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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,646 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Reservoir Property Changes Caused by Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction in the Smackover Formation
John A. Rhodes
GCAGS Transactions
...., and Moore, C. H., 1989, Burial diagenesis and thermochemical sulfate reduction, Smackover Formation, southeastern Mississippi Salt Basin: Geology, v. 17, p...
...) and a short core (86 cm) from Copano Bay, Texas to estimate the rate of destruction and understand the burial history of molluscan shells...
Mud Diapirs and Mud Volcanoes Associated with Gas Hydrates System in the Sinu Fold Belt of Colombia, South Western Caribbean and its Significant in the Petroleum System, #80698 (2019).
Mario Garcia-Gonzalez, Rocio Bernal-Olaya, Jorge L. Fuentes-Lorenzo and Ana M Garcia-Ceballos,
Search and Discovery.com
... with a relics of BSR. This structure growth along with burial, sedimentation, formation and destruction of gas hydrates, example from the Sinu fold belt...
Compaction Law for Cretaceous Sandstones of Alaska's North Slope
Richard Smosna
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska contain a significant volume of ductile grains and have suffered substantial physical compaction with burial...
Abstract: Evolution and High Dissolution Porosity of woodbine Sandstones in a Slope Submarine Fan, Double A Wells Field, Polk County, Texas-A Deep Water Gulf of Mexico Model Onshore
Fred L. Stricklin, Jr.
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., followed by cement dissolution by acidic waters during deeper burial. Note the calcite cement (orange) undergoing dissolution in the center of the cover...
Abstract: Origin of the Offshore Louisiana/Mississippi Delta Oils by Reservoir-Source Decoupling
Paul A. Comet, Mahlon C. Kennicutt, II, Norman L. Guinasso, Jr., Guy J. Denoux, Thomas J. McDonald, Roger A. Burke, Jr., James M. Brooks
GCAGS Transactions
.... The presumed parent source rocks have "burnt out" due to deep burial and presently occur in the post-mature gas generation zone. A halokinetic model in which...
Abstract: Factors Controlling Reservoir Properties Of Lacustrine Turbidites In Intracratonic Rift Basins: A Case Study From Barmer Basin, Nw India; #90315 (2017)
P. Majumdar, S. Konar, A.K. Bora, C. Saha, P. Kumar, P. Shankar, V. Kothari
Search and Discovery.com
... quality, with relative abundances of coarse to fine being guided by the distance of transport and associated subenvironments. It is, however, the burial...
Using Tentaculitid Fossils for Environmental and Diagenetic Interpretations (Horn River Formation, Northeastern British Columbia, Canada): Many Questions and a Few Preliminary Answers, #50976 (2014).
Chris L. Schneider, Nicholas B. Harris
Search and Discovery.com
... to a fossil between death and final discovery, and includes processes that happen on the sediment surface (breakage, abrasion, destruction, dissolution, etc...
ABSTRACT: Diagenesis and fluid flow history in reservoir carbonates of the Cordilleran foreland fold and thrust belt: The Cordoba Platform (eastern Mexico); #90011 (2002)
Search and Discovery.com
... with the THRUSTPACK-software. The result of these exercises is a stepwise model of deformational or thermal stage on discrete time-intervals, reflecting the burial...
The Petroleum Geology of the Ganga Basin, Himalayan Foredeep, Northern India; #30247 (2012)
Sudhir Mathur, B.N.S. Naidu, Subhrashis Adhikari, Stuart D. Burley, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra
Search and Discovery.com
... section underwent burial to at least 4.5 km in the Lower Palaeozoic and subsequent uplift (Figure 6). The exact timing of the uplift is unknown because...
ABSTRACT Organic-rich tropical rivers and their role in CO2 and methane generation, #90102 (2010)
Robert C Shoup, Yutthorn Gonnecome
Search and Discovery.com
...). As formation temperatures increase with increased burial, the carboxylic acid anions are destroyed by thermal decarboxylation. Although destruction...
Assessing the Impact of Initial Carbonate Diagenetic Reactivity on Reservoir Properties, #120065 (2012)
Adrian Immenhauser
Search and Discovery.com
..., 2004). Therefore, a Paleozoic coral-dominated reef (calcite) edifice is expected to enter the burial realm with an overall lower diagenetic reactivity...
