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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 250 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.
New Rapid Solutions for Production Analysis From Multi Transverse Fracture Wells
Ismail S. Mohamed, Venkata Bala Krishnateja Chavali, Michael J. King
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., t ) is approximately a self-similar solution of the dimensionless Boltzmann variable, = r 2 4 t , from which is obtained qD r qD . This leads...
Comparison of gas, Klinkenberg, and liquid permeability of sandstone: Flow regime and pore size
Tobias Orlander, Harald Milsch, and Ida Lykke Fabricius
AAPG Bulletin
... is the diameter of the flowing molecule, k b is the Boltzmann constant. In terms of the Knudsen number, the limits noted by Karniadakis et al. (2005...
Mantle Creep: Elasticoviscous Versus Modified Lomnitz Law, and Problems of "The New Global Tectonics"
Paul S. Wesson
AAPG Bulletin
... of equiaxed grains sliding over one another, and k is Boltzmann's constant), the creep law may be expressed in terms of an effective viscosity ^eegr...
Resurrection of a reservoir sandstone from tomographic data using three-dimensional printing
Sergey Ishutov, Franciszek J. Hasiuk, Shawn M. Fullmer, Antonio S. Buono, Joseph N. Gray, and Chris Harding
AAPG Bulletin
...., and D. H. Rothman, 1995, Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of flow through Fontainebleau sandstone: Transport in Porous Media, v. 20, no. 1–2, p. 3–20, doi...
A New Permeability Prediction Workflow Using 3D Porous Media Reconstruction Method, Case Studies: Malay Basin Thin Sections
Luluan A. Lubis, Zuhar Zahir T. Harith, Khairul Arifin M. Noh, Hilfan Khairy
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... at laboratory scale. The workflow is using 3D porous media reconstruction method from 2D image and 3D fluid flow simulation using Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM...
Quantitative Investigation of the Water-Sensitivity Damage on Ultra-Low Permeability Reservoir
Jie Li, Bin Tu, Wei Li, Yunan Li
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... The relative permeability curve of deionized water flooding is used to calculate. Both models are produced with constant pressure, with bottom hole pressure...
Characterisation of Reservoir Pressure and Temperature Impact on Diffusion Behaviour of Beetaloo Basin Shales
Nicholas Lupton, Regina Sander, Michael Camilleri, Zhejun Pan, Luke Connell
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... K is the Boltzmann constant, d is the collision diameter of the CH4 molecule, and P and T are pressure and temperature respectively. For the range...
Multiscale Pore Systems in Shales and Their Effect on Laboratory Measurements and Transport Properties
Hugh Daigle, Chunbi Jiang, Xiao Tian, Han Jiang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol/K), T is absolute temperature (77 K), and t is the thickness of the adsorbed nitrogen layer prior to condensation...
Successful Implementation of Two Decades of Australian Coal Seam Gas Research Can Improve Low-Permeability Coal Productivity and Recovery
Raymond Johnson Jr
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... stress conditions) and derive a PDL constant (b) that is based on exponential leak off to natural fractures (Barree and Mukherjee 1996) [see Part...
Shale Shrinkage Transition Induced by the Matrix-Fracture Equilibrium Time Lag: A Neglected Phenomenon in Shale Gas Production
Jie Zeng, Jishan Liu, Wai Li, Yee-Kwong Leong, Derek Elsworth, Jianchun Guo
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... aperture evolution during gas depletion under constant confining pressure: (a) initial state, (b) fracture aperture reduction induced by the fracture...
Breakthrough pressure and permeability in partially water-saturated shales using methane–carbon dioxide gas mixtures: An experimental study of Carboniferous shales from the eastern Qaidam Basin, China
Cheng Zhang, and Qingchun Yu
AAPG Bulletin
...:10.1016/j.fuel.2016.10.120. Zhang, X. L., L. Z. Xiao, L. Guo, and Q. M. Xie, 2015, Investigation of shale gas microflow with the Lattice Boltzmann...
Micro-scale characterization of the Eagle Ford Formation using SEM methods and digital rock modeling
Brian Driskill, Joel Walls, Steven W. Sinclair, Juliana DeVito
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...) models that link porosity to permeability through a lattice Boltzmann computational algorithm (Figure 5). URTeC Control ID # Page Number Figure 1...
Introduction to Special Issue: Geoscience Data Analytics and Machine Learning
Michael J. Pyrcz
AAPG Bulletin
... Boltzmann machine for petrophysical seismic inversion with limited data that generalizes well, and predicts outside the training data set. Hoang Tien Nguyen...
