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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 9,546 Results. Searched 196,167 documents.

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Analysis of Borehole Temperature Data from the Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Area, Chaffee County, Colorado; #80327 (2013)

Paul Morgan

Search and

...Analysis of Borehole Temperature Data from the Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Area, Chaffee County, Colorado; #80327 (2013) Paul Morgan Analysis...


Borehole Image Textural Analysis and Integrated Petrophysics - Applications in Delaware and Midland Basins; #41465 (2014)

Nicholas Harvey

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...Borehole Image Textural Analysis and Integrated Petrophysics - Applications in Delaware and Midland Basins; #41465 (2014) Nicholas Harvey Borehole...


Multidisciplinary Integration and Tools to Better Address the Utica Shale Stratigraphy, Rock Properties and Fraccability; #41514 (2015)

Jean-Yves Chatellier, Ken Simpson, Marianne Molgat, Craig Goodall

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... of limited height “pancake fractures” (Figure 2 from Brodylo et al. 2011). In one horizontal well, the close proximity of the borehole to a boundary between...


Old Electrical Log Interpretation [Pre-1958], Chapter 6: The Microlog

Hilchie, D.W.

AAPG Special Volumes

... were held against the side of the borehole by a bow spring. The older models, which were used until the mid 1950's, were run in the hole closed...


Abstract: Practical 3D VSP

Fran Doherty

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... in the borehole seismic sector has been the development of the multi-level downhole array tool. Before th is development, each desired VSP receiver...


Application of Borehole Images to Three-Dimensional Geometric Modeling of Eolian Sandstone Reservoirs, Permian Rotliegende, North Sea

Stefan M. Luthi, Jayanth R. Banavar

AAPG Bulletin

...Application of Borehole Images to Three-Dimensional Geometric Modeling of Eolian Sandstone Reservoirs, Permian Rotliegende, North Sea Stefan M. Luthi...


ABSTRACT: Formation Damage Caused by Excessive Borehole Fluid Pressures During Environmental Drilling in Unconsolidated Coastal Plain Sediments: A Petroleum Engineering Analog; #90013 (2003)


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...ABSTRACT: Formation Damage Caused by Excessive Borehole Fluid Pressures During Environmental Drilling in Unconsolidated Coastal Plain Sediments...


Medium-Scale Tidally Influenced Meandering Fluvial Deposits of the Middle McMurray Formation, Hangingstone SAGD Project,Alberta, Canada, #10906 (2017).

Satoko Watanabe, Takashi Tsuji

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... deposits using lithological data, gamma ray log, dip log, and borehole image logs of each well and 3D seismic volume. The McMurray Formation...


Comparing and Contrasting the Onshore and Offshore Components of the Gamtoos Basin from Petrography, Lithostratigraphy and Facies Analysis, South Coast of South Africa, #11165 (2018).

Salmina Phuti Mokoele, Kiuwu Liu, Oswald Gwavava,

Search and

... borehole core logging offshore, macroscopic analysis of outcrops onshore and analysis of thin sections for mineral compositions, rock types and type...


Lisburne Formation Fracture Characterization and Flow Modeling - Abstract

Alexandre Karpov, Jerry L. Jensen, Catherine L. Hanks

Alaska Geological Society

... generation using the FracMan program. Modeling different borehole orientations and locations in the fractured domain revealed an optimal wellbore...


Improving Structural and Target Definition with Deviated Well VSP: Abstract

Jonathan Knight

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... be successfully used i n borehole seismic p r o f i l i n g . The d e v i a t e d well VSP i s a simple and e f f e c t i v e method of o b t a i n i n g l...


The Emerging Role of Seismic Data in Reservoir Development and Production [Abstract]

Hirsche, K., Matthews, L., Wang, Z., Sedgwick, G.

CSPG Bulletin

... in three dimensional imaging and the development of borehole techniques have extended seismic capabilities into the realm of reservoir description...


Abstract: Lithofacies, detrital petrology, and diagenesis of the Chaswood Formation: a detailed examination of borehole RR-97-23

L. M. Dolansky, G. Pe-Piper, D. J. W. Piper

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Lithofacies, detrital petrology, and diagenesis of the Chaswood Formation: a detailed examination of borehole RR-97-23 L. M. Dolansky, G...


Abstract: Lithostratigraphy and sedimentary petrography of early Cretaceous outlier basins, northern Nova Scotia

Thian Hundert, Georgia Pe-Piper, David J. W. Piper, Rudolph R. Stea

Atlantic Geology

... mottled red and grey mudstone and sand facies. Unit B consists of grey debris-flow mudstones that interfinger with sands in borehole BB-02-7. Unit C, mottled...


Abstract: Sedimentological Aspects toward Precise Formation Evaluation and Testing (Poster 15)

Mohamed Taha

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... direction of the borehole wall can upset our RFT measurement and result in unqualifying potential reservoir rocks. Thin laminated sequences...


Abstract: The sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Mabou Group near Sussex, New Brunswick

Andrew Cook

Atlantic Geology

... and south-west of Sussex however, conglomerate is almost directly underlain by marine strata of the Windsor Group. The Millstream #1 borehole, the main...


Abstract: Paleoclimate reconstructions using lake sediment geochemistry: implications for GCM validations

Nick Nickerson

Atlantic Geology

... temperature history produced by the ECHO-g General Circulation Model (GCM) was in good agreement with regional borehole paleoclimate reconstructions...


Abstract: Assessment of Fractured Reservoirs: An Overview (Paper 19)

Mohamed Taha

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... and the effective confining pressure. It controls the density, the morphology and the extension of fractures. Other than borehole imagery data...


Abstract: Fluid Inclusions Studies of Bukit Botak Skarn Deposit, Mengapor, Pahang

Goh Swee Heng, Teh Guan Hoe, Mohd Rozi Umor

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of rhyolitic tuff at the upper part and adamellite intrusive at the lower portion. Four quartz veins samples from different levels of borehole M15 and M33A...


Geocentric Sectoring of LWD Azimuthal Log Data for Improved RDIP and RSTRIKE Analysis: Enhanced Reservoir Navigation and Petrophysical Characterization

James J. Willis, Lauren A. Martz

GCAGS Transactions

.... A. Quirein, and T. J. Parker, 2009, Wireline and LWD borehole image log dip and azimuth uncertainty: Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log...


Abstract: Integrated Petrophysical Evaluation of Thin Bed Formation: A Case Study from Field Offshore Malaysia (Geology Paper 18)

Diego Maya, Nizam Abu Bakar

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... resistivity anisotropy may point to disturbed low productivity zones. The borehole resistivity image tool allows the identification and quantification...


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