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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 195,689 documents.

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Calculo de Reservas Mediante Perfiles Electricos en el Campo de Reynosa (IN SPANISH), Reserves Calculation By Electric Profiles of The Reynosa Field

R. Serna Vigueras

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... o el c a m p o d e R e y n o s a u n o de los d e s c u b i e r t o s r e c i e n t e m e n t e y c o n t a n d o p o r ello c o n d a t o s b...


Shoreface to Lagoonal Facies of the Marine Pliocene Lower Saugus Formation, Northern Simi Valley, California

David Ross White

Pacific Section SEPM

... c h are "more or less u n c o n s o l i d a t e d " and in m o s t cases rest unconformably on the Pico F o r m a t i o n but in some areas rest u n c...


An Efficient Optimization Workflow for Field-Scale In-Situ Upgrading Developments

Guohua Gao, Jeroen C. Vink, Faruk O. Alpak, Weijian Mo

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... with a period equal to the delay time d until the end of the plateau is reached when the last pattern starts production at . With some manipulations, we...


Road Log: Southwest from Pueblo to Northeast Flank of Wet Mountains; Study of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Section from Beulah to Canon City Area: Return to Pueblo

Lee C. Gerhard, Anson Mark

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... special problems in the design a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n of t h e new c a m p u s . P r o b l e m s of h e a v i n g and d i f f e r e n t i a l s e...


Fluid Mechanics of Salt Domes

L. L. Nettleton

AAPG Special Volumes

... 79------------------------- 1. Paul D. Torrey and Charles E. Fralich, "An Experimental Study of the Origin of Salt Domes," Jour. Geol., Vol. 34 (1926...


Estratigrafia-Sedimentologia De Las Cuencas Terciarias Del Golfo De Mexico. IN SPANISH. Stratigraphy-Sedimentology Of Tertiary Basins Of The Gulf Of Mexico.

René Cabrera Castro, Jorge E. Lugo Rivera

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... a — s e d i m e n t a r i a , e n la que se incluye al actual Golfo de M é x i c o y a u n a franja continental a p r o x i m a d a m e n t e de 2 0 0 k m...


Minerales Arcillosos e Interpretacion Sedimentologica de las Capas Rojas de la Formacion Yanhuitlan, Oaxaca. IN SPANISH. Clay Minerals And Sedimentological Interpretation Of The Red Beds Of The Yanhuitlan Formation, Oaxaca.

Carmen J. Schlaepfer, Liberto De Pablo Galan

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... S U M E N El e s t u d i o de los depósitos terciarios de la región de N o c h i x t l á n , Oaxaca, e n f o c ó la a t e n c i ó n sobre la posible...


Geology of the Gulf Coast Salt Domes: Part IV. Relations of Petroleum Accumulation to Structure

Marcus A. Hanna

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Allen 8. Clemens 9. Bryan Heights 10. Stratton Ridge 11. Hoskins Mound 12. Danbury 13. West Columbia 14. Damon Mound 15. Boling 16. Nash 17. Long Point...


Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Structures in the Fox Hills Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous), Golden Area, Colorado

George Covington

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of the m e a s u r e d sections. Modified a f t e r LeRoy (1946, f i g . 2). Thickness fine t o medium g r a i n e d , i r o n stained. Shale; very a r g...


The Geology and Structure of the Mt. Richthofen-Iron Mt. Region, North Central Colorado

Marshall K. Corbett

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... ABSTRACT T h e Mt. R l c h t h o f e n - I r o n M t . a r e a of n o r t h c e n t r a l C o l o r a d o 1s c h a r a c t e n z e d by T e r t i a r y i...


Outcrop Analogs to Source and Reservoir Rocks of the Uinta Basin: UGA/RMAG Field Trip

Donna Anderson, Rex Cole, David Keighley, Robert Ressetar, Howard White, William Hood, Mark Kirschbaum, David Keighley, Steven Schamel

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...-gradient, high-energy lacustrine system: in D. Keighley, J. Borer, C. Morgan, K. McClure, and R. Griffen, editors, Facies asymmetry in alluvial...


Estratigrafia y Estructura del Campo de Moralillo (IN SPANISH), Stratigraphy and Structure of The Moralillo Field

Rodolfo Suarez

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... ESTRUCTURA DEL CAMPO DE MORALILLO (*) RODOLFO S U A R E Z C . (**) I N T R O D U C C I Ó N E l c a m p o de M o r a l i l l o está situado en el Municipio...