Abstract: Towards Multiscale Multiphysical Modelling of Unconventional Gas Reservoirs; #90234 (2015)
Huilin Xing, Jinfang Gao, Yan Liu, Quanshu Li, Zhiting Han, Qin Li, Fei Ren, Jie Yi, Steve Tyson, and Hans Muhlhaus
Search and Discovery.com
... of relative apparent permeability K/K0 variation with pore radius r for both the ideal and real gas; (2) extended Lattice Boltzmann method...
Abstract: Multiscale Characteristics of Anisotropic, Heterogeneous Pore Structures and Compositions and Its Impact on Mechanical Properties of Shale; #90283 (2016)
Hongkyu Yoon, Joseph Grigg, Jason Heath, Alex Reinhart, Mathew Ingraham, Peter Mozley, Thomas Dewers
Search and Discovery.com
... lattice Boltzmann simulations and computational fluid dynamics. A micro-mechanical testing will be also performed to match mechanical testing results...
Yinggehai (Red River) Strike-Slip Fault Zone Displacements and the Tectonic Evolution of the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea - Insights from Numerical Simulations, #40758 (2011)
Huyen Bui, Yasuhiro Yamada, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Amos Nur
Search and Discovery.com
..., 2004, Parallel computing of fluid flow in porous rock by 3D lattice Boltzmann method: Butsuri-Tansa, v. 57/6, p. 697-708. Métivier, F., 1996...
A model for fibrous illite nucleation and growth in sandstones
Robert H. Lander, Linda M. Bonnell
AAPG Bulletin
... is the Boltzmann constant, a is the size of particles in solution, and is the viscosity of the aqueous solution. In relatively dilute solutions...
Fractal analysis of tight shaly sandstones using nuclear magnetic resonance measurements
Jin Lai, Guiwen Wang, Zhuoying Fan, Zhenglong Zhou, Jing Chen, and Shuchen Wang
AAPG Bulletin
.... Hu, Y. Zhu, and J. Zheng, 2013, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of fluid flow through coal reservoir’s fractal pore structure: Science China. Earth...
A Physics Based Model of Enhanced Gas Production in Mudrocks
Syed Haider, Tadeusz W. Patzek
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is the Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute temperature. Chen et al. (1997) gave the following equation for the interaction potential between a solid...
Petrophysical Properties of Shale From Different Source Rocks in the Middle East
Moustafa Dernaika, Joel Walls, Safouh Koronfol, Osama Al Jallad, Gary Sinclair
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Matrix permeability was directly computed in the 3D FIB-SEM images using the Lattice Boltzmann method. Brittleness Index (BI) was calculated from...
Dont forget your keys when trying to unlock the productivity of low-permeability coals
Raymond L. Johnson Jr
Australian Energy Producers Journal
... pressure (i.e. low net effective stress conditions) and derive a constant of PDL; (2) exponential pressure increases and declines can be contributed...
Triassic Remagnetization of Lower Paleozoic Rocks, Bear River Range, Utah-Idaho: A Possible Constraint on Thermal History
Stephen L. Gillett, Michael E. Taylor
Utah Geological Association
... is an energy term, k is Boltzmann’s constant and T is absolute temperature. The energy term is a function of many variables, including the magnetic...
The Impact of Pore Size and Kerogen Maturity on the Behavior of Water in Organic Kerogen Nanopores in Shales
Yinan Hu, Deepak Devegowda, Richard F. Sigal
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...e) (* kB is the Boltzmann constant) Three slit pore sizes of 1.6, 1.2 and 0.9 nm are considered in this study with the pore located in the cente...
Gas Relative Permeability and Evolution During Water Imbibition in Unconventional Reservoir Rocks: Direct Laboratory Measurement and a Conceptual Model
Sheng Peng
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... procedures limit the application of these methods. Lattice Boltzmann modeling based on 3D pore structure has also been used to determine the relative...
Diffusive Leakage of scCO2 in Shaly Caprocks: Effect of Geochemical Reactivity and Anisotropy
Felipe Cruz, Son Dang, Mark Curtis, Chandra Rai
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... brine salinity have been reported (Perera et al. 2018): . 0 ( D!"#$! :&! $,+,-. = 1234 (2) where 𝑘5 is the Boltzmann constant, 𝑇 is the absolute...