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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 18,137 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Abstract: Stratigraphically Useful Cretaceous Microfossils-Incertae Sedis

R. P. Zingula

GCAGS Transactions

...Abstract: Stratigraphically Useful Cretaceous Microfossils-Incertae Sedis R. P. Zingula 1961 Vol. 11 (1961), Microfossils of unknown genetic...


Microfossils, Macrofossils, and Stromatolites from Middle Proterozoic Belt Supergroup, Montana: ABSTRACT

Robert J. Horodyski

AAPG Bulletin

... preserved within wholly calcareous rocks. Microfossils also occur in association with syngenetic sulfides in shales of the Appekunny Argillite (ca. 1,300...


Abstract: Biostratigraphy of Middle-Upper Eocene Rocks at North Eastern Desert of Egypt: a Quantitative Microfossils Approach; #91204 (2023)

Asmaa Korin, Hatem Hassan, Michael Kaminski

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..., and specific fossil content. The microfossils such as; benthic and planktic foraminifera as well as calcareous nannoplanktons were extracted from the rock...


Abstract: Biostratigraphy of Some Neogene Formations, Northern Florida and Atlantic Coastal Plain

W. H. Akers

GCAGS Transactions

..., world-wide studies by numerous specialists on planktonic Foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton have been extended into the type European sections...


Micropaleontology of Holothurian Sclerites

Don L. Frizzell, Harriet EXline, Mrs. Don L. Frizzell

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... (Echinoderma, Holothuroidea) are known almost exclusively from isolated sclerites, microscopic calcareous particles that support the body of the animal...


Deep-Sea Drilling in Northern Pacific: Paleontology and Biostratigraphy: ABSTRACT

D. Bukry, S. A. Kling, V. Krasheninnikov

AAPG Bulletin

... calcareous strata. Radiolarians are more markedly affected by biogeographic variability than are the calcareous microfossils; biostratigraphy developed...


Late Cenozoic Calcareous Microfossil Biostratigraphy, Paleo-oceanography, and Biogeography--Poles to Tropics: ABSTRACT

James P. Kennett

AAPG Bulletin

... and the Antarctic Convergence and the evolution of cold, high-latitude climates. Nearly all evolution of calcareous planktonic microfossils has...


Otoliths of Brightseat Formation (Danian) of Maryland: ABSTRACT

Jeanne Travisono

AAPG Bulletin

...Otoliths of Brightseat Formation (Danian) of Maryland: ABSTRACT Jeanne Travisono 1981 1016 1016 65 5. (May) Otoliths are calcareous secretions...


Abstract: Neogene Palaeoceanography of the Northern Indian Ocean: Evidence from the Microfossils

Arindam Chakraborty

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... can be used as proxies for marine temperature, nutrient levels and other environmental parameters. The calcareous and siliceous microfossils from...


Introduction to Paleontology of the Chatsworth Formation

Richard L. Squires

Pacific Section SEPM

... of these localities are in the middle-fan interchannel deposits. The microfossils consist mostly of agglutinated foraminifers, some calcareous...


Abstract: Sedimentary Characteristics and Chronostratigraphy of Upper Miocene to Pliocene in Rakhine Basin, Bay of Bengal; #90246 (2016)

Jie Zhang, Dali Shao, Guozhang Fan, Hongxia Ma, Liangbo Ding, Xuefeng Wang

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... to analyze the microfossils (Calcareous nannofossils, foraminiferas, dinoflagellates and sporopollens) in order to study the chronostratigraphy...


Abstract: Chertification Phenomena in Antarctic and Pacific Deep Sea Sediments - A Scanning Electron Microscope/X-Ray Diffraction Study

F. M. Weaver , S. W. Wise

GCAGS Transactions

... microfossils. Cristobalite spherules identical to those reported from the Antarctic as well the Atlantic and Caribbean Ocean basins (Wise & Kelts, 1972...


Biostratigraphy of Some Neogene Formations, Northern Florida and Atlantic Coastal Plain: ABSTRACT

W. H. Akers

AAPG Bulletin

...) In recent years worldwide studies by numerous specialists on planktonic Foraminiferida and calcareous nannoplankton have been extended into the type...


Chertification Phenomena in Antarctic and Pacific Deep-Sea Sediments--a Scanning Electron Microscope and X-ray Diffraction Study: ABSTRACT

F. M. Weaver, S. W. Wise

AAPG Bulletin

... microfossils. Cristobalite spherules identical with those reported from the Antarctic, as well as the Atlantic and Caribbean Ocean basins, are present...


Preservational and morphological variability of assemblages of agglutinated eukaryotes in Cryogenian cap carbonates of northern Namibia

Lilly A. Dalton, Tanja Bosak, Francis A. Macdonald, Daniel J.G. Lahr, Sara B. Pruss


... microbial laminites preserve more microfossils than thickly laminated microbial laminites although these two facies commonly interfinger and are interbedded...


Calcareous Nannofossils, State of the Art, Gulf of Mexico: a Review for Oil Prospectors

W. H. Akers

GCAGS Transactions

... calcareous nannoplankton in California diagenetic sections promulgated misconceptions as to the expectable preservation of these minute microfossils in deep...


Microfossil Zonation of the Mancos Group

Roberto Sarmiento

Tulsa Geological Society

..., Utah, have been zoned through the use of acid-insoluble microfossils. Pollen and spores, hystrichospherids, dinoflagellates, and microforaminifera...


Biostratigraphic Age Control for Paleo-Oceanographic Study of Atlantic Margin Miocene Diatomites from Planktonic Siliceous Microfossils: ABSTRACT

Amanda A. Palmer

AAPG Bulletin

... and silicoflagellates are among pelagic microfossils valuable in providing biostratigraphic age information where calcareous forms are sparse. Lower and middle...


Displacement of Microfossils

Daniel J. Jones

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Displacement of Microfossils Daniel J. Jones 1958 Vol. 28 No. 4. (December), The phenomena of horizontal and vertical displacement of microfossils...


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