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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,222 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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RST-PLT Through Y-Tool/Block: A Unique Solution for Depleted Reservoirs in Indonesia

M. Doddy Wiryawan, Norahmansyah, Zahratu Aini, Andy Djulaini, M. Farid Amin, Riko Mudayana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in flowing conditions, which was chosen for this intervention. In addition to logging during the shutin period, the RSTPro was run in flowing condition...


Overcoming High Watercut and High Free Gas Content on ESP Well Using VSD a Field Study

Bastian Wismana, Adi Matondang

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...) is greater than bubble point pressure (Pb) with 19.5 oAPI. With 258 stage pump and 60 HP motor. Sihapas Zone A-3 has not previously been opened in other wells...


A Successful Gas Injection Project in the Kakap KF Field: Design, Implementation and Results

Azhar Mone, Sudarsono Samsidi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on the established oil gradient from exploration well RFT's was 1377 psia. This pressure was used as the bubble point pressure of the KF main reservoir...


Performance Review of the Steamflood Pilot Project in the Rindu Sand - Duri Field

Agus Sulistyo, Asep Syaefuddin, Agus Setiawan, Mochtar Djamaludin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in April 1994. The development plan called for a two-month period of production from the Phase I producers prior to the initiation of injection...


Oil and Gas Developments in Four Corners-Intermountain Area in 1983-1985

Daniel J. Brennan

AAPG Bulletin

... the period 1983 through 1985. From 343 exploratory wells drilled in 1982, the total declined to 229 and 199 tests, respectively, in 1983 and 1984...


Mineralogy and Petrology of the Rocks Near the Quadrant-phosphoria Boundary in Southwest Montana

Charles E. Weaver

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... series and are typical of a period of near peneplaination in the source area and belong in the shallow water marine facies of sedimentation...


Las Milpas Gas Storage Unit, T. 15 N., R. 1 E., NMPM, Sandoval County, New Mexico

Roy G. Sharrock

Four Corners Geological Society

..., sulfate 3,600 Original Gas, Oil and Water Contact Datums: Man-made gas bubble in an aquifer reservoir Estimated Primary Recovery: 50 percent of gas...


An Instrument for Measuring Planes and Vectors in Space: NOTES

G.C. Armstrong

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... is reached in which the bubble of the elongated level is central, and plate E is in the lower of the two possible positions which fulfill...


ABSTRACT: A New Technique for Quantification of Water Depth Applied to the Demise of a Carbonate Platform; #90007 (2002)

Gianni Mallarino, Robert H. Goldstein, Pietro Di Stefano

Search and

..., indicating seawater salinity. Some inclusions contain large bubbles suggesting entrapment of seawater and gas. In these, bubble volumes were measured...


ABSTRACT: Near Surface Hydrocarbon Migration: Mechanisms and Seepage Rates; #90013 (2003)

Michael A. Abrams

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.... Many seepage mechanisms have been proposed; diffusion, effusion, advection with moving waters, colloidal bubble ascent via microfractures...


ABSTRACT: Understanding the Geological Controls on Fluid Properties in the Carbonate Stringer Play of South Oman; #90051 (2006)

Paul Taylor, Erdem Idiz, Gordon Macleod, Mohammed Al Ghammari, Steffen Ochs

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... data. This approach showed that the bubble point pressures of the fluids were higher than could be explained by in-situ maturation of the stringer...


Abstract: Gas-Liquid Interactions in Natural Geothermal Conduits: Implications for Artificial Gas-Lift Applications; #90238 (2015)

D. Robertson, E. Joseph, N. Fournier, and F. Witham

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... to be supported by a gas bubble layer above a natural gas-lift system, namely an intermittent/continuous geothermal gas bubble contribution through narrow...


Mineralogy and Petrology of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Clay Bed and Adjacent Clay-Rich Rocks, Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado

Richard M. Pollastro, Charles L. Pillmore

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... proposed by Alvarez et al. (1980) that the abrupt extinctions marking the end of the Cretaceous Period (about 65 Ms) were caused by the impact on earth...


