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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,842 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Geology and Offshore Resource Potential of the New Ireland - Manus Region--A Synthesis

N. F. Exon, M. S. Marlow

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...; the zonation used is from Blow (1969). However, age-diagnostic planktonic foraminifers do not occur in inner-neritic samples, which must be dated...


Triassic-Jurassic Fluvial Systems, Northeastern Arizona

Larry T. Middleton, Ronald C. Blakey, Mary J. Kraus, Thomas M. Brown

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... in cross stratification due to different dune types. E) Trough cross stratified sets filled by inversely graded laminae. These were depo-in blow outs...


George Bernard Reynolds: A Forgotten Pioneer of Oil Discoveries in Persia and Venezuela

Rasoul Sorkhabi

Petroleum History Institute

... Coastal field). December 23 [1922]: Los Barrosos-2 sands up and stops flowing. Total production during the nine-day blow out is estimated at nearly one...


Holocene Oolitic Marine Sand Complexes of the Bahamas

Eugene C. Rankey, Stacy Lynn Reeder

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.../s during the peak windy season of the winter months, but blow strong (> 5 m/s) throughout the year. Besides these quotidian winds from the east, fierce...


Controls on Links Between Geomorphical and Surface Sedimentological Variability: Aitutaki and Maupiti Atolls, South Pacific Ocean

Eugene C. Rankey, Stacy Lynn Reeder, Joaquin Rodrigo Garza-Perez

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in the winter (May–October) (Johnston 1967). Aitutaki lies in the trade-wind belt, where winds dominantly blow with a mean velocity of 13 km/h from...


Untapped Black Gold: Lamar Universitys Special Collections Oil-Related Holdings

Penny L. Clark

Petroleum History Institute

... preventing that they could do so they just let the well come on in and blow itself out. Try to salvage what was left and that seemed to be the order...


Upper Cretaceous Through Eocene Subsurface Stratigraphy, Simi Valley and Adjacent Regions, California

Douglas C. Seedorf

Pacific Section SEPM

... and P5 Zones of Blow (1969) based upon planktic f o r a m i n i f e r s . Nannofossil assemblages, considered together w i t h foraminifer assemblages...


An Efficient Optimization Workflow for Field-Scale In-Situ Upgrading Developments

Guohua Gao, Jeroen C. Vink, Faruk O. Alpak, Weijian Mo

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... (for example, the time to turn-on a row of heaters, the time to blow-down a producer, and the delay time to develop one pattern after another). Therefore...


Sedimentology of the Temblor Formation in the Northern Temblor Range, California

Jennifer J. Pence

Pacific Section SEPM

... and Bukry, 19S0; Blow, 1969; Poore et al., 19S1a; Addicott, 1973; Figure courtesy of J,B. Carter. E 21 N pp KC os MONTEREY CC BUTTON BED F M...


Geology of the Lau Ridge

Derek Woodhall

Circum Pacific Council Publications

.... Except on Nayau and Yacata, late Miocene radiometric dates approximate the planktonic foraminifer zones N16 and N17 (Blow, 1969). The middle Miocene...


Oligocene Calcareous Nannofossil Provinces

Thomas R. Worsley, Maurice L. Jorgens

Special Publications of SEPM

... one and one half 1969 Martini and Martini 1970 1971 This in to Gartner refinement has aminifera Radiolaria Blow been matched 1969 Riedel...


Weather Patterns and Coastal Processes

William T. Fox, Richard A. Davis Jr.

Special Publications of SEPM

... winds blow along shore or offshore the the fetch winter to the east 21 increase a is short and breaker height does not very much Maximum...


Multi-Phase Subsidence History of the Sarawak Continental Margin and its Regional Significance

Mazlan Madon, John Jong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... NN4 to NN8, or around 6.5 Myr. (C) Planktonic foraminifera biozones (Blow, 1969) identified in selected wells, showing missing N zones (N10-N13...


