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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,842 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Sedimentary and Structural Features of the Plio-Pleistocene Timor Accretionary Wedge, Timor-Leste

S. Poynter, A. Goldberg, D. Hearty

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Baucau N22 N21 Zanclean Messinian ONSHORE Ainaro Near Base Pleistocene (N22) M. lipsis Piacenzian (Blow 1969) EAST TIMOR N N23...


The Sloan 1 and 2 Kimberlite Complex Near the Southern Boundary of the State Line District of the Colorado-Wyoming Kimberlite Province

M. E. McCallum

Wyoming Geological Association

... and others, 1975; Smith, 1977). A single small kimberlite plug or blow (the Radichal or Sheep Rock kimberlite) occurs about 13 km (8 mi) northwest...


Introduction, Exploration and Production History, and Bibliography

S. Courteney, P. Cockcroft, R. Lorentz, R. Miller, H. L. Ott, P. Prijosoesilo, A. R. Suhendan, A. W. R. Wight, S. K. Wiman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... rig but that shortly afterwards the rig burnt down due to a gas blow-out. The following year Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Explortatie van...


Selected References

C. R. Haller

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 2, v. 35, pt. 2, p. 23-30, 1 fig. Blow, W. H., 1969, Late middle Eocene to recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy: 1st Internat. Conf...


Geology and Geochemistry of Reefs, Carbonate Sediments, and Waters, Gulf of Aqaba (Elat), Red Sea

Gerald M. Friedman

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...). North and northeast winds blow steadily along the Gulf ("chimney effect"), and waves and cu rents on the northwestern coast studied...


Recent Marine Sediments from Alaskan and Northwest Canadian Arctic

Alfred J. Carsola

AAPG Bulletin

... other time of the year. However, strong winds are not common during the summer, and when they do blow, they rarely last longer than 18 hours...


Primary Structures in Some Recent Sediments

Edwin D. McKee

AAPG Bulletin

..., and the particular type that develops in an area depends on the vegetation and available blow sand at any time (Hack, 1941, Fig. 19). The two fundamental types...


Depositional Sequences and Stratigraphic Gaps on Submerged United States Atlantic Margin

C. Wylie Poag, John S. Schlee

AAPG Special Volumes

... Atlantic Coastal Plain related to tectonism and global climate: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 34, p. 87-114. Blow, W.H., 1969, Late...


Permian Rotliegendes of Northwest Europe Interpreted in Light of Modern Desert Sedimentation Studies

K. W. Glennie

AAPG Bulletin

... surface and tend to be concentrated into the regions of prevailing trade winds that blow roughly between the latitudes of 10 and 30° north and south...


The Peel Plateau

H. Kunst

CSPG Special Publications

... tested, yielded mud or some salt water and in one instance, a minor gas blow. Generally porosity is poor or absent. On the east flank of the Richardson...


Sedimentology of Quarternary Sediment Cores from the Solomon Islands Offshore Region

N. F. Exon, J. B. Colwell, B. R. Bolton

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...) results Age (thouAccum. rate Zone sand yr) (cm/thousand (Blow, yrs) 1969) C. cristatus C. cristatus - E. huxleyi E. huxleyi E. huxleyi E. huxleyi C...


Jurassic Paleogeography and Paleoclimate of the Central and Southern Rocky Mountains Region

Gary Kocurek, Robert H. Dott Jr.

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... sand transport by modified trade winds. The primary modification appears to have been deflection of winds along the western magmatic arc to blow...


Exploration in Papua New Guinea: Some Aspects of the Human Impact

James Sinclair

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... received a blow from a stone club which left him half-deaf for the remainder of his life and Paddy, too, was wounded, together with most of their carriers...


Dynamic Environments: Reconnaissance Mapping, Geologic and Geomorphic, of Continental Shelf of Gulf of Mexico

W. Armstrong Price

GCAGS Transactions

... of the stronger currents comes from the wind. Winds blow in definite regional systems that have been charted. The energy directed against different parts...


Paleogene Correlations, Santa Barbara Area, California: An Alternative View

Gordon R. Hornaday, F. Jay Phillips

Pacific Section SEPM

... jenkinsi Zone age (upper Narizian) by Hornaday (1965) in a nearby area of the western Santa Ynez. According to Blow (1969), ( . semiinvoluta (= G...



Jeff A. Spencer

Petroleum History Institute

... subsided, the tossing of cement bags resumed. We watched this activity for over an hour and returned home. I believe the ‘blow out’ was controlled...


Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Early Miocene Through Early Pleistocene Benthonic and Planktonic Foraminifera, San Joaquin Hills-Newport Bay-Dana Point Area, Orange County, California

James C. Ingle Jr.

Pacific Section of AAPG

... channel in upper Miocene, Orange County, California: Jour. Sed. Petrology, vol. 36, p. 700-705. Blow, W.H., 1969, Late middle Eocene to Recent...


Distribution of Dissolved Hydrocarbons in Subsurface Waters: Topical Papers

Stuart E. Buckley , C. R. Hocott , M. S. Taggart Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... to determine when the pressure had equalized, but usually the cessation of a blow at the surface was taken as FOOTNOTE 3. R. J. Schilthuis, private...


An Early Paleogene Submarine Canyon and Fan System: The Mecanos Formation, Southern Sacramento Basin California

Peter J. Fischer

Special Publications of SEPM

...) of Mallory (1956) or planktic zone P-4 of Blow and Berggren (1972) (Fig. The upper 4). built upon a fan on the ocean floor to the west. If Cherven...


Biostratigraphic Zones in the Illinois Basin: Chapter 13: Part I. Illinois Basin: Stratigraphy

R. D. Norby

AAPG Special Volumes

... Missouri: Journal of Paleontology, v. 46, p. 492-498. Blow, W. H., 1969, Late middle Eocene to recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, in P...


The Stratton Ridge Salt Dome, Brazoria County, Texas

Paul L. Applin

AAPG Bulletin

... leases. About this time, also, the Castell Oil Company, drilling on the Storrie farm on top of the ridge, reported a strong gas blow-out at 750 feet...


Big Hill Salt Dome, Matagorda County, Texas

Albert G. Wolf

AAPG Bulletin

... into steam. The well is then said to "blow." Air is cut off, and water alone must End_Page 733------------------------------ be pumped into the well...


CBM Operational Lessons Learned … Barito Basin, Indonesia

Ellen De Man, Alan Gantyno, Suriamin Huang, Kenneth Petersen, Eri Saferi, Ratna Widiarti, Scott Wertanen, Setya Rahardjanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the basin is hydrostatic, there is one example of a shallow gas blow-out of a water well near the village of Barambai (northern part of Banjar 1), which...


The origin of floral Lagerstätten in coals

Vera A. Korasidis, Malcolm W. Wallace, Anne-Marie P. Tosolini, Robert S. Hill


... the displacement of roots as trees fall, either as the result of death or blow-down, as previously suggested for other deposits (Gastaldo 1990...


Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Eocene and Oligocene Limestones, Teweh Area, Central Kalimantan

Arthur Saller, Richard Armin, La Ode Ichram, Charlotte Glenn-Sullivan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., 362-380. Blow, W.H., 1979. The Cainozoic Globigerinida, 3 vols.: E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1413pp. Bolli, H.M. & Saunders, J.B., 1985. Oligocene to Holocene low...


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