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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 9,553 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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CO2 Injection Monitoring using an Experimental Modular Borehole Monitoring (MBM) System; #80305 (2013)

George J. Koperna, Robert Trautz, Thomas M. Daley, Barry M. Freifeld, and Kevin Dodds

Search and

...CO2 Injection Monitoring using an Experimental Modular Borehole Monitoring (MBM) System; #80305 (2013) George J. Koperna, Robert Trautz, Thomas M...


Integration of Seismic and Log Data of a Deep Borehole in the Basement Rocks of Northeastern Alberta; #41517 (2015)

Judith Chan, Douglas R. Schmitt

Search and

...Integration of Seismic and Log Data of a Deep Borehole in the Basement Rocks of Northeastern Alberta; #41517 (2015) Judith Chan, Douglas R. Schmitt...


Introduction - Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation Evaluation - Archie Series No. 2

Hezhu Yin

AAPG Special Volumes

... to summarize the history of resistivity logs is to describe the  subject as the quest for Rt, the true formation resistivity uncorrupted by borehole invading...


AAPG Archie Series, No. 1, Chapter 4: Identification of Thin Beds using Well Data

Q. R. Passey, K. E. Dahlberg, K. B. Sullivan, H. Yin, R. A. Brackett, Y. H. Xiao, and A. G. Guzmán-Garcia

AAPG Special Volumes

... of Thin Beds      Borehole images      Dipmeter logs      Conventional and high-resolution logs      NMR logs      Multi-component induction logs      Mud...


Big Sand Draw

Jack Wold, Bob Wellborn

Wyoming Geological Association

... or by fracture and borehole communication. RESERVOIR DATA Formation Chugwater - Triassic (includes Crow Mountain Alcova, and upper Red Peak Members...


The Topset and Upper Foreset of the Modern Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, Canada

Patrick A. Monahan, John L. Luternauer, J. Vaughn Barrie

CSPG Special Publications

...-dominated units also include metre-scale fining-upward sequences interpreted to be sediment gravity-flow deposits. Armstrong, J.E., and Hicock, S.R., 1976a...


Mechanical Earth Model with Uniaxial Core Test Validation from HPHT Exploration Well in North Sumatra

Restio Brata, Muhamad Yanuar Mahardi, Apollinaris Stefanus Leo Anis

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... for the upcoming exploration wells. Wellbore stability analysis is used in well planning to define the borehole trajectory, casing design and mudweight...


Tectonic Stress Seterminations, Northen Picenace Creek Basin, Colorado

R.G. Wolff, J.D. Bredehoeft, W. Scott Keys, E. Shuter

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of the Piceance Creek basin provided the opportunity to determine the regional state of tectonic stress of the area. Uncased holes were logged with a borehole...


Geomechanical and Flow Simulation of Hydrofracs Using High-Resolution Passive Seismic Images

Alfred Lacazette, William Dershowitz, Jan Vermilye

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to detailed reservoir-scale images of fracture networks in addition to borehole and seismic data. This provides a more specific realization of the reservoir...


Three-Dimensional Modeling Techniques in the Analysis of a Mature Steam Drive: Chapter 18

Ramsay A. Barrett, Jeffery Bailey

AAPG Special Volumes

... large-scale steamfloods were installed. Due to low-gravity oil (12-15°API) and high viscosity at original reservoir temperature (1500 cp at 100°F...


Geology of Mediterranean Shelf of Israel

A. Ginzburg , S. S. Cohen , H. Hay-Roe , A. Rosenzweig

AAPG Bulletin

..., 1966, Gravity observations of the Dead Sea rift, in The world rift system: Canada Geol. Survey Paper 66-19, p. 5-21. Neev, D., 1960, A pre-Neogene...


The Thin-Skinned Thrust Structures of Timor

Kartono Sani, Mark I. Jacobson, Rusdinadar Sigit

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... years of fieldwork, offshore seismic data, aeromagnetic data and gravity data. Extensive age-dating of surface rock exposures, coupled...


Structure of Falkland Plateau and Offshore Tierra del Fuego, Argentina: Rifted Margins

W. J. Ludwig , C. C. Windisch , R. E. Houtz , J. I. Ewing

AAPG Special Volumes

.... J., 1972, Gravity measurements over Burdwood bank: Marine Geophys. Researches, v. 1, p. 428-435. de Wit, M. J., 1977, The evolution of the Scotia...


Chapter 7: Experimentally Evaluating Shale Dilation Behavior

M. A. Islam, P. Skalle

AAPG Special Volumes

.... The outcome of this study can be useful in various geomechanical applications, including borehole stability modeling and analysis and hydraulic fracturing...


The practice of graphical fluid-gradient interpretations of formation tester pressure data

Andrew Chen

AAPG Bulletin

... p., doi: 10.2118/124578-MS.Schulte, A. M., 1980, Compositional variations within a hydrocarbon column due to gravity : Society of Petroleum Engineers...


Comparative Precambrian Stratigraphy and Structure Along the Mid-Continent Rift

Albert B. Dickas

AAPG Bulletin

... identified by gravity as extending from eastern Lake Superior southeastward into the lower peninsula of Michigan. This rift is of Precambrian...


Rock Mechanical Behavior at the Inch Scale in a Thinly Laminated Unconventional Formation

Smaine Zeroug, Bikash K. Sinha, Ting Lei, John Jeffers

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... during hydraulic fracturing. Borehole sonic measurements, typically used to quantify rock in-situ mechanical properties, tend to average thin...


The Determination of Seal Capacities for Highly Pressured HP/HT Traps: A Best-PracticeŽ Workflow

Stephen O'Connor, Richard Swarbrick, Richard Lahann, Alexander Edwards, David Scott, Sam Green

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the drilling window (pore pressure/mudweight minus fracture pressure) is narrow, borehole stability problems are commonly encountered. For instance...


Characterisation of Palaeocene Remobilised Deposits Utilising Cores and Image Logs in the HN Field, Bintuni Basin: Distribution and Implications to Reservoir Geometry Prediction

Harya Dwi Nugraha

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...: (1) borehole images that represent rock formation conductivity, where dark colour corresponds to conductive rock such as shale and light colour...


Seismic expression of fracture-swarm sweet spots, Upper Cretaceous tight-gas reservoirs, San Juan Basin

Bruce S. Hart

AAPG Bulletin

... using outcrop, core, borehole imagery, and production analyses. Integration of production data (rate-versus-time plots) demonstrates the existence...


Measuring permanence of CO2 storage in saline formations: the Frio experiment

Susan D. Hovorka, Sally M. Benson, Christine Doughty, Barry M. Freifeld, Shinichi Sakurai, Thomas M. Daley, Yousif K. Kharaka, Mark H. Holtz, Robert C. Trautz, H. Seay Nance, Larry R. Myer, Kevin G. Knauss

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... logs, show that CO2 migration under gravity slowed greatly 2 months after injection, matching model predictions that significant CO2 is trapped...


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