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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,646 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Sonic velocity, submarine canyons, and burial diagenesis in Oligocene-Holocene cool-water carbonates, Gippsland Basin, southeast Australia
Malcolm W. Wallace, Guy R. Holdgate, Jim Daniels, Stephen J. Gallagher, Andrew Smith
AAPG Bulletin
...Sonic velocity, submarine canyons, and burial diagenesis in Oligocene-Holocene cool-water carbonates, Gippsland Basin, southeast Australia Malcolm W...
ABSTRACT: Several Basic Scientific Problems in Geochemical Studies On Deep Natural Gases; #90134 (2011)
Xianbin Wang
Search and Discovery.com
... various stages of hydrocarbon generation and destruction, and consequently produces a concept of the hydrocarbon “deadline”. When thermal maturity...
ABSTRACT: Integrating CO2, H2S, N2, and Noble Gas Data with Post Mature Hydrocarbon Geochemistry in Deep Ordovician and Silurian Reservoirs, Appalachian Basin, Eastern USA; #90134 (2011)
Christopher D. Laughrey
Search and Discovery.com
..., confirming that thermal destruction of carbonates during deep burial is the source. The N2 content of the Utica and Point Pleasant gases is low (0.57 to 0.66...
Regional Pattern of Thermal Maturation as Determined from Coal-Rank Studies, Rocky Mountain Foothills and Front Ranges North of Grande Cache, Alberta -- Implications for Petroleum Exploration
Wolfgang Kalkreuth, Margaret E. Mcmechan
CSPG Bulletin
... in the Front Ranges. Time-depth (burial) curves suggest that the westward decrease in level of maturation is due to a westward decrease...
Abstract: Quantitative Simulation of Sandstone Porosity Evolution Accounting for Compaction and Unloading; #90255 (2017)
Tingan Li
Search and Discovery.com
... of porosity evolution is essential for burial history analysis and paleopressure prediction in sedimentary basins. Nowadays porosity evolution...
Reservoir quality prediction in tight rocks: Examples from the Permian Wolfcamp and 3rd Bone Spring intervals
Ryan D. Wilson, Julymar Morantes, Fabien Laugier, Dave Forand, Russell Zhao
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... the impact of thermal history and effective stress on porosity/permeability preservation and/or destruction. These intervals were also subdivided...
Abstract: New Evidence for Hot, Deep Origin and Migration of Petroleum, by Leigh Price; #90961 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Devil in the Details: What Controls Vertical and Lateral Variation of Hydrocarbon Source and Shale-Gas Reservoir Potential at Millimeter to Kilometer Scales?
Kevin M. Bohacs
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., and chemical attributes. These variations arise from changing relations among the key sets of processes that influence the production, destruction...
Abstract: Tectonics of the Sarawak Basin (Paper 15)
H. D. Tjia
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... enhanced or developed closures and structural traps, caused repeated migration of He, accelerated maturation by deeper burial, and developed suitable...
Effect of Pre-Jurassic Erosion on Formation of Oil Pools in Deep Triassic Sediments of East Cis-Caucasus and South Mangyshlak
A. A. Kleshchev, G. F. Pozharisskaya, V. P. Stroganov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of clastic-carbonate rocks with 0.2-9.8% sapropelic organic matter. Depth of burial was 5-6 km. These source beds are within the thermal gas window. Oil...
ABSTRACT: Depth- and Lithofacies-Related Diagenesis in the Wilcox Group of Southwest Louisiana: Implications for Porosity Evaluation, by Bruce R. Wilcoxon, Ray E. Ferrell, Jr.; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Petroleum Systems of the Southwest Caspian Basin, by M. A. Abrams and A. A. Narimanov; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Thinking and Methodology Leading to a Major Sweetspot in Tight Sands - A Deep Eocene Misoa Sands Discovery, by J-Y. D. Chatellier, F. Leon, S. Sarzalejo, R. Perez, P. Hague, and M. Wilpshaar; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Conceptual Depositional Model of Organics in Marine Environment: Integrating Biology and Sedimentology, by Huc, Alain-Yves; Granjeon, Didier ; Chauveau, Benoit; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: New Exploration Plays Predicted from Novel Petroleum System Models of the Paleozoic Strata in Tarim Basin, NW China, by Wenzhi Zhao and Suyun Hu; #90175 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: My Source Rock in Now My Unconventional Reservoir: Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of Organic-Rich Rocks, by Quinn Passey; #90185 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Some of My Source Rocks are Now ReservoirsGeological and Petrophysical Characterization of Organic-Rich Rocks; #90212 (2015)
Q. R. Passey, K. M. Bohacs, M. Rudnicki, S. Sinha, O. R. Lazar, and W. L. Esch
Search and Discovery.com
...-prone source rocks. Through burial and heating, these reservoirs evolved from organic-matter-rich mud. Their key characteristics include: total organic...
Abstract: Regional Sweetspotting of Tight Gas Reservoirs in Lower Cambrian Terrestrial Sandstones, North Oman; #90319 (2018)
Ricardo Pereira, Ahmed Aghbari, Hussain Zuhaibi, James Moss, Husam Rawahi, Erwin W. Adams, Moira Urquhart, Joachim Bildstein, Abdullah Al Ghahafi
Search and Discovery.com
...) regardless of basin position. A set of ‘big rules’ for the creation (and destruction) of flow units allowed to discriminate the main basins and to assess...
Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Khuff Reservoir Characteristics in the South Pars Gasfield, Offshore Iran; #20170 (2012)
S. N. Ehrenberg
Search and Discovery.com
... formed in near-surface settings and have been little modified during burial, except by infilling with stylolitederived calcite and dolomite cement...
The Behavior of Silica in Diagenesis
E. C. Dapples
Special Publications of SEPM
... stages of diagenesis of sediments. Such stages are: initial or depositional, intermediate or early burial, and late burial or pre-metamorphic. Collectively...
Contrasting Styles of Chemical Compaction in the Upper Pennsylvanian Dennis Limestone in the Mid-continent Region, U.S.A.
L. Bruce Railsback
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... in the most seaward and stratigraphically lowest facies, where degrading neomorphism, an apparent result of compaction, also occurred despite shallow burial...
Framework of Hydrocarbon Generation and Destruction in Eastern Smackover Trend
Roger Sassen, Clyde H. Moore
AAPG Bulletin
...Framework of Hydrocarbon Generation and Destruction in Eastern Smackover Trend Roger Sassen, Clyde H. Moore 1988 649 663 72 6. (June) Laminated lime...
Geochemical Studies of Crude Oil Generation, Migration, and Destruction in the Mississippi Salt Basin
Roger Sassen , C. H. Moore , J. A. Nunn , F. C. Meendsen , Ezat Heydari
GCAGS Transactions
...Geochemical Studies of Crude Oil Generation, Migration, and Destruction in the Mississippi Salt Basin Roger Sassen , C. H. Moore , J. A. Nunn , F. C...