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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,829 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
A Field Method for Determining the Firmness of Colonized Sediment Substrates
Murray K. Gingras , S. George Pemberton
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... by the substrate (kPa). This method has some advantages over standard penetrometers, such as: ease of use, portability and simplicity of equipment...
Chapter 6: Using Outcrop Data in the 21st Century
Tore M. Løseth, John B. Thurmond, Jan C. Rivenses, Ole J. Martinsen, Carlos Aiken, Xueming Xu
AAPG Special Volumes
... are important to bridge the gap between high-coverage, low-resolution seismic data and low-coverage, high-resolution borehole data. Unlike...
The Commercial Application and Interpretation of the Borehole Gravimeter
James W. Bradley
Pacific Section of AAPG
... reservoirs. One of the advantages of the borehole gravimeter in these applications is its ability to survey through casing. Another very important effect...
Abstract: LWD Calipers for Hole Condition Monitoring During Drilling and Completion; #90316 (2017)
Mohammed A. Mohiuddin, Osman Hamid, Adel Qahtani, Hussain Albahrani
Search and Discovery.com
... their advantages over the WL calipers. One example is that they cover relatively larger portion of wellbore circumference, thereby providing a better...
Optimizing Lateral Completions When Limited or No Log Data Is Available.
Bill Scanlan
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... this example as a premise for process improvement, we can explore the advantages and disadvantages of a number of potential process changes. Five...
Identification of Microseismic Attributes Through Spectral Analysis
Michael J. Nava, James W. Rector, Zhishuai Zhang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... advantages and disadvantages. For instance, with a reduced viewing distance, signal-to-noise is typically improved as a result of diminished scattering...
Abstract: Impedance Joint Inversion of Surface and Borehole Seismic Data; #90187 (2014)
Danping Cao, Xingyao Yin, and Guochen Wu
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Impedance Joint Inversion of Surface and Borehole Seismic Data; #90187 (2014) Danping Cao, Xingyao Yin, and Guochen Wu AAPG Search...
Abstract: Fracture Autopicking and 3D Visualization for Image Logs, by Haiqing Wu; #90914(2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Horizontal Openhole Well Displacement Practices: Effect of Various Techniques on Well Productivity, Operational Complexity, and Overall Project Economics, by S. Mathis; #90911 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Into the Abyss!
William Wills
GEO ExPro Magazine
...Into the Abyss! William Wills TECHNOLOGY Into the Abyss! Borehole seismic – the technological challenge of listening at extreme depth. William Wills...
Mineral-Chemistry Quantification and Petrophysical Calibration for Multi-Mineral Evaluations; #41754 (2015)
Paul N. Theologou, Douglas McCarty, Timothy Fischer, Arkadiusz Derkowski, Rebecca Stokes, Ann Ollila
Search and Discovery.com
... has several potential disadvantages including: Borehole conditions - Logging tools are sensitive to the borehole conditions in which...
Geomechanical Characteristics of the DeSoto Canyon Salt Basin, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
Search and Discovery.com
A New LWD Imaging Tool for Use in Oil-Based Muds
Search and Discovery.com
Using Integrated Reservoir Management to Quantify Geomechanical Effects on Borehole Stability; A Quick Look at Sand Prediction, by John Afilaka, Tomi Fasae, and Gbenga E. Komolafe; #90037 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Derivation of Seismic Depth Sections
H. Buchholtz, W. Houba
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... AND W. HOUBA All methods have certain advantages as well as disadvantages. There is no migratioQ method, which can handle all the upcoming...
Eagle Ford Microseismic Acquisition Geometry Benchmark
Dan Kahn, Joe Teff, Ken Silver, David Langton, Eric Hart
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... giving maximal coverage to the focal sphere. Each of these geometries has advantages and disadvantages. The patch array has greater flexibility...
A Comparison of Depth Conversion Methods in Buntal Gas Field, Block B, Natuna Sea, Indonesia
Irfan Yuliandri Syukri, John Hughes, Medi Medianesterian
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... contact to amplitude shut-off at the Buntal Beta-0 horizon. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are summarized as follows: Linear Average...
Application of formation pressure prediction technique based on high-density three-dimensional seismic constraints in complex structural zones
Baoli Yu, Keyu Liu, Chao Li, Peng Chen, Baorong Xu, Jia Chen, Wenchao Xiang, Bo Yuan
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... data, such as the Fillippone method (ZHAO J, 2016, and ZHAO M, 2018). There are advantages and disadvantages of both methods: the forecasting method...
A Comparative Study in Deciding Between Conventional Vertical Drilling and Horizontal Multilateral Drilling for Coalbed Methane
B. Marbun, T. Thariq
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... months or years. DRILLING ENGINEERING The drilling of coal bed methane (CBM) normally encounters tremendous borehole stability problems, because...
Proper Completion Critical for Horizontal Wells: Special Report January 1990
Dr. S. D. Joshi
AAPG Special Volumes
... lengths eliminate the effect of gravity forces. - Limited to 65-70° inclinations. - Advantages: controlled logging speed, ability to take simultaneous...
In Situ Stress Prediction Using Differential Strain Analysis and Ultrasonic Shear-Wave Splitting
B. Widarsono, J. R. Marsden, M. S. King
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... techniques provide, nevertheless, advantages and disadvantages for both techniques. In S-wave splitting, any acoustic propagation is influenced...
Son of Crossplot Fights Back
Piers Cooke-Yarborough
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... computer processed interpretations of well logs, both having their advantages and disadvantages. Advocates of crossplotting methods need to respond...
A Color Test for Distinguishing Limestone and Dolomite: NOTES
R. M. Ramsden
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... for routine use because either they suffer from practical disadvantages or they require special skill and patience. Stains, for example, may soak into pores...
Abstract: Improved Quantification of Matrix Block Shape and Size for Simulation of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs, by J. B. Thomasen, E. J. M. Willemse, and C. Sonderskov; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Forward and Inverse Modeling of Fluid Migration Reservoirs using Muon Tomography
Search and Discovery.com