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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,646 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
A Protocol for the Evaluation and (Semi-)Quantification of Secondary Migration Efficiency, by D. S. Muller; #90986 (1994).
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ABSTRACT: The Relationship Between Fluid-Flow Systems and Sandstone Diagenesis in Laramide Basins, by Ronald C. Surdam; #91020 (1995).
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Diagenesis in Shallow Conventional and Low-Permeability Biogenic Methane Reservoirs of Eagle Sandstone, Montana: ABSTRACT
Donald L. Gautier
AAPG Bulletin
.... Investigations reveal that these reservoirs display inorganic diagenetic features similar to those of rocks having a burial history suitable for the formation...
Secondary Porosity in Laumontite-Bearing Sandstones: ABSTRACT
Ronald B. Frost, Ronald C. Surdam, Laura J. Crossey
AAPG Bulletin
... sedimentary rocks, particularly those containing volcanogenic material, develop laumontite cements during burial with increasing temperature...
Two Petroleum Systems Charge the YA13-1 Gas Field in Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan Basins, South China Sea
Honghan Chen, Sitian Li, Yongchuan Sun, and Qiming Zhang
AAPG Bulletin
..., and Qiming Zhang 1998 757 772 82 (1998) 5A Restoring burial history, correlating maturities and biomarkers of gas-condensate source rocks, measuring fluid...
Abstract: Revisiting the Importance of Secondary Dissolution Pores in Tertiary Sandstones Along the Texas Gulf Coast
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Abstract: The Hole Truth: Upper Mannville Diagenesis; #90174 (2014)
Cathy M. Hamel
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... of burial diagenesis there is an initial reduction or destruction of porosity in the clastic succession. Compaction, cementation, recrystallization...
Abstract: Diagenetic Controls on Porosity Evolution of Deeply Buried Sandstone Reservoirs; #90299 (2017)
Khalid Ramadan
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... role in porosity destruction, enhancement and preservation in deeply buried sandstone reservoirs. Precipitation of quartz cement on detrital sandstone...
Abstract: Mesogenetic Porosity Alteration in Carbonate Sediments, by Volkmar Schmidt; #90968 (1977).
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Abstract: Influence of Diagenetic and Postlithification Processes on Porosity in Mississippian Carbonate Reservoirs of Southern Saskatchewan, by Donald M. Kent, Kenneth L. Walters; #90964 (1978).
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ABSTRACT: Relationships Among Thermal Maturity, Sandstone Diagenesis, and Reservoir Quality in Pennsylvanian Strata of the Arkoma Basin, by David W. Houseknecht and Lori A. Hathon; #91038 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbons in an Overmature Basin: II, Is There a Thermal Maturity Limit to Methane Production in Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma and Arkansas?, by David W. Houseknecht and Lori A. Hathon; #91039 (2010)
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Abstract: Diagenetic Features in Basal Sands of the Upper Mississippian Kiskatinaw Formation, Alberta, by I. K. Kirkland and I. E. Hutcheon; #91012 (1992).
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Examples, Causes, and Consequences of Vitrinite Reflectance Suppression in Hydrogen-Rich Organic Matter--a Major Unrecognized Problem: ABSTRACT
Leigh C. Price
AAPG Bulletin
...) hydrogen-rich OM requiring significantly higher burial temperatures to attain the same maturation rank as oxygen-rich OM. Thus, all maturation indices...
Abstract: A Dynamic Approach to Evolution of Low Permeability Gas Accumulations in the Greater Green and Wind River Basins, Wyoming, by Randal L. Billingsley and Maria Wood Henry; #90039 (2005)
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Multiphase inversions and their impact on petroleum systems of the Western Mediterranean basins and margins (with focus on North Algeria and France)
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Understanding the Scale of Calcite Mass Transfer in a Nanoporous Reservoir, Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Denver Basin, Colorado
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ABSTRACT: Fracture Processes in Sandstone: Insights to Guide Prediction and Characterization; #90016 (2003)
LAUBACH, Stephen E., OLSON, Jon E., LANDER, Robert H., BONNELL, Linda M., MARRETT, Randy, REED, Robert M.
Search and Discovery.com
... destruction. Insights from coupled mechanical and diagenetic modeling of fracture systems and new approaches to observing and quantifying fracture...
Abstract: Paleogeographic Reconstruction and Provenance of Oxfordian Aeolian Sandstone Reservoirs in Mexico Offshore Areas; Comparison to the Norphlet Aeolian System of the Northern Gulf of Mexico;
John Snedden, Daniel Stockli, Ian Norton
Search and Discovery.com
... of burial (>4000m). Published information is not definitive on the factors mitigating subsurface reservoir quality destruction, but it is likely...
Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes: REPLY
P. D. Wagner, R. K. Matthews
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to Burial Processes: REPLY P. D. Wagner, R. K. Matthews 1983 Vol. 53 No. 1. (March), HANOR, J. S., 1980, Dissolved methane in sedimentary brines: potential...
Application of the SourceRER Modeling System (Source Retrodiction & Environmental Reconstruction) to Unconventional Reservoirs: Estimating Mudstone Character and Distribution using Paleo-Environmental Factors; #120117 (2013)
Kevin M. Bohacs, Brian P. West, and George J. Grabowski, Jr.
Search and Discovery.com
..., Destruction, and Dilution and of the consequent source-rock quality. These inputs include key states of the ocean and atmosphere as well as such geological...
Mineralogical and Geochemical Transformation of Clays During Catagenesis and Their Relation to Oil Generation
A. E. Foscolos, T. G. Powell
CSPG Special Publications
... and Beaufort-Mackenzie Basins of the Canadian Northwest Territories. Upon burial of the sediments, the concentration of expandable 2:1 layer silicates...
Dolomitization and Reservoirs Characteristics of Chx-Fxg Formation in Sichuan Basin (SW China), #40676 (2010)
Liyin Pan, Jianfeng Shou, Jingao Zhou,
Search and Discovery.com
... in recent years. The deep-burial Chx-Fxg carbonate reservoirs in Longgang area of Sichuan Basin occur at present day depth of more than 5000m. High...