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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 34,618 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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A Code for Expressing Grain Size Distribution

K. O. Emery, Howard Gould

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and plotting large suites of marine bottom samples has resulted in the development of a new coding method for expressing grain size distribution. The system...


The Joseph Lake-Armena-Camrose Producing Trend, Alberta: Oil and Gas Occurrences

C. Warren Hunt

AAPG Special Volumes

.... This well found a thick sand, the top 10 feet of which contained gas, and the bottom 18 feet, oil. This was followed by a rapid drilling program, 69...


Intraslope Basins in Northwest Gulf of Mexico: A Key to Ancient Submarine Canyons and Fans: Environmental Processes: Model Investigations of Margin Environmental and Tectonic Processes

Arnold H. Bouma

AAPG Special Volumes

...) present good overall impressions of the morphology and the location of most hillocks and depressions. However, they cannot be used for bottom...


Origin of Abrupt Change in Slope at Continental Shelf Margin

Robert S. Dietz , Henry W. Menard

AAPG Bulletin

... of Wave Energy by Bottom Friction," ibid., Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 67-74. SHEPARD, F. P. (1948), Submarine Geology. 348 pp. Harper Brothers, New York...


Seismic Characterization of the Fiordland Gas-hydrate Province, New Zealand

Miko Fohrmann, Andrew R. Gorman, Ingo A. Pecher

AAPG Special Volumes

... 89: Natural gas hydrates—Energy resource potential and associated geologic hazards Occurrences of bottom-simulating reflectors (BSRs), related...


Physical Processes and Fine-grained Sediment Dynamics, Coast of Surinam, South America

John T. Wells, James M. Coleman

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... by an estuarine-type circulation as they settle from suspension; currents near the bottom have a net movement in an onshore direction, whereas those...


Investigation of Permeability Change in the Bandanna Coal Formation of the Fairview Field Using Time-Lapse Pressure Transient Analysis

A. Salmachi, J. Barkla

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

.... Pressure build-up tests can be replicated by calculating bottom-hole pressure when surface pressure (tubing and/or annulus) is recorded at high-resolution...


Quantitative Distribution of Suspended Sedimentary Material at the Ocean Surface and at Depth

Alexander P. Lisitzin

Special Publications of SEPM

... and zonality observed in the surface water continues down to the ocean bottom o r is lost a t depth, and the factors that govern the quantitative distribution...


Petrography and Facies of Some Upper Visean (mississippian) Limestones in North Wales

A. Banerjee

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... York and London, 816 p. TWENHOFEL, W. H. AND BROUGHTON, W. A., 1939, The bottom sediments of Crystal Lake, an oligotrophic lake in Vilas County...


Multiple Overlapping Foraminiferal Litho-Biofacies: Applications to Deep-Water Sedimentology and Reservoir Properties of Turbidites

Richard H. Fillon

GCAGS Transactions

... 2003 227 242 Vol. 53 (2003) Foraminiferal assemblages in deep-water sediments contain: (1) indigenous benthic taxa that represent combined bottom...


Pitfalls in Marine Heat Flow Probe Data Acquisition and Interpretations: Examples from the Gulf of Mexico

Seiichi Nagihara

GCAGS Transactions

... data acquisition is long-term stability of bottom-water temperature. High-quality water column temperature data obtained in the last three decades...


Deep-Sea Ironstone Deposits in the Gulf of Mexico

Willis E. Pequegnat, William R. Bryant, Alan D. Fredericks, Thomas R. Mckee, Roy Spalding

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... is on the eastern part of the Mississippi Fan at depths around 3,200 m. This development probably owes its existence to the concurrence here of a swift bottom...


Storm-dominated Sedimentation on the Inner Shelf of the Canadian Beaufort Sea

Philip R. Hill , Odette C. Nadeau

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... redeposited beds. Seaward of the resuspension zone, the frequency of bottom resuspension decreases with increasing water depth, reflecting the lower frequency...


Stratigraphy of Lake Deposits in Central and Northern Minnesota

Frederick M. Swain

AAPG Bulletin

...Stratigraphy of Lake Deposits in Central and Northern Minnesota Frederick M. Swain 1956 600 653 40 4. (April) The bottom deposits from parts of five...


Late Pleistocene Saline Lacustrine Sediments, Badwater Basin, Death Valley, California

Sheila M. Roberts, Ronald J. Spencer and Tim K. Lowenstein

Special Publications of SEPM

... York, U.S.A. ABSTRACT Badwater Basin salt pan, Death Valley, California, occupies the bottom of a large, enclosed basin and is the lowest elevation...


Fine Sediment Transport and Deposition in Active Margin Basins

D. S. Gorsline

Pacific Section SEPM

... mid-water turbid plumes bottom turbid plumes B. On a smaller scale in time on mid-latitude coasts as in southern California, the climatic regime...


Geomorphic and Sedimentologic Heterogeneity Along a Holocene Shelf Margin: Caicos Platform

Eugene C. Rankey, Sean A. Guidry, Stacy Lynn Reeder, Humberto Guarin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... In this study, insights from petrographic data, granulometric measurements, bottom observations, and remote sensing and subbottom profiler data from...


Sedimentation in Massachusetts Bay

A. C. Trowbridge , F. P. Shepard

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in Massachusetts Bay is derived by wave erosion from glacial drift or from bedrock on the coast and bottom of the Bay. Very little material is contributed...


Structural Controls on the Formation of Bottom-simulating Reflectors Offshore Southwestern Taiwan from a Dense Seismic Reflection Survey

Philippe Schnurle, Char-Shine Liu

AAPG Special Volumes

...Structural Controls on the Formation of Bottom-simulating Reflectors Offshore Southwestern Taiwan from a Dense Seismic Reflection Survey Philippe...


High-Angle, Shallow Depth Drilling in the South China Sea

Saadon Bin Kairon, D. R. Schroeter

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

...) sidetracks were required to bypass stuck bottom hole asemblies. Standard logs were obtained in all but four (4) production holes. Field Development Plans...


Using Nitrogen Isotopes to Evaluate Unconventional Resource Plays

Tracy M. Quan, James, Puckette, Keith Rivera, Brice Otto, Ekenemolise Adigwe

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the reactions that constitute the aquatic nitrogen cycle and the bottom water oxygen concentrations. On a geological time scale, the aquatic nitrogen...


Florida and Bahama Marine Calcareous Deposits

E. M. Thorp

Special Publications of SEPM

... of this region are almost wholly calcareous. The sand sizes predominate in most of the sediments but in a few small areas fine-grained muds cover the bottom...


Apalachicola Bay: Dynamic Sedimentation in a Gulf Coast Estuary

Wayne C. Isphording

GCAGS Transactions

... This investigation was carried out for the purpose of describing the texture and mineralogy of the bottom sediments of Apalachicola Bay and to determine what...


Rollability, A Functional Shape Property of Sand Grains

A. M. Winkelmolen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... bottom transport, is partly at fault. 2) So far, only absolute shape values have been used. Since the shape of fine grains is hardly altered during short...


Geocentric Sectoring of LWD Azimuthal Log Data for Improved RDIP and RSTRIKE Analysis: Enhanced Reservoir Navigation and Petrophysical Characterization

James J. Willis, Lauren A. Martz

GCAGS Transactions

... of the borehole (or true or grid north if well is near vertical) and the bottom or low-side position is in the center. The ellipse transforms to a cosine wave...


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