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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 1,406 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Geology of Texas Panhandle Oil and Gas Field
Henry Rogatz
AAPG Bulletin
... and the geological markers used for contouring. None of the series of rocks above the "Big lime" is considered, although four generalized columnar sections...
Ross Ranch Field King County, Texas
D. D. Heninger
North Texas Geological Society
... in regional subsurface contouring in this part of the district. The lower part of the Wichita, which is the basal part of the Permian system, includes about...
Basin Margin Sedimentation, Rancheria Formation, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
Donald A. Yurewicz
Dallas Geological Society
..., 1963, Fig. 8) and in the Placer de Guadalupe Range, Mexico (Wilson, 1971). Data is limited but the Rancheria may extend several hundred miles to the east...
Frontier Deltas of the Western Green River Basin, Wyoming
J. Francois De Chadenedes
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... east to the Moxa arch of the central Green River basin. At LaBarge, the Frontier was studied from well data to determine the nature...
Comparison of Some Gulf Coast Mesozoic Carbonate Shelves
James K. Rogers
GCAGS Transactions
... a larger map. Similarly constructed maps for oolites and for anhydrite in the Sligo showed too much local variation in values for reliable contouring...
Late Cenozoic History of the Northern Colorado Front Range
Dudley W. Bolyard
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... that these valleys were incised below the Late Eocene surface, and it would not be correct to utilize the base of the channel-fill as control for contouring...
The 1991 PESA Australian Lecture: Oil in Carbonates: An Australian Perspective
John Warren
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... geophysicists involved with data procesc sing: 'As real as you want it to be: The real world of carbonate exploration must also consider the relative importance...
Notes on the Jurassic of Southwestern Saskatchewan: Jurassic
R. L. Milner, G. W. Blakslee
AAPG Special Volumes
... is restricted to problems of correlation that have arisen since the formations were first described and to new data obtained from the many wells...
Metamorphic "klippen" in the Diamond Mountains, Nevada, and the Implications for Mesozoic Shortening and Cenozoic Extension
Phyllis A. Camiller
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... orogeny, the fault bounding the klippen and ~ t s footwall and hangIng wall rocks were investigated In thls paper new data are presented indlcatmg...
Seismic sedimentology of a broad, low-relief carbonate platform: The Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation, Moxi–Gaoshiti area, Sichuan Basin, China
Wenzhi Zhao, Hongliu Zeng, Zhaohui Xu, Suyun Hu, and Qilong Fu
AAPG Bulletin
... and show minimal topographic relief. These characteristics make the platforms difficult to interpret using seismic data. To systematically analyze...
Significance of Lower Tuscaloosa Sand Patterns in Southwest Mississippi
Harold E. Karges
GCAGS Transactions
... the results of mechanical interpolation and contouring. This may be best at present, since no theory of deposition has universal acceptance. Although most...
Hazlit Creek Field, Wilkinson County, Mississippi: Case Histories
Gordon W. Gulmon, Howard E. Hansen, Armando T. Ricci Jr.
AAPG Special Volumes
... of contouring regional areas using horizons easily correlated on electric logs. The base of the Big shale and the base of the Baker shale are the two most...
Seymour Strawn and Caddo Fields, Baylor County, Texas
Fred R. Haeberle
AAPG Bulletin
.... Contouring on the top of the Canyon reef (Fig. 3) shows that the Seymour Strawn and East Seymour Strawn fields lie in a saddle between the Seymour and Seymour...
Geology of West Edison Oil Field, Kern County, California
Harold H. Sullwold, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... (Fig. 3). The difficulties of using this point for detailed contouring are apparent. In general the top 50 feet of the Santa Margarita is coarse...
Basement Influence on Later Deformation: The Problem, Techniques of Investigation, and Examples from Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming
Richard A. Hoppin , John C. Palmquist
AAPG Bulletin
... here; field and laboratory data bearing on this problem are being evaluated for the Five Springs area (Fig. 1) and will be presented elsewhere...
Fault Seal Integrity in the Timor Sea Area: Prediction of Trap Failure Using Well-Constrained Stress Tensors and Fault Surfaces Interpreted from 3D Seismic
D. A. Castillo, D. J. Bishop, M. de Ruig
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...-S compression in the northern reaches to NE-SW farther south. Fault surfaces interpreted from 3D seismic data have been subdivided into discrete segments...
Differential Entrapment of Oil and Gas in Arbuckle Dolomite of Central Kansas
Robert F. Walters
AAPG Bulletin
.... The regional geological setting of the central Kansas area here discussed is illustrated in Figure 2, which is a regional structure map contoured...
Oil Fields of Greater Oficina Area Central Anzoategui, Venezuela
H. D. Hedberg , L. C. Sass , H. J. Funkhouser
AAPG Bulletin
... geological work. The section encountered by wells in the Greater Oficina area is as follows. End_Page 2089------------------------------ Mesa...
Gilbert D. Harris (1864-1952) Cornell Professor, Louisiana State Geologist, and Long Distant Oil Consultant
William R. Brice
Petroleum History Institute
... the contouring of the sheet while Harris made the geological studies. Needless to say, all this was extremely valuable training/or the young geologists concerned...
Stratigraphy and Historical Geology of Gulf Coastal Plain in Vicinity of Harris County, Texas
Willis G. Meyer
AAPG Bulletin
.... T. Dumble's comprehensive studies of the Tertiary of eastern Texas, a great number of stratigraphic data have been made available by the drilling...
Role of Diastrophism in Topography of Corpus Christi Area, South Texas
W. Armstrong Price
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Petronilla, Robstown, and Oso Creek, have 5-foot contours and are United States Geological Survey maps. The sixth, Crane Island, Tactical Map, Corps...
Analysis of Fluid Flow Constraints in Regional-Scale Reflux Dolomitization: Constant Versus Variable-Flux Hydrogeological Models
Gareth D. Jones,, Benjamin J. Rostron
CSPG Bulletin
... of reflux origin in the geological record. RESUME L'origine des dolomites de remplacement dans le bassin sedimentaire de l'ouest canadien demeure controverse...
Patterns of Dynamic Pressure Increment of Formation-Fluid Flow in Large Drainage Basins, Exemplified by the Red Earth Region, Alberta, Canada
Jozsef Toth
CSPG Bulletin
..., particularly for large drainage basins with low data density; its presentation in a separate paper appears, therefore, justified. THE DYNAMIC PRESSURE INCREMENT...
Deltaic Deposits in the Pennsylvanian Upper Morrow Formation of the Anadarko Basin
D. C. Swanson
Tulsa Geological Society
... important reservoirs, and many well-documented examples show their characteristic sizes, shapes, trends, and reservoir characteristics. Detailed data from...
Deltaic Deposits in the Pennsylvanian Upper Morrow Formation of the Anadarko Basin
Donald C. Swanson
Tulsa Geological Society
... reservoir deposits were then drawn, using all available data. Knowledge of the environmental facies of the deposits guided the contouring so that wherever...