Hydrocarbon Pseudo-Inclusions in Barite: How to Recognize and Avoid Artifacts

A. Dutkiewicz, J. Ridley

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... showed a sudden, irreversible bubble expansion up to 90 volume % gas at about 185°C, indicative of stretching and/or leakage of the inclusion cavity...


Morphology of Molar-Tooth Structures in Precambrian Carbonates: Influence of Substrate Rheology and Implications for Genesis

Mark D. Pollock, Linda C. Kah, Julie K. Bartley

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., A., Furukawa, Y., Dorgan, K.M., Jumars, P.A., Grader, A.S., and Gardiner, B.S., 2005, Bubble growth and rise in soft sediments: Geology, v. 33, p. 517–520...


Flow Regulation in Horizontal Wells: Evaluating a Tailpipe System Designed to Optimize Artificial Lift Performance in Horizontal Wells

Natasha Dye, Dave Kimery, Courtney Gallo

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... This is a linear relationship when a well is producing above bubble point, but at or below bubble point this relationship is non-linear. Well...


A Bayesian Framework for Addressing the Uncertainty in Production Forecasts of Tight Oil Reservoirs Using a Physics-Based Two-Phase Flow Model

Leopoldo M. Ruiz Maraggi, Larry W. Lake, Mark P. Walsh

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... practice to forecast production from tight oil reservoirs. Nonetheless, this approach: a) omits multiphase flow effects that exist below bubble point...


A Multi-Factor Approach to Optimize Horizontal Shale Wells Flowback and Production Operation

Y. Liu, R. M. Jones, H. Lu, K. Putri, S. Atmaca, N. J. R. Gonzalez

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and sand transport/deposition within the tortuous lateral section of these wells during flowback and the production period to provide operational...


Production Optimization of CO2 Huff-n-Puff Process in Unconventional Oil Reservoirs with Effects of Gas Relative Permeability Hysteresis, Geomechanics, and Capillary Pressure

Sardar Asadov, Caner Karacer, Mustafa Onur

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... fractures (or to natural fractures if present). The rock matrix is then exposed to CO2 at the surfaces of fractures. During the injection and soaking period...


An Evaluation of the EOR Potential in Shale Oil Recovery by Cyclic Natural Gas Injection

Talal Gamadi, James J. Sheng

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and availability of the natural gas in some of shale oil plays such as Eagle ford shale reservoirs. In this paper, the effects of soaking period...


Physical Mechanisms of River Waterfall Tufa (Travertine) Formation

David Dian Zhang , Yingjun Zhang , An Zhu , Xing Cheng

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... was measured from the photographs of a high-speed camera. About 3000 bubbles were produced in 0.2 seconds, which is the period for each bubble to rise from...


Simultaneous source wide azimuth seismic acquisition using low frequency Gemini source in eastern Mediterranean Sea

Shangli Ou, Shelley Zaragoza, Zachary Lawrence, Lindsey Donaldson, Chris Tapie, Kim Begay-Jackson, Brian deMartin, Ares Ouzounis, Jie Shu, Luigi Pastore, Gita Febriany

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... to measure the variations of source amplitude and bubble period as a function of pressure. It is found that the overall variation in amplitude and period...


Reservoir Characterization by Integrating Production and Geological Information; Case Study: Kotabatak Pattern Waterflood "High-Grade" Area Selection

Bayong C. Wibowo, Dadang Sofyan G., Terrell Tankersley, William C. Dawson

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... area is bisected by an incised valley complex which formed during a relative lowering of sea level. During this period of low sea level, extensive...


Improving the Understanding of Long Term Behavior of a Major Fractured Basement Reservoir through Material Balance Study

Mugie Ginanjar, Hani Mohede, Martin Mlacnik

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the capacity. Production decline seen in 2014 is not reservoir driven but demand driven. Low demand period occurs and the production allocation strategy...


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