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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 47,288 Results. Searched 196,217 documents.

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Pennsylvanian of the Paradox Basin Salt Structure Area

Harold H. Brown

Four Corners Geological Society

... for interpretation of regional geology and to show by sample log cross section, as well as to describe in a brief discussion, the lithologies as found...


Skeletal Grains: Archaeocyathids and Sponges

AAPG Special Volumes

...------------------------- Click to view image in JPEG format. Fig. 47 (Top). [Color] Cambrian Ajax Ls. Australia. Cross section of an Archaeocyathid wall. Central cavity...


Bell Creek Oil Field, Powder River and Carter Counties, Montana

Alexander A. McGregor

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... and generalized cross section showing example of meandering channel facies. Figure 5. The Exeter Drilling No. 19-1 Johnson dry hole in Section 19, Township 58...


Hydrocarbon Exploration Concept Along the Arlington Thrust Fault Laramie Basin, Wyoming

Gary C. Mitchell

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... the extent of the thrust. Figure 4. Cross-Section B-B′ and geologic map used to construct the cross section. Note: the amount of section present...


Deep-Reading Technologies

Kim Gunn Maver, Colin Hulme, Mark McCallum, Ajay Nalonnil

GEO ExPro Magazine

... any of the three deep-reading technologies becomes more accurate with the detailed reservoir geometry provided by the cross-well seismic section...


Application of Results

David M. Rubin

Special Publications of SEPM

...Application of Results David M. Rubin Copyright © 2012, The Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM) Cross-Bedding, Bedforms...


Uniqueness of Results

David M. Rubin

Special Publications of SEPM

...Uniqueness of Results David M. Rubin Copyright © 2012, The Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM) Cross-Bedding, Bedforms...


Braided Fluvial to Marine Transition: The Basal Lower Cambrian Wood Canyon Formation, Southern Marble Mountains, Mojave Desert, California: DISCUSSION

John R. Foster

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Cambrian Wood Canyon Formation at the level corresponding to their Facies A and in the areas of their section localities 2 and 3. Cross-stratification...


Preliminary Lithofacies Interpretation from Formation Micro-Imager (FMI) Logs in the Katz Field Unit, North Central Texas; #20308 (2015)

Jesse Garnett White, Valentina Vallega, Peter P. Flaig, Stephen T. Hasiotis

Search and

... Article #20308 (2015)** Posted June 22, 2015 *Adapted from poster presentation given at AAPG 2015 Southwest Section Annual Convention, Wichita Falls...


Upper Triassic Facies Relations in Northern Carbon County, Wyoming: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Roger G. Hubbell

AAPG Bulletin

... section, the Troublesome Creek sandstone is rather poorly exposed in a strike valley and is characterized by even- to cross-bedded, fine-grained...


Correlation of Permian Formations of North America: DISCUSSION

John M. Hills

AAPG Bulletin

..., 1953, North-south cross section through Permian Basin of West Texas: West Texas Geol. Soc. Day, J. R., and others, 1949, Cross section IV: Stonewall...




Montana Geological Society

.... Plate II: Cross section illustrating the continuity of the Dakota Group from the Cat Creek field...


Abstract: 3-D Basin Analysis Reveals Early Gulf of Mexico Origin

Jack G. Elam , Stewart Chuber

GCAGS Transactions

... has been enlarged on cross section illustrations (e.g. cross section B-B in Fig. 1) to match the 10-fold vertical exaggeration on Salvador's (1991...


Entrapment of Petroleum Under Hydrodynamic Conditions: DISCUSSION

M. King Hubbert

AAPG Bulletin

... southwest of the northwest-southeast-trending Franklin Mountain range; and, according to the map and cross section published by Stewart, it has an apparent...


The geology of Kudat Peninsula, Sabah: New insights from field geology and subsurface interpretation

Nabilah Mohamed Zainuddin, Siti Nur Fathiyah Jamaludin, Choong Chee Meng, Mohd Suhaili Ismail

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... intensively folded strata in all members, having similar bedding direction of NE-SW to NNE-SSW and NW-SE. Figure 2 shows the conceptual cross- section from...


Relationships of Cambro-Ordovician Stratigraphy to Paleotopography on the Precambrian Basement, Williston Basin

Dean Potter

Saskatchewan Geological Society

.... The thick Deadwood A and B sands deposited between the Steelman and Workman pools area (cross-section C-C'; Figure 12) offer the best examples...


Oil and Gas Accumulation Controlled by Sedimentary Facies in Eocene Wilcox to Cockfield Formations, Louisiana Gulf Coast

Max Bornhauser

AAPG Bulletin

... in the geosyncline. The facies changes described are shown on an electric log cross section (Fig. 1). It extends from a deep well on the south flank...


Preliminary Study of the Depositional Environments of the Painted Rock Sandstone Member of the Miocene Vaqueros Formation in the Eastern Caliente Range, San Luis Obispo County, California

Michael W. Oldershaw

Pacific Section SEPM

... are overlain by tidally influenced basin deposits (flaser-and cross-bedded sandstones), and a series of ideally preserved distributary mouth bar deposits...


Stratigraphy of the Carrizo-Wilcox of a Portion of South Texas and its Relationship to Production

Richard N. Hargis

South Texas Geological Society Special Publications

.... Figure 3. Cross Section A-A' Carrizo-Wilcox Formation, Top Carrizo Sand, Frio, LaSalle, McMullen Cos., TX Figure 4. Cross Section B-B' Carrizo-Wilcox...


Balanced Cross Sections of Small Fold-t hrust Structures

John H. Spang, James P. Evans, Robert R. Berg

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... In this paper we have redrawn the folded cover rocks in the original cross section (Berg, 1981, Figure 6) as a balanced section using available...


Reinterpretation of Section of Cretaceous Rocks in Alamosa Creek Valley Area, Catron and Socorro Counties, New Mexico

C. H. Dane , A. A. Wanek , J. B. Reeside, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... of considerable displacement duplicated part of the section west of D-Cross Mountain. This fault trends N. 35° W. for about 10 miles in the position...


Discussion/Reply: Preliminary Assessment of Stratigraphy and Structure, San Lucas Region, Michoacan and Guerrero States, SW Mexico

Discussion: O. Monod and J. Ramirez and M. Faure and H. Sabanero and M-F. Campa, Reply: C. Johnson and H. Lang and E. Cabral-Cano and C. Harrison and J. Barros

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... 0. Monod et al. Figure 1. Cross section of the Characo anticline near Churnbitaro, drawn according to the Johnson et al. tectonic interpretation...


Structure Beneath Continental Shelf, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

John W. Antoine , James L. Harding

AAPG Bulletin

... OF CROSS SECTIONS 1. Section A-A^prime (Fig. 3): This section extends from profile 7-62 (approximately 30 miles south of Panama City, Florida...


Regional Stratigraphic Analysis of a Pennsylvanian Carbonate Shelf and Margin in Kansas

W. Lynn Watney, Ricardo A. Olea, John C. Davis

Kansas Geological Society

... and core cross section of lower Nuyaka Creek genetic set (GS) from southeastern Kansas adjacent to surface outcrops of same strata. Datum of cross section...


Deep Wilcox Structure and Stratigraphy in the Fandango Field Area, Zapata County, Texas

David M. Levin

GCAGS Transactions

... in the schematic cross section A-A in Figure 2. Exploitation of giant gas reserves in the expanded Wilcox section of lower South Texas began in 1959...


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