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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,646 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Carbonate Porosity Creation by Mesogenetic Dissolution: Time for a Reality Check, by Ehrenberg, Stephen N.; Walderhaug, Olav; Bjørlykke, Knut; #90135 (2011)
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ABSTRACT: Deep Burial Diagenesis in Rotliegende Reservoirs of the NW German Basin, by R. Gaupp, A. Matter, K. Ramseyer; #91003 (1990).
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ABSTRACT: Control of Facies, Burial History, and Oil Migration on Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality: Maracaribo Basin, Venezuela, by Santosh Kumar Ghosh, Juan Di Croce, Andreina Isea, Cesar Gonzalez; #91003 (1990).
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Abstract: Paleocave-Reservoir Networks; Their Origin and Recognition, by R. G. Loucks and C. R. Handford; #90987 (1993).
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ABSTRACT: The Evolution of Cave Systems from the Surface to Subsurface, by Robert G. Loucks and C. R. Handford; #91019 (1996)
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Chemical and Isotopic Evidence of the Origins of Natural Gases: Abstract
George E. Claypool, Dudley D. Rice, Charles N. Threlkeld
CSPG Special Publications
...-product when increased burial temperatures result in the thermal destruction of organic matter. The gas formed during each of these stages has...
Abstract: Porosities in Pulai-II Sandstone Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Older Reservoirs
Khalid Ngah
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... studies ofthese sandstones indicate that the reservoir quality is primarily the result of burial diagenesis, and is related to facies, depth of burial...
Diagenetic History of Phosphoria, Tensleep, and Madison Formations, La Barge Platform, Wyoming: ABSTRACT
Janell D. Edman, Ronald C. Surdam
AAPG Bulletin
... in parts of the Madison. If porosity in the Tensleep was not destroyed by early evaporitic cements, then continuous destruction of porosity by silica...
Al-Hydroxy Smectite: An Intermediate Between Smectite and Mixed-Layer Illite/Smectite Formed in Burial Diagenesis of Pelitic Sediments?: ABSTRACT
Herman E. Roberson, Bruce Sass
AAPG Bulletin
...Al-Hydroxy Smectite: An Intermediate Between Smectite and Mixed-Layer Illite/Smectite Formed in Burial Diagenesis of Pelitic Sediments?: ABSTRACT...
Paleovertisols as Indicators of Climate: ABSTRACT
Robert H. Blodgett
AAPG Bulletin
... controlled by climate. Changing precipitation patterns can cause the production or destruction of evaporites or carbonates in a Vertisol profile. In contrast...
ABSTRACT: Petrography and Geochemistry of Dolomites in the Lower Cretaceous Edwards Formation in Taylor County, Texas, by C. L. Welch; #90909 (2000)
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ABSTRACT: Low-Latitude Ordovician Glacial Sediments of Gondwana: Reservoir Quality Prediction across the Saharan Platform; #90061 (2006)
Gregg Pyke and Jonathan Redfern
Search and Discovery.com
... is the development of quartz overgrowths associated with increased overburden pressures and temperatures encountered during burial. Quartz overgrowths...
Diagenetic and Burial History of a Portion of the Late Triassic South Georgia Rift Basin Based on Petrologic and Isotopic (d
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Abstract: The Role of Sequence Stratigraphy in Unraveling and Applying the Complex Controls from Mudstone Reservoir Properties, by Kevin M. Bohacs and Ovidiu R. Lazar; #90078 (2008)
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Oil Below “Oil Window�: Deep Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Field Formation
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ABSTRACT: Imaging Giant Stratigraphic Traps Using 3D Seismic Data in Brookian Lower Cretaceous Rocks, NPR-A; #90125 (2011)
Niglio, Louis
Search and Discovery.com
... by facies, grain size, rock composition and maximum burial depth. Lithic rock fragments in Brookian sandstones make these rocks sensitive to destruction...
A Burial, Thermal, and Hydrocarbon Source Rock Evaluation of Lower Cretaceous Rocks in the Southern Moxa Arch Area, Utah and Wyoming
B. E. Law, J. L. Clayton
Wyoming Geological Association
...A Burial, Thermal, and Hydrocarbon Source Rock Evaluation of Lower Cretaceous Rocks in the Southern Moxa Arch Area, Utah and Wyoming B. E. Law, J. L...
Controls on the Reservoir Quality of Lower Miocene Sandstones, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Iwan Busono, Harry Alam, Steve Corbin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... do reduce porosity upon burial. Figure 2. Cross plot of porosity versus sandstone net/gross ratio. The thick red line represent common trend...
Abstract: Dynamic Evolution of Mudstone/Shale Caprocks in the Lower Paleozoic Sequence, Sichuan Basin, SW China, by Zhijun Jin, Yusong Yuan, Dongsheng Sun, Quanyou Liu, and Shuanjian Li; #90175 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
The Framework of Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration, Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope
Jeffrey A. Nunn , Roger Sassen
GCAGS Transactions
... sulfide, and molecular nitrogen become important reservoir components during the final stages of methane destruction. BURIAL HISTORY Burial histories were...
Selective Bivalve Shell Destruction in Marine Environments, A Field Study
Egbert G. Driscoll
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... implications of differential shell burial and destruction are examined. DRISCOLL, E.G., 1967a, Attached epifauna-substrate relations: Limnology...
Hydrotectonic Models of Burial Diagenesis in Platform Carbonates Based on Formation Water Geochemistry in North American Sedimentary Basins
Ezat Heydari
Special Publications of SEPM
... destruction generates significant amounts of CO derived margin burial diagenetic realm exemplified by the Ouachita collision belt is characterized...
Chronology and Intensity of Barito Uplifts, Southeast Kalimantan: A Geochemical Constraint and Windows of Opportunity: Abstract
Awang Harun Satyana, Raden Idris
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in the Miocene and continuous up to the present time resulting in positive structures typifying the area today. Examination of burial history curves...
Abstract: Framboidal copper sulphides associated with bitumen: implications to the genesis of the El Soldado copper deposit, Chile
Nicholas S. F. Wilson
Atlantic Geology
... at the time of deposition of the host volcanic sequence; (2) burial of the volcanic sequence was associ- ated with the formation of early (north-south...