Giant Oil and Gas Fields in United States

Michel T. Halbouty

AAPG Bulletin

...., 1962, Typical oil and gas fields of southeast Texas: Houston Geol. Soc., 243 p. Gurley, A. M., II, ed., 1967, Typical oil and gas fields of South Texas...


Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Paleogene Rocks Near Elko, Nevada

Barry J. Solomon, Edwin H. McKee, David W. Andersen

Pacific Section SEPM

... AND D E P O S I T I O N A L ENVIRONMENTS OF PALEOGENE ROCKS NEAR ELKO, NEVADA Barry J . Solomon and Edwin H . M c K e e U . S . Geological Survey, Menlo...


Potassium-Argon Ages of Rhyolitic Bedrock and Conglomerate Clasts in Eocene Strata, Northwestern Mexico and Southern California

Patrick L. Abbott, Ronald P. Kies, Daniel Krummenacher, Donna Martin

Pacific Section SEPM

... a d u r a b l e , n o n - b a n d e d , quartz and feldspar phenocryst-packed rhyolites of the Poway G r o u p and M t . Soledad Formation in the San...


Distribucion Actual E Isopacas De Las Rocas Paleozoicas En El Norte De Los Estados De Chihuahua Y Sonora, Mexico. IN SPANISH. Current Distribution And Isopachs Of Paleozoic Rocks In The Northern Chihuahua And Sonora States, Mexico.

Daniel Martínez Palomares

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)



Measured Sections

David M. Advocate, Martin H. Link, Herman B. Schymiczek, John G. Yaldezian, Randy T. Metz, Elizabeth A. Johnson, Craig K. Ogawa

Pacific Section SEPM

... attempted in the Palo Comado Canyon A r e a . The lower m e m b e r consists primarily o f coarseg r a i n e d , poorly-sorted sandstone and minor shale...


Dakota-Niobrara (Cretaceous) Stratigraphy and Regional Relationships, El Vado Area, Rio Arriba County, New Mxico

Lawrence A. McPeek

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... n , C a r l i l e and N i o b r a r a M e m b e r s of the M a n c o s F o r m a t i o n i n t h e E l V a d o - N u t r i a s Canyon a r e a a r e d...


Memorial: John Bernard Reeside, Jr. (1889-1958)

W. A. Cobban

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... a t age 69 from a h e a r t a t t a c k a t his home in Hyattsville, M a r y l a n d , on J u l y 2, 1958. H e h a d been slightly ill for only a few days...


Quaternary Geology of the Morrison Quadrangle, Colorado

Richard Howard Pearl

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... QUADRANGLE, COLORADO' RlCHARD HOWARD PEARL : U S . Geologicrd Survey, Colby, Kansas ABSTRACT: The 7-112-minute M o r r i s o n q u a d r a n g l e...


Physical Mechanisms of River Waterfall Tufa (Travertine) Formation

David Dian Zhang , Yingjun Zhang , An Zhu , Xing Cheng

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in cave system: Carsologica Sinica, v. 3, p. 31-40. ZHANG, D., PEART, M., ZHANG, Y., ZHU, A., AND CHEN, X., 2000, Natural water softening processes...


An Animal- and Plant-Fossil Assemblage from the Santa Clara Formation (Pliocene and Pleistocene), Saratoga, California

David P. Adams, Daniel B. Adams, Robert J. McLaughlin, Richard M. Forester, Dennis H. Sorg, Charles A. Repenning

Pacific Section SEPM

.... Adams, Robert J. McLaughlin, Richard M. Forester, Dennis H. Sorg, Charles A. Repenning AN ANIMAL- A N D PLANT-FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGE FROM THE SANTA CLARA...


Geology and Development History of Boxer Field, Morgan County, Colorado

N.M. Tobison

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... HISTORY OF BOXER FIELD, MORGAN COUNTY, COLORADO N. M. TOBISON: Consultant. Golden, Colorado ABSTRACT: Boxer F i e l d , c u r r e n t l y f o r e m o...


Fluid Mechanics of Salt Domes

L. L. Nettleton

AAPG Bulletin

... in a cemetery in Washington, D. C., and quotes several instances FOOTNOTE 8. This statement is largely based on recent oral discussion with Wheeler...


Geophysics and Geochemistry

J. Tijzo Wilson

Atlantic Geology

... a n t i c P r o v i n c e s . In this a r e a , P r o f e s s o r W i l s o n h a s been c o n c e r n e d w i t h two m a j o r p r o j e c t s : c o n...


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