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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 19,646 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Diagenetic Evolution and Timing of Oil Emplacement in the Arad-D Carbonate Reservoir, Saudi Arabia; #90318 (2018)

Idoia Rosales, Luis Pomar, Saad Al-Awwad

Search and

... dolomite and dolomite cement (D1 to D5) have been documented from diagenetic environments ranging from marine to late burial. Based on analysis...


ABSTRACT: Diagenesis of Ordovician Sandstones from the Ahnet Basin, Algeria; #90016 (2003)

Mohamed Kaced

Search and

... interpreted as a PreHercynian burial and compaction phase; (2) from 175 to 2300C (possibly as high as 2560C) interpreted as a Post-Hercynian major thermal...


“Frozen-In” Hydrocarbon Accumulations or Diagenetic Traps–Exploration Targets

H. Hugh Wilson

Abilene Geological Society

... be concluded that diagenetic destruction of porosity takes place during burial of both carbonate and clastic reservoirs. In the former, the plugging...


Diagenesis of a Late Mississippian Mixed Carbonate-Clastic Sequence from southwestern New Mexico

David J. Sivils, D. B. Johnson

West Texas Geological Society

... or dolomitization (facies specific), low-Mg calcite cementation, fracturing, ferroan calcite (burial) cementation, quartz cementation...


Meteoric versus burial control on porosity evolution of the Smackover Formation

Ezat Heydari

AAPG Bulletin

...: Sequence and time scale: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 39, p. 9801006.Heydari, E., 1997a, The role of burial diagenesis in hydrocarbon destruction...


Burial History of Central Texas Cretaceous Carbonates

Shawn Fullmer, F. Jerry Lucia

GCAGS Transactions

...Burial History of Central Texas Cretaceous Carbonates Shawn Fullmer, F. Jerry Lucia 2005 225 232 Vol. 55 (2005) Little is published on the burial...


Stratigraphic Zone-Depth Predictions for Louisiana's Probable Hydrocarbon Exploration Floor

Ronald K. Zimmerman

GCAGS Transactions

... viability because of the onset of hydrocarbon destruction and overwhelming reservoir porosity-permeability degradation brought on by hostile burial...


Porosity Preservation in the Upper Smackover (Jurassic) Carbonate Grainstone, Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Response of Paleophreatic Lenses to Burial Processes--Comments on the Paper of Wagner and Matthews, the Discussion of Moore and Brock, and the Reply of Wagner and Matthews: DISCUSSION

Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to Burial Processes--Comments on the Paper of Wagner and Matthews, the Discussion of Moore and Brock, and the Reply of Wagner and Matthews: DISCUSSION Hugh J...


Hydrocarbon Potential Of Chihuahua

L. W. Dan Bridges

West Texas Geological Society

... which has been largely ignored, but should concern the hydrocarbon explorationist. Dispersal and Destruction of Hydrocarbons—The Last Frontier...


Sorbed Hydrocarbons in Disseminated Organic Matter

N. A. Eremenko, R. A. Tverdova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...) 350-860°C - predominantly a process of destruction of organic matter and formation of new hydrocarbons; 3) 860-1100°C - predominantly a process...


An Overview of Dissolution Porosity Development in the Deep-Burial Environment, With Examples from Carbonate Reservoirs in the Permian Basin

S.J. Mazzullo and P.M. Harris

Search and

... temporally and spatially to the burial depthtemperature-hydrologic history of sedimentary basins and to their hydrocarbon maturationmigration-destruction...


An Overview of Dissolution Porosity Development in the Deep-Burial Environment, with Examples from Carbonate Reservoirs in the Permian Basin

S. J. Mazzullo, P. M. Harris

West Texas Geological Society

...An Overview of Dissolution Porosity Development in the Deep-Burial Environment, with Examples from Carbonate Reservoirs in the Permian Basin S. J...


Vertebrate Taphonomy Applied to the Analysis of Ancient Fluvial Systems

Emlyn H. Koster

Special Publications of SEPM

... of burial C aqueous mortality high potential for major movement of carcass moderate-high probability for mechanical disarticulation and destruction...


Extended Abstract: Reconstruction of Diagenetic and Burial History of South Georgia Rift Basin: an Example of Rifting, Drifting and Inversion Along the Passive Margin of Eastern North America Based on Analyses of Sandstones from the Rizer #1 Test Borehole, Colleton County, SC

James M. Rine, Brittany Hollon, Robert Fu, Michael Waddell

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Extended Abstract: Reconstruction of Diagenetic and Burial History of South Georgia Rift Basin: an Example of Rifting, Drifting and Inversion Along...


The Destruction and Preservation of Giant Light Oilfields

Duncan S. Macgregor

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...The Destruction and Preservation of Giant Light Oilfields Duncan S. Macgregor 1997 843 852 Study of a database of 350 giant oilfields show...


Burial History and Porosity Evolution of Brazilian Upper Jurassic to Tertiary Sandstone Reservoirs

Cristiano Leite Sombra, Chang, Hung Kiang

AAPG Special Volumes

... the ones that achieved maximum burial late in their burial history, indicating time is a factor in porosity destruction. The more mineralogically...


Carbonate porosity creation by mesogenetic dissolution: Reality or illusion?

Stephen N. Ehrenberg, Olav Walderhaug, Knut Bjorlykke

AAPG Bulletin

... of rather minimal late porosity enhancement on a background of overwhelming porosity destruction during the course of progressive burial diagenesis. We wish...


Abstract: A Sedimentological Explanation for the Distribution of Archaeological Sites in a Meander Belt as Stated by the "Relict Channel Rule"

Paul V. Heinrich

GCAGS Transactions

... of a river course will occur as surface sites. Because of the extensive destruction and burial of sites by meander belt processes, reconstructing...


Estimation of Coal-Generated Gas Using the Geologic-Thermal-Evolution-Sifting Method in the North China Basin

Zhou Xingxi, Yuan Rong, Li Xuexin, Liu Wenli, Ran Weili

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... development, source-rock burial history, and thermal evolution, this paper briefly presents the basis, philosophy, and methodology of the geologic...


Abstract: Modeling the Burial and Thermal History, Organic Maturation, and Oil Expulsion of the North Louisiana Petroleum System

Roger Barnaby

GCAGS Transactions

...Abstract: Modeling the Burial and Thermal History, Organic Maturation, and Oil Expulsion of the North Louisiana Petroleum System Roger Barnaby 2006...


Principal Factors Controlling the Timing of Petroleum Generation

B. P. Tissot, J. F. Bard, J. Espitalie

CSPG Special Publications

... is mainly controlled by burial depth and geothermal gradient. Time and temperature, to a certain degree, can be mutually compensatory in oil and gas...


Burial History and Thermal Maturity, Rocky Mountain Front Ranges, Foothills, and Foreland, East-Central British Columbia and Adjacent Alberta, Canada

Wolfgang Kalkreuth, Margaret McMechan

AAPG Bulletin

... generation and/or destruction on the burial-history curves (Figure 10). These calculations suggest that in all areas where Jurassic and Cretaceous strata...


Organic Metamorphism and the Generation of Petroleum

A. Hood , C. C. M. Gutjahr , R. L. Heacock

AAPG Bulletin

... to as "Level of Organic Metamorphism" (LOM) describes how far the thermal metamorphism of sedimented organic matter has progressed during subsurface burial...


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