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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,842 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Evaporites: Relative Humidity Control of Primary Mineral Facies: DISCUSSION

Anthony W. Walton

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., the breeze must blow across a length of 186 m for each meter of height to be able to attain equilibrium with End_Page 1358...


Increasing Occurrence of Abnormally High Reservoir Pressures in Boreholes, and Drilling Problems Resulting Therefrom

J. H. M. A. Thomeer , J. A. Bottema

AAPG Bulletin

... such abnormally pressured fluids from untimely invading the borehole and causing blow-outs and other complications, mud weights greatly in excess...


Confusion Flats--an Exploration Game: GEOLOGIC NOTES

James H. Fisher

AAPG Bulletin

... on the activities of companies and individuals. 5. When a discovery is made the drilling superintendent immediately makes a blow-up of the field on cross...


Abstract: Three Segments of the Arctic Continental Margin, Beaufort Sea, Canada: Deep Seismic Profiles of Crustal Architecture; #90172 (2014)

James Helwig, Naresh Kumar, Pete Emmet, Menno G. Dinkelman

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... of rotation located in the Blow River Trough, just west and south of the Mackenzie Delta (Dixon, 1996). In this setting, the structure and stratigraphy...


Reconstruction of Paleoenvironments through Integrative Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Pennsylvanian Strawn Formation, #20259 (2014).

Jesse G. White, Peter P. Flaig, Stephen T. Hasiotis, Jeffrey Over

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... shown in blow-ups include Paleophycus, Planolites, Thalassinoides and Teichichnus. Sedimentology infers brackish water deposits (Brackish water...


Correlation across the South China Sea Using VIM Transgressive-Regressive Cycles, #51109 (2015).

Robert J Morley, Tony Swiecicki, Pedro Restrepo Pace

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... poorly calibrated frontier basins. References Cited Blow, W.H., 1979, Cainozoic Globigerinida: A Study of the Morphology, Taxonomy, Evolutionary...


Micropalaeontological Reconnaissance of the Rockly Bay Formation, Tobago, #51175 (2015).

Lai Shan Sum, Brent Wilson, Xavier Moonan

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... Kennett and Srinivasan (1983) and Bolli et al. (1984). Ages are expressed using the N Zones of Blow (1969). Palaeodepths were determined using Depth...


The (Forgotten?) Art of Geological Field Sketches; #41853 (2016)

Jon Noad

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.... However in recent times the advent of the digital camera seems to have dealt a blow to the art, despite the many advantages that properly executed...


Late Neogene and Quaternary Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Paleobathymetry of Dredge Samples from the Southern Tonga Platform (Cruise L5-82-SP)

George C. H. Chaproniere

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... s i t e s is shown on F i g u r e 1. BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ZONATION T h e p l a n k t o n i c z o n a t i o n used for t h i s s t u d y is t h a t of Blow...


Environmental Relationships of Grain Size and Constituent Particles in Some South Florida Carbonate Sediments

Robert N. Ginsburg

AAPG Bulletin

... in gross grain size. Because the estimates of constituent particle composition of the reef-tract sediments were made by point counts on standard...


Cenozoic micropaleontological biostratigraphy of the LASMO/NSR(V)L Cohasset Producer CP1 P-51 well, Scotian Shelf

F. C. Thomas

Atlantic Geology

... in the scheme devised by Blow [1969]). The benthic suite is composed partly of taxa still extant and found in middle to deep neritic environments, and partly...


Geometry and Tectonics of Early Tertiary Triangle Zones, Northeastern Eagle Plain, Yukon Territory

Larry S. Lane

CSPG Bulletin

.... Its trend crosses the northern margin of Porcupine Platform but follows a proposed structural link between the Kandik Basin and the Blow Trough, two...


Flysch and Associated Beds of the Martinsburg Formation (Ordovician), Central Appalachians

Earle F. Mcbride

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... specimens), and sole marks were described. The texture and composition of characteristic rock types were studied in thin sections. Point counts were...


Paleophytogeography of the Diatom Annellus californicus and Its Significance in Terms of the California Tertiary

Walter Wm. Wornardt Jr.

Pacific Section SEPM

... Noto Area. They also correlated these members with the lower part of the middle Miocene and in turn with the N.8 and N.9 Zones of Blow (1969...


Depositional Environments of the Nugget Sandstone, Red Canyon Rim, Fremont County, Wyoming

Nancy M. Doelger, James R. Steidtmann

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... style. The data in the two tables were derived from point counts (200+ grains per slide) of 52 thin sections. Table I. Petrographic Analysis...


Evaluation of oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca ratios from a Maldivian scleractinian coral for reconstruction of climate variability in the northwestern Indian Ocean

David Storz, Eberhard Gischler, Jens Fiebig, Anton Eisenhauer, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg


... by the seasonal reversal of the monsoon winds. Over the Indian Ocean north of 10uS, they generally blow from the southwest during May–September (summer...


Petrography and Environmental Interpretation of Tufa Mounds and Carbonate Beds In the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone of Southeastern Utah, U.S.A.

Liam J. Dorney,, Judith Totman Parrish, Marjorie A. Chan, Stephen T. Hasiotis

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-Shcolle 2003; Flügel 2004; Johnson et al. 2009; Gierlowski-Kordesch 2010; Benavente et al. 2015; Chidsey et al. 2015). We did not perform point counts...


Comparative Evaluation of Earthquake Sources Associated with the Liquefaction-Induced Farmington Siding Landslide Complex, Northern Utah

Michael D. Hylland

Utah Geological Association

... and Associates, 1988). Also, the upper deposits have relative densities (based on SPT blow counts) ranging from very loose to medium dense, whereas the lower...


Sediments of Laguna Madre, Texas

Gene A. Rusnak

AAPG Special Volumes

...). The currents follow the winds and are related to the wind controlled tides. That is, when north winds blow, currents flow southward and conversely with southerly...


Holocene Carbonate Sedimentation on Northern Belize Shelf: PART 1

Walter C. Pusey III

AAPG Special Volumes

... is strongly influenced by easterly trade winds, which blow most consistently and strongest from the northeast and east octants at velocities of 12-15...


History of Dallas Geological Society: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Joseph M. Wilson

AAPG Bulletin

... not received the attention that it should have. How right they were on all counts! The next year, 1920, the annual meeting of AAPG also was held...


The Spindletop Salt Dome and Oil Field Jefferson County, Texas

Donald C. Barton , Roland B. Paxson

AAPG Bulletin

.... Derricks were so closely spaced that derrickmen, fearing a blow-out, are said to have put out planks to neighboring derricks, in order to permit...


Tertiary Structural Features Related to Extensional and Compressive Tectonics in the Palembang Basin, South Sumatra

A. Pulunggono

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by Harold G. Billman : Oil Company internal report (unpublished). Blow, W.H., 1969, "Late Middle Eocene to Recent Planktonic Foraminiferal...


Shale-Gas Industry of Eastern Kansas

Homer H. Charles , James H. Page

AAPG Bulletin

... as much as 900,000 cubic feet. Such large wells blow down rapidly to average volume and may cease producing after a few days, a situation which...


The Spindletop Salt Dome and Oil Field Jefferson County, Texas

Donald C. Barton , Roland B. Paxson

AAPG Special Volumes

... swing. Derricks were so closely spaced that derrickmen, fearing a blow-out, are said to have put out planks to neighboring derricks, in order to permit...


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