Underground Gas Storage in Oil and Gas Reservoirs

J. V. Goodman

AAPG Special Volumes

... or blow a large percentage of the residue gas from "stripper" oil production into the air. Underground gas storage has materially aided the oil operator...


Holocene Coastal Development on the Florida Peninsula

Richard A. Davis Jr., Albert C. Hine, Eugene A. Shinn

Special Publications of SEPM

... form blow many areas where fan like Coastal Processes Wind and waves have velopment a dominating influence and carbonate sand distribution...


Graphic Correlation of Plio-Pleistocene Sequence Boundaries, Gulf of Mexico: Oxygen Isotopes, Ice Volume, and Sea Level

Ronald E. Martin, Ruth R. Fletcher

Special Publications of SEPM



Glacioeustatic Fluctuations: The Mechanism Linking Stable Isotope Events and Sequence Stratigraphy from the Early Oligocene to Middle Miocene

Vitor S. Abreu, Geoffrey A. Haddad

Special Publications of SEPM

... framework (Blow, 1969; Martini, 1971). Paleowater depth estimates suggest upper bathyal depths during the Oligocene and Miocene times. We suggest...


Arun Field--Indonesia North Sumatra Basin, Sumatra

Clifton F. Jordan Jr., Mardhan Abdullah

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 199-210. Blow, W. H., 1969, Late Middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, in R. Bronnimann and H. Renz, eds., Proceedings...


Chronostratigraphy and Microfossil-Derived Sea-Level History of the Qiong Dong Nan and Ying Ge Hai Basins, South China Sea

Peter R. Thompson, William H. Abbott

Special Publications of SEPM

... in openocean sediments (Blow, 1979; Berggren et al., 1995), we find the first downhole occurrence of this species well into the Late Miocene. The absence...


An Integrated Lithostratigraphic, Biostratigraphic, and Sequence Stratigraphic Approach to Paleogeographic Reconstruction: Examples from the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene of Alabama and Mississippi

Berry H. Tew, Ernest A. Mancini

GCAGS Transactions

...: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication 42, p. 309-327. Blow, W. H., 1979, The Cainozoic Globigerinida: Leiden, E...


Amelia Oil Field, Jefferson County, Texas

Ed J. Hamner

AAPG Bulletin

... to reduce the viscosity sufficiently to allow the mud to permeate the gas sand. All rigs were equipped with two blow-out preventers of the latest types...


Cenozoic Marine Mollusks and Paleogeography of the Gulf of California: Chapter 31: Part V. Physical Oceanography, Primary Productivity, Sedimentology

Judith Terry Smith

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Blow, W. H., 1969, Late middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, in First International Conference on Planktonic Microfossils...


Oligocene Stratigraphy of East White Point Field, San Patricio and Nueces Counties, Texas

Phil F. Martyn , Charles H. Sample

AAPG Bulletin

..., respectively, although both wells were lost as blow-outs and craters due to mechanical difficulties. In the interim, subsequent to discovery in 1911...


Chapter 15: Petroleum Systems of the Guajira Basin, Northern Colombia

Victor Ramirez, Luz Stella Vargas, Claudia Rubio, Helga Nino, Oswaldo Mantilla

AAPG Special Volumes

... stratigraphic correlation: SEPM Special Publication 54, p. 129–212. Blow, W., 1969, Late middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal...


Paleogeography and Paleo-Earth Systems in the Modeling of Marine Paleoproductivity: A Prerequisite for the Prediction of Petroleum Source Rocks

Jim Harris, Alexandra Ashley, Simon Otto, Rob Crossley, Ros Preston, John Watson, Mike Goodrich, Merlin Project Team, Paul Valdes

AAPG Special Volumes

... hemispheres by storm-induced ocean mixing at mid to high latitudes (Holligan, 1989). Strong westerlies (winds that blow between 35° and 65° latitude from...


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