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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 9,553 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Yemen Red Sea Multiphased Cenozoic Rifting: Petroleum System Insight from Subsalt Interpretation; #90007 (2002)

Ahmed Alahdal, John D. Pigott

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...-sediment layers (‘salt’). However, in the Yemen Red Sea region, redundant velocity analysis using the integration of borehole sonic logs, far-field...


ABSTRACT: 3D Outcrop Reservoir Characterization; #90007 (2002)

Janok P. Bhattacharya, Carlos V. Aiken, Rucsandra M. Corbeanu, George A. McMechan, Xueming Xu, Xiaoxian Zeng, Christopher D. White

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... on photomosaics are tied to the same beds and surfaces imaged in subsurface GPR and borehole data. Geospatial modeling packages accurately render the data...


ABSTRACT: PUSHING BACK THE FRONTIER ... Geologic Characterization of a Tight Sand near the Economic Limit of Production, West Flank Moxa Arch, Wyoming, USA; #90007 (2002)

Connie Dodge Knight, Robert A. Basse

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... facies trends within a structural context. Borehole imagery is being used to augment the facies identification in a sequence-stratigraphic framework...


ABSTRACT: Constraining Pore Pressure from Wellbore Failure Observations: examples from Venezuela; #90017 (2003)

Chris D. Ward, Daniel Mujica, Carmen Ferrebus

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... at the borehole wall and are not only dependent on pore pressure but also the stress magnitudes, stress directions, pore pressure, rock strength, and well...


ABSTRACT: Stratigraphy and Composition of Turbidite Deposits, Jackfork Group, Eastern Oklahoma; #90020 (2003)

Gloria A. Romero, Roger Slatt

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... difficult. Two gas-producing wells that penetrate the Jackfork are being studied in detail utilizing conventional logs, borehole image and dipmeter logs...


ABSTRACT: Mass Transport Deposits of the Northwest Sabah Deepwater: Characterization from Seismic and Borehole Data; #90061 (2006)

Sam Algar, Paul Crevello, and Jon Roestenburg

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...ABSTRACT: Mass Transport Deposits of the Northwest Sabah Deepwater: Characterization from Seismic and Borehole Data; #90061 (2006) Sam Algar, Paul...


ABSTRACT: Seismic While Drilling (SWD) Techniques: A Journey from 1986 to 2005; #90061 (2006)

Abhishek Anchliya

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... the seismic techniques operated while the drillstring is lowered in the borehole, during effective drilling, during maneuvers or while connecting drill...


ABSTRACT: Determination of Sedimentary Palaeotransport Directions in the Subsurface: A Critical Appraisal; #90061 (2006)

Simon Lomas

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... techniques for determining paleocurrent and paleoslope orientations from borehole data, and applications to estimate reservoir body geometries at scales...


Abstract: Structural Delineation with VSPs

Muhammad Idrees and Zahia Djebbar

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.... However, borehole seismic (VSP) survey can be designed/processed and interpreted for high resolution imaging, providing delineation of subsurface...


Abstract: Oilfield Technologies for Characterization of Fractured Clastics

Smaine Zeroug

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... and borehole seismic technologies help detect swarms of fractures and delineate faults at the scale of the reservoir. In the vicinity of the well...


ABSTRACT Integrated Petrophysical Analysis to Discriminate Reservoir Facies and Its Productivity Potential in Fluvial Eolian Gas Bearing Sandstones, #90104 (2010)

de Miranda Frederico S.; Couto Nuno Andre P.

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..., nuclear magnetic resonance log and borehole resistivity image  data. The correlation between log analysis and core data has succeeded, revealing new...


ABSTRACT: Petrophysical Core Analysis using Mineralogical and Petrophysical Information from the Fort Pulaski Core Site, Savannah, GA and its Relation to Resistivity of Carbonates in the Floridan Aquifer System; #90132 (2011)

Katrina Ostrowicki

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... imposed. It is therefore critical to understand the salinity variations in both the Upper and Lower Floridan Aquifer. Borehole geophysical resistivity logs...


