulation...


Reinterpretations of the Relations Between The Keystone, Red Spring, Contact, and Cottonwood Faults; Eastern Spring Mountains, Clark County, Nevada

Vincent Matthews III

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... to the early thrust faulting the area underwent a high-angle faulting event that created a horst block in the area of Wilson Cliffs; (C) this highangle...


Abstract: Going Deep: McMoRan’s High Impact Deep Exploration Play

James R. Moffett

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... structures below the listric detachments of the Miocene shelf. The unprecedented deepening of the South Timbalier Block 168 “Blackbeard” prospect...


Poison Spider West

Barry L. Gouger

Wyoming Geological Association

... Practice Past (1948-78): ES, ML, GRN, IES, FDC, BHC/GR, SNP, CNL; Present (1979- present): DIL/SFL, DLL, FDC/CNL, BHCS, LDT Completion Practice Set...


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