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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,829 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The Design and Field Testing of Two-Stage and Two-Speed Drilling Tools
Search and Discovery.com
Novel Technologies Application for Completion in Highly-Deviated Gas Wells of Madura Strait: Lessons Learned
Fianti Ramadhani, Yang Zhi, Liu Xiaopo, Bai Weihao, Bimo Pamungkas
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... tubing (CT) milling tool as a secondary or backup. The advantages and disadvantages of both mechanisms are referred in Table 1. TABLE 1 COMPARISON...
Borehole Images: Present and Future Applications
Jeremy Lofts, Stephen Morris, Baker Hughes
GEO ExPro Magazine
...Borehole Images: Present and Future Applications Jeremy Lofts, Stephen Morris, Baker Hughes R eserv o ir M anagement Borehole Images: Photo: Thomas...
Richard D. Fritz
AAPG Special Volumes
...------------------------- LONG REACH - ADVANTAGES *Uses conventional drilling equipment *Less torque and drag than in short-radius wells *Accomodates normal-size...
Introduction: Part 4. Wireline Methods
AAPG Special Volumes
... tools and their uses, limitations, and advantages (Alberty). The next three chapters discuss speciality tools and their interpretation, in particular...
Detailed Reservoir Characterization by Integrating Core, 3-D CT Scan and Borehole Imaging Datasets
Search and Discovery.com
Porosity Measurement of Shale Core Plugs without Chemical Cleaning
Jin-Hong Chen, Stacey Althaus, Mohammed Boudjatit
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... (Althaus et al. 2019). Each method comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Overall, measuring organic-rich shale porosity remains a challenge...
Chapter 14 (Case Histories of Three-Dimensional Seismic Surveys)—Case History 7: Shallow 3-D Seismic and a 3-D Borehole Profile at Ekofisk Field
John A. Dangerfield
AAPG Special Volumes
.... The advantages of 3-D data sets for fault interpretation are so strong that we took the first opportunity to acquire a 3-D borehole profile...
Deep Porosity-Density Logging: A Successful Technology to Find Bypassed Pay Zones
David A. Chapin
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... away. This provides one of the truly great advantages of borehole gravimetry over other logging methods. The depth of penetration is directly related...
Geothermal Drilling An Overview
Bonar Marbun, Samuel Zulkhifly, Irfan Hariz, Dita Khairina
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., such as CMC-LV, Polyplus, Chemtroll X (Nur et al., 2005). Borehole temperature is estimated by: • Measuring mud temperature in and out of boreholes. • Using...
An Improved Petrophysical Volume Model for Proximate Analysis in Coalbed Methane Reservoir
Pei-Qiang Zhao, Zhi-Qiang Mao, Ding Jin, Bao-Dian Sun, Xu Pang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... apparatus in borehole (Chu et al. 2007; Hong 2007), is very abundant in information and keeps a high resolution. It can make up for the disadvantages...
In Situ Evaluation of Potential Source Rocks by Wireline Logs: Chapter 13: GEOCHEMICAL METHODS AND EXPLORATION
Susan L. Herron
AAPG Special Volumes
... or the quantification of organic matter. The advantages over a more traditional approach of analyzing cuttings include continuous sampling, greatly improved depth...
A Porothermoelastic Model Considering the DynamicTemperature-Perturbation Boundary Effect for Borehole Stability in Fractured Porous Rocks
Jiajia Gao, Hai Lin, Jin Sun, Xiuping Chen, Huixiang Wang, Xianfeng Liu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the drilling pipe, borehole annulus, and formation. Ochoa(2006) systematically summarized the advantage and disadvantages of several Newtonian and non...
The Effect of High Pressure and Temperature Variations on the Hydraulic of Dual Gradient Drilling Operations Using Lifting Method
Bonar Tua Halomoan Marbun, Hafiz Adi Kurnia
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and disadvantages to this method, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. In conclusion, At the riser, the fluid mixture of base fluid...
Drilling with Casing - Practical, Cost Effective and Here to Stay
Mike Wardley, Ary Priadi, Ken Dalrymple
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... now has to be planned to establish if there are any overriding problems. Tarr and Sukup (1999) have discussed the advantages and disadvantages...
Machine learning inversion of time-lapse three-axis borehole gravity data for CO2 monitoring
Taqi Alyousuf, Yaoguo Li, Richard Krahenbuhl
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...oi.org/10.2118/20896-MS. Rim, H., and Y. Li. 2015, Advantages of borehole vector gravity in density imaging: Geophysics, 80, no. 1, G1–G13, doi: https://doi.org/1...
New methods for the study of subglacial till - Abstract
Martin Truffer, William Harrison, Dale Pomraning, Kevin Abnett, Richard Ruhkick
Alaska Geological Society
... of the borehole. This has two advantages: First, it facilitates the operation of the hammer, because there are no communication cables that could...
Abstract: Mapping Stratigraphic Traps with Seislogs, by R. O. Lindseth; #90968 (1977).
Search and Discovery.com
Computers Simplify Log Applications: ABSTRACT
J. J. Maricelli
AAPG Bulletin
... for automatic well-site processing of data from electric well logs. Simple forms of computers apply automatic corrections for borehole and environmental...
Land Development and Faulting Near Houston, Texas: ABSTRACT
Dewitt C. Van Siclen
AAPG Bulletin
... resolution and character. The borehole method has the advantages of economy, speed, and reliability; it can be done almost everywhere; and the electric...
Determining Pore-Water Salinities from SP Response: A Thermodynamic Reevaluation: ABSTRACT
Jeffrey S. Hanor
AAPG Bulletin
... solubility, and in deducing pathways of fluid migration. Calculation of salinity from the spontaneous potential (SP) response of borehole logs using...
Studying Seismic Signatures of Fluid Substitution in Reservoir Characterization
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Combining dipmeter measurements and formation imaging to improve reservoir characterization; #90021 (2003)
Search and Discovery.com
.... More are being developed all the time. However, many geoscientists have overlooked the advantages of combining older technology with newer. For many...
Resolving MWD-Wireline Resistivity Differences in Shaly-Sand Pay Zones
Steve Mack
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the two technologies shows that the differences between the log responses can be explained by a combination of borehole and invasion corrections...
Geological Evaluation in Horizontal Wells
Michael R. Taylor
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... and their advantages and disadvantages have been covered extensively (Spreux et al., 1988 and de Montiguy et al., 1988), by both operators (Strong, 1989...