Mineral/Water Interaction, Fluid Flow, and Frio Sandstone Diagenesis: Evidence from the Rocks
F. Leo Lynch
AAPG Bulletin
... distribution of burial diagenetic cements in sandstones of the Frio Formation is related to permeability and fluid flow. The relationship between...
Prevention of Carbonate Cementation in Petroleum Reservoirs
Charles T. Feazel, Richard A. Schatzinger
Special Publications of SEPM
... there?" Preservation of porosity, regardless of its origin, is a consequence of one or more of the following mechanisms: (1) minimal burial, (2) reduced burial stress...
Organic Carbon Burial In The Black Sea
S.E. Calvert, R.E. Karlin
CSPG Special Publications
...Organic Carbon Burial In The Black Sea S.E. Calvert, R.E. Karlin 1994 92 92...
Burial history of Early Paleozoic hydrocarbon prospects in western Newfoundland
S. Henry Williams, Elliott T. Burden
CSPG Special Publications
...Burial history of Early Paleozoic hydrocarbon prospects in western Newfoundland S. Henry Williams, Elliott T. Burden 1997 295 295...
Using Homogenization Temperature and Trapping Pressure Of Fluid Inclusion to Doubly Constraint on Hydrocarbon Charging Times: As an Example of the Ordovician in Yubei Area, Tarim Basin; #10798 (2015)
Pei Shang, Honghan Chen
Search and Discovery.com
... temperature (Th) of fluid inclusion projecting on burial history diagram with thermal curve to obtain hydrocarbon charging times has been widely...
Glossary of Terms Applicable to the Petroleum System
Jennifer A. Miles
AAPG Special Volumes
... basin. burial history chart: A burial history curve or geohistory diagram constructed to show the time over which hydrocarbon generation occurs...
Burial, Uplift and Exhumation History of the Atlantic Margin of NE Brazil; #30113 (2010)
Peter Japsen, Johan Bonow, Paul F. Green, Peter R. Cobbold, Dario Chiossi, and Ragnhild Lilletveit
Search and Discovery.com
...Burial, Uplift and Exhumation History of the Atlantic Margin of NE Brazil; #30113 (2010) Peter Japsen, Johan Bonow, Paul F. Green, Peter R. Cobbold...
Sedimentary Petrographic Provinces: An Evaluation
Lee J. Suttner
Special Publications of SEPM
... agent of sediment transported traction saltation al1d in suspension c and environment rate of deposition and burial climate at depositional site f...
Origin and Recognition of Fractures, Breccias, and Sediment Fills in Paleocave-Reservoir Networks
Robert G. Loucks, C. Robertson Handford
West Texas Geological Society
... and ancient cave systems. Cave processes can be divided into near-surface and deep-burial processes. Near-surface processes include solutional...
Late Burial Diagenesis, Lower Cretaceous Pearsall and Lower Glen Rose Formations, South Texas
R.E. Woronick, L.S. Land
Special Publications of SEPM
...Late Burial Diagenesis, Lower Cretaceous Pearsall and Lower Glen Rose Formations, South Texas R.E. Woronick, L.S. Land Copyright © 2012, The Society...
Plate Tectonics in Petroleum Exploration of Convergent Continental Margins: Hydrocarbons
Thomas L. Thompson
AAPG Special Volumes
... in sediments as young as Pleistocene because of rapid deep burial associated with subduction. Mountainous source areas for sediment plus steep continental...
Burial Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution, Upper Jurassic Smackover, Arkansas and Louisiana
Clyde H. Moore, Yehezkeel Druckman
AAPG Bulletin
... be preserved during burial, and later enhanced by solution during hydrocarbon migration. Because no one process of porosity destruction or preservation...
Controls on H2S Concentration and Hydrocarbon Destruction in the Eastern Smackover Trend
William J. Wade , Jeffrey S. Hanor , Roger Sassen
GCAGS Transactions
...Controls on H2S Concentration and Hydrocarbon Destruction in the Eastern Smackover Trend William J. Wade , Jeffrey S. Hanor , Roger Sassen 1989 Vol...