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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,829 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
A Quantitative Stratigraphic Model for Alluvium, with Special Reference to Channel Deposit Density and Interconnectedness
M. R. Leeder
CSPG Special Publications
... the geologically rapid oscillations of sea level during the Pleistocene have given both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include a vivid appreciation...
Finding Yourself in Deep Water (Part I)
Lawrence Bourke, Roddy McGarva
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of image measu rement approach has its advantages and disadvantages. It is generally true to say t hat microresistiv ity images p rovide the h ighest...
Developments in Well Stimulation and Slim-Hole Technology - Workshop Summary
Jerry Griffith, William McDonald, Gary Kuecker, Dan Pepe, Albert Banahene, Richard Lueck
... fully understand the advantages, disadvantages, strengths and limitations of coiled tubing. Major tools used in coiled tubing fishing include: (1) slip...
Abstract: Combined Drilling and Sieve Tube BoreholeProtection in Soft and Outburst-prone Coal Seams; #90187 (2014)
Qianhui Ji, Li Wang, Xinsheng Yin, and Hongliang Tian
Search and Discovery.com
..., 6-12 May 2013, Calgary, AB, Canada Combined Drilling and Sieve Tube Borehole Protection in Soft and Outburst-prone Coal Seams Qianhui Ji*, Li Wang...
New 3-D/3-C High Resolution VSP Technology, by Björn Paulsson, Brian Fuller, Martin Karrenbach, and Paul Heuermann, #40074 (2003).
Search and Discovery.com
Interpreting Magnetic Data, Dale Bird, Search and Discovery Article #40022 (2001)
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ABSTRACT: Induction Logs in Favourable and Awkward Borehole Environments, by Peter Elkington and Christopher Skelt; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Using Adobe Photoshop to Analysis Vuggy Porosity Quantitatively Based on Electrical Borehole Images
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Advantages of "Real-time" LWD Dipmeter Data, by S. Grayson, J. Ezell, J. Schwalbach, D. Lockman, and D. Rose; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Advantages of "Real-time" LWD Dipmeter Data, by S. Grayson, J. Ezell, J. Schwalbach, D. Lockman, T. Quinlan, and D. Rose; #90935 (1998).
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Numerical simulation study on borehole time-domain electromagnetic forward-sighted and far-sighted methods of magnetoelectric mixed mode
Zhanshan Xiao, Haitao Hu, Kun Shao, Chunming Yao, Junjie Yan, Caihuan Yuan, Huiying Li
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
.... electromagnetic, and pointed out that borehole time-domain electromagnetic is less affected by borehole environment and has good advantages in far boundary...
DAS Microseismic Monitoring and Integration With Strain Measurements in Hydraulic Fracture Profiling
Martin Karrenbach, Andrew Ridge, Steve Cole, Kevin Boone, Dan Kahn, Jamie Rich, Ken Silver, Dave Langton
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... profiling, or microseismic analysis, are used in these scenarios. All these techniques have advantages and disadvantages, but in general they augment...
Optimization of well Placement and Drilling Time by the Use of Azimuthal Measurements in Directional Bottom Hole Assemblies
G. Whiteley, A. Douglas, C. Brown
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... resistivity tool and measurement while drilling, the combination of an instrumented motor and an azimuthal resistivity device can lead to optimal borehole...
Multiple Zone Coal Degasification Potential in the Warrior Coal Field of Alabama
Stanley L. Graves , Abner F. Patton , Wendell M. Beavers
GCAGS Transactions
... procedures have been utilized to date. Each procedure has, as usual, advantages and disadvantages, with the obvious goal being to safely maximize...
Graphical Method for Calculating Dip and Strike from Continuous Dipmeters
B. Osborne Prescott
Tulsa Geological Society
... of the survey in a matter of minutes. The advantages of this computing method are: Continuous dip data that can be related to regional and local geology...
A Well Driven Processing Approach for Seismic Imaging of Subtle Traps
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Subsurface Imaging with VSP and Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS): Novel Acquisition Designs
Emin E. Pacal and Robert R. Stewart
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... 54 06 Recording of ocean‐bottom seismometer (OBS) data has several advantages over conventional near‐surface recording. Because of their deployment...
Abstract: Stress and Structure from Logging-While-Drilling Images, by E. Ted Bornemann; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Challenging preconceptions in complex carbonate imaging: Using shear waves and electromagnetic data for improved subsurface understanding
Riaz Alai, Ahmad Riza Ghazali, Lucy MacGregor, Faizan Akasyah Ghazali, Edysuzaily Kamarudin, Aidel Haikal Azmi, Garry Malo-Paul, Sandeep Kumar, Brendon Negenman, Oscar Augusto Barrios, Ge Zhan, Mitch Preston
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... has advantages and disadvantages which must be weighed in deciding on the best acquisition strategy. Conclusions This study advances hydrocarbon...
A New Log: The Induction-Electrical Log Combination
C. A. Doh , M. P. Tixier
GCAGS Transactions
... necessary. This led to the of long normals and laterals. Such long spacings, however, have certain disadvantages, and for a long time Research Departments...
Abstract: Modeling Fracture Networks During Exploration Stages; A Case Study from West Kuwait; #90319 (2018)
Hanan Abu-Hebail, Meshal Al-Wadi, Talal Mutlaq Al-Otaibi, Aimen Amer
Search and Discovery.com
... advantage and disadvantage. Geomodelers may combine these techniques to create a hybrid model to resolve complexities and overcome the disadvantages...
Exploring for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs--A Petroleum Engineer's Point of View: ABSTRACT
Roberto Aguilera
AAPG Bulletin
... hydrocarbon reservoir might be abandoned. Directional holes have advantages over vertical holes in naturally fractured reservoirs. A method...