ABSTRACT: Subsurface and Experimental Analyses of Fractures and Curvature; #90133 (2011)

Evan Staples, Kurt Marfurt, and Ze’ev Reches

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... a linear relationship between fracturing and curvature. Curvature calculated from bedding-planes seen on horizontal-borehole-image logs follows similar...


Advances in Estimating Heavy Oil Viscosity from Magnetic Resonance Data

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... Summary Heavy oil production economics depend on several factors, one of the most important of which is oil viscosity. Borehole nuclear magnetic resonance...


Abstract: Fracture Analysis and use of LiDAR, Turtle Mountain, Alberta; #90172 (2014)

C. Willem Langenberg, Andrea Pedrazzini, Michel Jaboyedoff, Tijmen (Tim) H.D. Hartel

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... the structure of the mountain. Fracture fabrics of these carbonates were measured in outcrop, obtained from image logs in a borehole and subsequently...


Abstract: Array Analysis of Surface Microseismic Data from the Rolla Microseismic Experiment; #90174 (2014)

Katarina Seckarova and David W. Eaton

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... to develop projects for microseismic use and testing. While borehole arrays are still more extensively used in western Canada, surface sensors provide...


Abstracts: Noise Examples from Two Microseismic Datasets; #90173 (2015)

Andy St-Onge and David Eaton

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... of the borehole casing. This may allow for recording significantly higher frequencies than can be recorded at the surface. Along with the primary...


Abstracts: Evaluating Natural, Healed and Induced Fractures Unique to Shale Gas Wells; #90173 (2015)

Kris Vickerman, Paul Heffernan, and Richard Surtees

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...* Summary Borehole imaging in shale gas wells presents unique challenges compared to imaging conventional wells. Natural and induced fractures can have...


Abstract: A New Client Tool for Editing Borehole Image Interpretations; #90213 (2015)

Robert W. Christie and Craig Therens

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...Abstract: A New Client Tool for Editing Borehole Image Interpretations; #90213 (2015) Robert W. Christie and Craig Therens AAPG Datapages/Search...


Abstract: Off-Center Transmitters and Receivers in Acoustic Logging: Modeling and Observations; #90213 (2015)

Denis P. Schmitt and W. Canady

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... with increasing eccentricity with respect to the borehole radius but also with increasing borehole radius due to the mode excitation properties. For a given...


Abstract: Calibration of Seismic Fracture Model Using Dynamic Data and Borehole Images, an Example of Fractured Carbonate Reservoir; #90254 (2016)

Victor Ivanov, Reza Iskandar

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...Abstract: Calibration of Seismic Fracture Model Using Dynamic Data and Borehole Images, an Example of Fractured Carbonate Reservoir; #90254 (2016...


Abstract: Palaeo-environmental Interpretation Using Wireline Log Data; A Case Study from Permo- Carboniferous Sediments of the UAE; #90254 (2016)

Amr Serry, Ahmed Taher, Sajith Girinathan, Djamila Benamer, Omar Al-Mitwalli, Abdul Salam Al-Mansoori

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... EMIRATES 6 ADEMA-OPCO, Abu Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2 ABSTRACT Advanced wireline logs viz., the electrical borehole imager and spectroscopy logs were...


Abstract: Fit for Purpose Microseismic Design; #90000 (2016)

Anca Rosca

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... with borehole-recorded data but the magnitude of completion could still be relatively high; moreover, a complex acquisition geometry is necessary...


Abstract: New Age Fracture Mapping Diagnostic Tools - A STACK Case Study; #90309 (2017)

Kyle Haustveit

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... monitoring (Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Distributed Temperature Sensing), borehole microseismic, electromagnetic imaging, offset well pressure monitoring...


Abstract: Carbonate Seismic Stratigraphy of Minagish Formation within Minagish and Umm Gudair Fields Area, Kuwait; #90319 (2018)

Hajar A. Al-Wazzan, Maha Al-Baghli

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... as well. An integrated Galloway borehole motif –Vail seismic sequence procedure indicates seven distinct operational seismic sequences (parasequence sets...


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