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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 34,670 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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The Atlantic Ocean Basin and Its Margins

Maurice Ewing

Tulsa Geological Society

... at about 40 km. depth beneath the continents. The high mobility of ocean bottom sediments through turbidity currents account for the flat floors...


Sea Floor Dynamics on the Labrador Shelf: Abstract

H. W. Josenhans, John Zevenhuizen

CSPG Special Publications

... of the Labrador Shelf demonstrate very dynamic bottom conditions over 70% of the shelf area and extending to depths of 230 m. A variety of sediment reworking...



H. Koyi

Journal of Petroleum Geology

... (e.g. of salt) through the denser (overburden) layers (e.g. of clastic sediments). Lateral extension or movements of faults in the bottom boundary...


Method of Analysis of Cuttings for Study of Lithology

B. K. Proshlyakov, K. A. Lu, V. I. Gushchin, R. N. Shinina

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... as the difference between the depth of the bottom of the well (H1) at the time of appearance at the well head of rock fragments from a given stratum...



AAPG Bulletin

... from bottom: "current south" should be current from south. Page 1009, faunal list of "gastropoda:" seven species, Crassatellites to Corbula inclusive...


Geology of the Tampico Region, Mexico: ERRATUM

John M. Muir

AAPG Bulletin

... 37, line 5 from bottom, "Astieria aff. bachelardi Sayn" should be Astieria (Valanginites) aff. bachelardi Sayn. End_of_Article - Last_Page 1495...


Resume of Development in East Texas During 1937: ERRATUM

E. A. Wendlandt, C. L. Herold

AAPG Bulletin

..., No. 6 (June, 1938). On page 734, line 3 from bottom, the map location of the Gulf Oil Corporation's Robertson No. 1, shown as "(8)," should be "(7...


Structural Trends off the California Coast: ABSTRACT

Francis P. Shepard

AAPG Bulletin

...Structural Trends off the California Coast: ABSTRACT Francis P. Shepard 1938 1716 1716 22 12. (December) The sea bottom off the California coast...


Analysis of Carbonate Rocks for Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, and Aluminum with Edta: ERRATUM

Bisque, Ramon E.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Sedimentary Petrology, v. 31, p. 113-112. Under Procedure at bottom of p. 117, column 1, the sentence "Porcelain crucibles may be used if platinum...


High-Pressure Yates Sand Gas Problem, East Wasson Field, Yoakum County, West Texas: ERRATUM

AAPG Bulletin

..., No. 10, page 1895, the second line in the bleed-off calculations near the bottom of the page should read: -0.3192 cu. feet/foot 7 5/8-inch external...


Source Beds for Oil Near Coral Reefs: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

C. Maynard Boos

AAPG Bulletin

... of organic life which presumably was the source of the oil found in the reefs. It must not be forgotten, however, that the sea bottom surrounding a reef...


Peculiarities of Aurignac Sand Accumulation in San Ardo Field, Monterey County, California: ABSTRACT

John H. Fackler

AAPG Bulletin

...) Accumulation of oil in the Aurignac sand of the San Ardo field appears to contradict all of the textbook examples and theories of accumulation. Bottom...



Francis P. Shepard, Neil F. Marshall, Patrick A. McLoughlin, Gary G. Sullivan

AAPG Special Volumes

... Station 3 m Above Bottom End_of_Record - Last_Page 51...


Shoreline Trajectories and Sequences: Description of Variable Depositional-Dip Scenarios: ERRATUM

William Helland-Hansen, Ole J. Martinsen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and sequences: description of variable depositional-dip scenarios," contained the following errors: Page 671, Table 1, bottom line should read "90°-180...


Surface Ship Gravity Meter Operations Off Pacific Coast: ABSTRACT

L. L. Nettleton

AAPG Bulletin

... with an underwater gravity meter on bottom. Precision of results can be evaluated by comparison with these observations and by gravity differences...


Marine Geology of Santa Cruz Submarine Canyon, California: ABSTRACT

Murray Felsher

AAPG Bulletin

.... The gradation in this last unit is somewhat unusual, in that it differs greatly from the "fine-at-the-top, coarse-at-the-bottom" conceptual model of graded...


Sediment Control of Faunal Distribution Patterns in Late Cretaceous Marginal Marine Deposits of South Dakota: ABSTRACT

Donald C. Rhoads, Karl M. Waage

AAPG Bulletin

... content and suspended easily by weak bottom currents. High interface turbidity and instability may explain the low diversity of filter feeders from...


Carbonate Petrography by Pattern Recognition: ERRATUM

C. D. Conley, J. C. Davis

AAPG Bulletin

... Recognition," by C. D. Conley and J. C. Davis: AAPG Bulletin, v. 57, no. 2 (Feb. 1973, p. 399, right column, 4th line from bottom; p. 400, left column...


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