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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,646 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Not Anoxia! How Do You Preserve Organic Matter Then?, by J. Macquaker, D. McIlroy, S. J. Davies, and M. A. Keller; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Key Factors of Oil-Gas Reservoir-Forming in Ordovician Carbonate Reservoirs in Gucheng Uplift, Tarim Basin, Northwest China
Search and Discovery.com
Burial Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Migration in Platform Limestones: A Conceptual Model Based on the Upper Jurassic of the Gulf Coast of the USA: Chapter 13: DIAGENESIS, SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY AND CHANGES IN RELATIVE SEA LEVEL
Clyde H. Moore, Ezat Heydari
AAPG Special Volumes
... porosity in a continuing burial situation. Porosity occlusion in a reservoir where reservoir hydrocarbons are undergoing thermal destruction...
Abstract: Rules of Sandstone Diagenesis Related to Reservoir Quality
Earle F. McBride
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... their generation, secondary pores undergo some destruction during subsequent deeper burial by infilling with late-diagenetic ferroan carbonate...
Abstract: Widespread Occurrence of Laumontite in Late Mesozoic and Tertiary Basins of Pacific Margin, by Richard J. Stewart, Thane H. McCulloch; #90969 (1977).
Search and Discovery.com
Rules of Sandstone Diagenesis Related to Reservoir Quality: ABSTRACT
Earle F. McBride
AAPG Bulletin
... sand during all stages of burial and, in some basins, during subsequent uplift. Petrographic studies by many workers in the past 10 years provide...
Abstract: Poor Timing in the Canadian Arctic: Risks to Petroleum Trapping and Preservation in Three Successive Petroleum Systems, by M. E. Tennyson and J. K. Pitman; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Death, Destruction & Dirt: Using Paleosols to Reconstruct Environmental Changes across the Permo-Triassic Boundary; #90063 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
"Frozen-In" Hydrocarbon Accumulations or Diagenetic Traps--Exploration Targets
H. Hugh Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
... in sandstone reservoirs inhibits the process of porosity destruction by cementation during burial which, in water-bearing parts of the reservoir...
Porosity Prediction in Frontier Basins: A Systematic Approach to Estimating Subsurface Reservoir Quality from Outcrop Samples
R.C. Tobin
AAPG Special Volumes
...: Ancient Pore Destruction--What Was the Dominant Mechanism? Outcrop samples whose pore system was destroyed primarily by burial compaction are referred...
The Global Oil System: The Relationship Between Oil Generation, Loss, Half-Life, and the World Crude Oil Resource: DISCUSSION
G. F. Ulmishek, R. R. Charpentier, C. C. Barton
AAPG Bulletin
...) this system remains in equilibrium for at least hundreds of millions of years, (3) the destruction of oil follows an exponential model, and (4...
Burial Cementation and Dissolution in Carboniferous Slope Facies, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity; #20234 (2014)
Joel F. Collins, David Katz, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and Wayne Narr
Search and Discovery.com
...Burial Cementation and Dissolution in Carboniferous Slope Facies, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity; #20234 (2014) Joel F...
High-Resolution Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Wolfcamp D Shale-Unit in Upton and Midland Counties – Is it possible to identify stratigraphically significant surfaces using δ13Ccarb?; #51605 (2019)
Frank Tamakloe, Andrea Erhardt, Michael M. McGlue, Lowell Waite
Search and Discovery.com
... matter enrichment as well as post-depositional organic matter destruction. We identify several thin bed intervals (<6 in.) marked by sharp negative...
Textural Stages of Mesodiagenesis
Volkmar Schmidt, David A. McDonald
AAPG Special Volumes
... porosity classes in response to progressive burial. This provides an excellent means of relating mesogenetic sandstone diagenesis to burial history...
Secondary Carbonate Porosity
D. G. Bebout
AAPG Special Volumes
...), regional and local depositional setting, carbonate facies (rock fabric), and burial history (structural setting) control the formation, preservation...
Genetic Significance of Organic Matter in Subsurface Waters in Oil Geology
V. A. Kudryakov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... to development in subsurface waters of cyclic hydrocarbons and tar-asphalt components. However, with sufficiently rapid burial, the formation of polysaccharids...
New Evidence for Hot, Deep Origin and Migration of Petroleum
Leigh Price
AAPG Special Volumes
.... These field and experimental data imply that the concept of a low-temperature thermal destruction of hydrocarbons should be reexamined. Based on solubility...
ABSTRACT: Source Rock Potential of Shallow-Water Evaporitic Settings, by J. K. Warren; #91043 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Relationships Between Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality in Upper Tomma Formation, Haltenbanken, Offshore Mid-Norway, by S. N. Ehrenberg; #91038 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Surface Thermal Maturity Map of Uinta, Piceance, and Eagle Basins Area, Utah and Colorado, by Vito F. Nuccio and Ronald C. Johnson; #91030 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Open System Diagenesis and the Loss of Provenance Signatures: Isotopic and Elemental Data from Sandstones, Frio Formation, South Texas, by L. S. Land, L. E. Mack, G. L. MacPherson, K. L. Milliken; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Evaluation of Clastic Diagenesis Using Coupled Kinetic and Equilibrium Models, by Ronald C. Surdam, Donald B. MacGowan, Thomas L. Dunn; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com