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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 195,689 documents.

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Petrologic Investigation of the Plutonic and Related Rocks of Comanche Peak Area, Colorado

Lawrence D. Beck

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... r . Colorado .~ . . - . . - . Two p h a s e s of s i l l i m a n i t e - b e a r i n g g r a n i t i c r o c k s have i n t r u d e d n e a r...


Structural History of the Southern Front Range

J.C. Harms

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... , Precambrian tlme I n t e r n a l l y u n ~ f o r m l l t h o l o g ~ c h a r a c t e r , a n d s e p a r a t e d by r e g ~ o n a u n c o n f o r m i...


Exploration Philosophy Behind the Bll Creek Oil Field Discovery, Powder River County, Montana

Samuel Gary, A.A. McGregor

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Gary, Oil Protlucer I)cnvcr, Coloratlo ABSTRACT: T h e e x p l o r a t i o n p r o g r a m which l e d to the d i s c o v e r y of t h e B e l l C r e...


Catastrophic Floods During the Middle Jurassic: Evidence in the Upper Member and Crystal Creek Member of the Carmel Formation, Southern Utah

Mary G. Chapman

Pacific Section SEPM

...) closeup and outcrop of tuff clast; (D) fresh surface of outcrop showing volcanic pebbles (white cylinder is 7 cm long). 1.5 m thick and tens to hundreds...


Ordovician Paleogeography of the Western United States

Reuben James Ross Jr.

Pacific Section SEPM

..., Jr. U . S . Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado ABSTRACT 80225 INTRODUCTION D u r i n g O r d o v i c i a n t i m e , p a t t e r n s of c a r b o...


Geologic Synthesis and Genetic Models for Uranium Mineralization in the Morrison Formation, Grants Uranium Region, New Mexico

Christine E. Turner-Peterson, Neil S. Fishman

AAPG Special Volumes

... 1979: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 38, p. 107-115. Baars, D. L., and G. M. Stevenson, 1977, Permian rocks of the San Juan...


Quaternary Studies in Newfoundland: A Short Review

C. M. Tucker

Atlantic Geology

... of indeterminate age near Sheffield Lake. Grant and Tucker (1976) also report dissimilar tills in south-central Newfoundland. M o d i f i e d from G r a n...


Lateral Trends and Vertical Sequences in Estuarine Sediments, Willapa Bay, Washington

H. Edward Clifton, R. Lawrence Phillips

Pacific Section SEPM

... by human activity the bay provides an excellent example of m o d e r n depositional facies in an estuarine s e t t i n g . The lateral m i g r a t i o n...


Deposition in Active Margin Basins: With Examples from the California Continental Borderland

D. S. Gorsline

Pacific Section SEPM

...Deposition in Active Margin Basins: With Examples from the California Continental Borderland D. S. Gorsline D E P O S I T I O N IH A C T I V E M A R...


Further Notes on the Origin and Nature of the Currie Structure, Navarro County, Texas

Frederic H. Lahee

AAPG Bulletin

... which must have a dip low enough to cross log 3 near b. On the assumption that d and e mark the top of the chalk in logs 3 and 4, the fault ab has...


The Flying Triangle Landslide: Geologic, Geomorphologic, and Tectonic Factors

James Lee Anderson

Pacific Section SEPM

... a r f a u l t s that a r e s i d e s c a r p s to the landslide m a s s . These bounding scarps are closely p a r a l l e l to p r e f e r r e d f a u...


La Industria Petrolera Mexicana en el Desarrollo Industrial de Mexico. IN SPANISH. Mexico's Petroleum Industry in Mexico's Industrial Development.

Carlos Castillo Tejeiro.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... s t e paso t r a s c e n d e n t a l en la historia moderna de nuestro país permitió el nacimiento de la Industria P e t r o l e r a M e x i c a n...


Outcrop Analogs to Source and Reservoir Rocks of the Uinta Basin: UGA/RMAG Field Trip

Donna Anderson, Rex Cole, David Keighley, Robert Ressetar

Utah Geological Association

... Department of Energy DOE/BC/15103-4 OSTI No. 805237, 140 p. Nummedal, D., R. Cole, R. Young, K. Shanley, and M. Boyles, 2001, Book Cliffs sequence...


