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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 9,829 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Treatise of Petroleum Geology / Handbook of Petroleum Geology: Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps. Chapter 15: Applying Gravity in Petroleum Exploration

David A. Chapin and Mark E. Ander

AAPG Special Volumes

..., L.A., 1991, Borehole Gravity Surveys: SEG Short Course notes, June, 350 p. Excellent source for general principles of borehole gravity. Very good...


Abstract: Gravity Study of a Sinkhole in the Permian Basin

E. Gerald “Jerry” Hensel and Greg Minnery

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... with this collapse. Gravity models indicate that borehole collapse should produce measurable gravity anomalies with amplitudes up to 1.4 mGal. A high...


Borehole Gravity Study of Density and Porosity of Selected Frontier, Tensleep, and Madison Reservoirs in Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

L. A. Beyer

AAPG Bulletin

...Borehole Gravity Study of Density and Porosity of Selected Frontier, Tensleep, and Madison Reservoirs in Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT L. A. Beyer...


Abstract: 3D Geophysical reservoir monitoring using borehole electric field measurements; #90254 (2016)

Gary W. McNeice and Daniele Columbo

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...Abstract: 3D Geophysical reservoir monitoring using borehole electric field measurements; #90254 (2016) Gary W. McNeice and Daniele Columbo AAPG...


The Commercial Application and Interpretation of the Borehole Gravimeter

James W. Bradley

Pacific Section of AAPG

... is normally seen with open hole logging instruments. Figure 4. Zones of Cumulative Gravity Effect Measured by the Borehole Gravimeter Examples...


Borehole gravity for CCS

Chris Nind, Nacim Foudilbey

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Borehole gravity for CCS Chris Nind, Nacim Foudilbey Borehole Gravity for CCS Chris Nind*, Nacim Foudilbey Abitibi Geophysics Inc, Val-d’Or, Quebec...


Deep Porosity-Density Logging: A Successful Technology to Find Bypassed Pay Zones

David A. Chapin

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

..., S.J., 1991, “Gas saturation monitoring in north Oman reservoir using a borehole gravity meter,” SPE 21414, SPE Middle East Oil Show, Bahrain, Nov. 16-19...


Machine learning inversion of time-lapse three-axis borehole gravity data for CO2 monitoring

Taqi Alyousuf, Yaoguo Li, Richard Krahenbuhl

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Machine learning inversion of time-lapse three-axis borehole gravity data for CO2 monitoring Taqi Alyousuf, Yaoguo Li, Richard Krahenbuhl Machine...


Abstract: The Use of Downhole Gravity Data in Formation Evaluation

Bill R. Jones

GCAGS Transactions

... evaluation problems. Bulk densities measured with the borehole gravity log in wells in the Gulf Coast area show considerable deviation from densities...


Use of Downhole Gravity Data in Formation Evaluation: ABSTRACT

B. R. Jones

AAPG Bulletin

...) to some formation evaluation problems. Bulk densities measured with the borehole gravity log in wells in the Gulf Coast area show considerable...


The Golden Snitch? Borehole Gravity for Reservoir Monitoring

Jennifer Hare, Matthew Place

GEO ExPro Magazine

...The Golden Snitch? Borehole Gravity for Reservoir Monitoring Jennifer Hare, Matthew Place GEO Physics The Golden Snitch? Borehole Gravity...


Abstract: Time-Lapse Gravity and Gravity Gradient Monitoring of SAGD Reservoirs; #90255 (2017)

E Judith Elliott

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...Abstract: Time-Lapse Gravity and Gravity Gradient Monitoring of SAGD Reservoirs; #90255 (2017) E Judith Elliott AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery...


Abstract: Detecting Subsurface Voids Using the Microgravity Method … A Case Study from Kuala Lipis, Pahang

Ahmad Tajuddin Hj. Ibrahim, Che Noorliza Lat

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... if the suspected cavity could also be detected by gravity method. Based on the borehole information, the lithology of the area comprises sandy clayey silt...


Abstract: A gravity profile across the Cumberland Basin

Ken Howells

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: A gravity profile across the Cumberland Basin Ken Howells 162 ABSlRACTS A gravity profile across the Cumberland Basin Ken Howells Nova...


MEMS-based gravity imaging for CO2 storage monitoring

Ashwin A. Seshia, Francis Neill

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... instrumentation has traditionally been limited by cost, scalability, and operability in slim diameter borehole environments where the resulting gravity...


Abstract: Delineation of the Cocagne Subbasin, eastern New Brunswick based on new ground gravity data

K. E. Butler, J. Evangelatos

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Delineation of the Cocagne Subbasin, eastern New Brunswick based on new ground gravity data K. E. Butler, J. Evangelatos atlantic geology...


ABSTRACT Downhole Gravity Gradiometry: A New Technique for Prospect and Reservoir Modeling?, #90104 (2010)

Krieger Markus H.; Smilde Peter L.; Geisler Oliver K.; Hossfeld Stefan

Search and

... with borehole gravity gradients, and why the expected results are feasible up to  distances of 10s to 100s of meters. The second example demonstrates...


Borehole gravity in Horizontal Wells

Andrew J. Black, Jennifer Hare

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...Borehole gravity in Horizontal Wells Andrew J. Black, Jennifer Hare Borehole gravity in Horizontal Wells. Andrew J. Black* Jennifer Hare Ph.D....


Abstract: Modifications of gravity interpretations for the Shubenacadie-Stewiacke Carboniferous Basin, Nova Scotia

Ken Howells, Alan Ruffman

Atlantic Geology

..., Halifax, NS B3J 2L4 1 Additional borehole infonnation has been used to modify geological interpretations of two gravity profiles across...


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