ABSTRACT: Tectonic Development of Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt

Frank C. Armstrong, Steven S. Oriel

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Survey, Denver, Colorado ABSTRACT: T h r e e s t a g e s a r e e v i d e n t i n t h e tectonic d e v e l o p m e n t of s o u t h e a s t e r n...


Marienberg-1, Sepik Basin

P. G. Purcell

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... le u m C o n v e n tio n , P o rt M oresb y , 12— 14th F e b ru a ry 1990, C a rm a n , G .J. a n d Z ., (Eds). Marienberg-1, Sepik Basin P. G...


Infaunal Tiering Patterns in Tidal Channel Deposits of the Eocene Delmar Formation, Solana Beach and Torrey Pines State Reserve, Southern California

Marianne M. King

Pacific Section SEPM

... for a sufficient period of t i m e , a high degree of infaunal activity in the nearshore zone may produce a record of bioturbation so d e n s e...


Evolution of Synorogenic Clastic Deposits in the Intermontane Uinta Basin of Utah

David W. Andersen, M. Dane Picard

Special Publications of SEPM

... R D Cole T A Maxwell W P Nash of Utah for partial support of this research Grant to Andersen for its improvement and W L Stokes read the manuscript...


Shallow Marine Carbonate Environments

A. A. Ekdale, R. G. Bromley, S. G. Pemberton

Special Publications of SEPM

...). Quite different structures are produced by Calocaris macandreae in deeper-water settings (Nash, Chapman, Atkinson and Morgan, 1984). There are numerous...


Obras Hidraylicas en la cuenca del Rio Papaloapan. IN SPANISH. Hydraulic Works In The Papaloapan River Basin.

Heinz Lesser R. Jones

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

.... FISIOGRAFÍA E l río P a p a l o a p a n e s u n o d e l o s 5 ríos m á s c a u d a l o s o s d e México. E l área d r e n a d a p o r el sistema d e...


Structure of the Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy: A Preliminary Report

Donald J. P. Swift, Frank L. Jagodits, Bernard L. Manistre, Norman R. Paterson

Atlantic Geology

... Reports S t r u c t u r e of t h e M i n a s P a s s a g e , 112 B a y of F u n d y : A P r e l i m i n a r y R e p o r t * DONALD J. P. S W I F T D...


Plate Tectonics, Physiography, and Sedimentation of the Northeast Pacific Region

D. G. Howell, T. R. Alpha, J. M. Joyce

Pacific Section SEPM

...Plate Tectonics, Physiography, and Sedimentation of the Northeast Pacific Region D. G. Howell, T. R. Alpha, J. M. Joyce PLATE T E C T O N I C S , P H...


AAPG Memoir 73, Chapter 4: Petroleum Geochemistry Applied to Petroleum System Investigation

M. R. Mello, J. M. Moldowan, J. Dahl, and A. G. Requejo

AAPG Special Volumes

... 2000 41 52 Petroleum Systems of South Atlantic Margins Brooks, J. M., M. C. Kennicutt II, and B. D. Carey, 1986, Offshore surface geochemical...


AAPG Methods in Exploration No. 14, Chapter 7:

R. S. Tye, B. A. Watson, P. L. McGuire, and M. M. Maguire

AAPG Special Volumes

...AAPG Methods in Exploration No. 14, Chapter 7: R. S. Tye, B. A. Watson, P. L. McGuire, and M. M. Maguire 2003 113 125 Atkinson, C. D., P. N. Trumbly...


Distribution of Sediments on the Tops of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Mountains

C. T. Schafer

Atlantic Geology

...Distribution of Sediments on the Tops of Mid-Atlantic Ridge Mountains C. T. Schafer M a r i t i m e S e d i m e n t s , Vol. 5, No. 2 , A u g u...


Expanded Abstract: Late-Stage High-Angle Faulting, Eastern Doonerak Window, Central Brooks Range, Alaska

J. C. Phelps, H. G. Ave Lallemant, C. M. Seidensticker, F. E. Julian, J. S. Oldow

Pacific Section SEPM

... . AvfeLallemant, C . M. S e i d e n s t i c k e r , F. E. J u l i a n , and J . S. Oldow D e p a r t m e n t of G e o l o g y a n d G e o p h y s i c...


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