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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 195,689 documents.

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Memorial: Thomas Knight Knox (1896-1949)

Charles B. Carpenter

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... b l i c N a t u r a l G a s C o m p a n y w h e n it was organized in 1935 and a d v a n c e d to vice-president, which position he held when he...


Sedimentation in Arctic Waters of the Western Queen Elizabeth lslands; District of Franklin, Canada

Bernard R. Pelletier

Atlantic Geology

...Sedimentation in Arctic Waters of the Western Queen Elizabeth lslands; District of Franklin, Canada Bernard R. Pelletier 90 REPORTS S e d i m e n...


Mesozoic Stratigraphy and Structural History of the Southern Pine Nut Range, West…Central Nevada

Sandra J. Wyld, James E. Wright

Pacific Section SEPM

... e m o s t complete and structurally intact s t r a t i g r a p h i c s e c t i o n s in the M e s o z o i c a r c of the w e s t e r n U. S. C o r d i...


Miocene Extension in Southern California: Evidence from Eocene Deposits and from Paleomagnetism

Robert S. Yeats

Pacific Section SEPM

... IN S O U T H E R N C A L I F O R N I A : E V I D E N C E F R O M EOCENE DEPOSITS AND FROM PALEOMAGNETISM R o b e r t S. Y e a t s D e p a r t m e n...


Memorial: Benjamin Luther Pilcher, Jr. (1906-1946)

Donald G. Stookey

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... period a f t e r graduation, he did statistical work for the R . W . B y r a m C o m p a n y of A u s t i n , T e x a s , a n d then entered consulting...


Preliminary Report on the Upper Cretaceous Macro-Invertebrate Faunas Near Carlsbad, California

Frederick Sundberg, Bradford Riney

Pacific Section SEPM

... ON THE UPPER CRETACEOUS M A C R O - I N V E R T E B R A T E FAUNAS NEAR C A R L S B A D , CALIFORNIA Frederick Sundberg Al1i son Center Department...


Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting of Some Volcanic Rocks of the Franklinian Assemblage, Central and Eastern Brooks Range

Thomas E. Moore

Pacific Section SEPM

... a l S u r v e y 345 M i d d l e f i e l d R o a d Menlo P a r k , C A 94025 415-323-8111 ABSTRACT On the central and eastern North Slope the lower...


Stratigraphy & Petroleum Potential of the Northern Gulf (Part II of a Seminar on) the Gulf of Mexico - Table of Contents

R. R. Thompson, Dr. H. D. Windland, Dr. James M. Coleman, Dr. D. H. Kupfer, P. J. Pickford

New Orleans Geological Society

.... Windland, Dr. James M. Coleman, Dr. D. H. Kupfer, P. J. Pickford 1974 I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I.     Geochemical and Biogenic Origins of Oil...


Petroleum Geology of the Greater Red Wash Area, Uintah County, Utah

John Chatfield

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... n f o r m a l a c u s t r i n e d e l t a i n the a r e a and yield h y d r o c a r b o n s f r o m a complex network of d i s c r e t e s a n d s t o...


Upper Triassic Stratigraphy in the Eastern Uinta Mountains

Steve W. Sikich

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... IN THE EASTERN UIIVTA MOUNTAINS STEVE W. SlK1CH: Belco Petroleum Corporation, Salt Lake City, Utah A B S T R A C T : It is r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t t h e n...


Width and Thickness of Fluvial Channel Bodies and Valley Fills in the Geological Record: A Literature Compilation and Classification

Martin R. Gibling

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... are < 38 m thick and < 15 km wide, and the organized flow conditions necessary for their development may have been unusual. They do not appear to have built...


Manco to Wasatch Measured Section in Meeker-Rio Blanco Area, Northwestern Colorado

Karl R. Newman

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., Tulsa, Oklahoma ABSTRACT: T h e composite s e c t l o n p r e s e n t e d In t h i s p a p e r was m e a s u r e d In s i x p a r t s i n T . 1 N...


Environmental Carbonate Stratigraphy and Cyclic Deposition of the Smoky Member of the Nopah Formation (Upper Cambrian), Nopah Range, Southern Great Basin

Kirk F. McCutcheon, John D. Cooper

Pacific Section SEPM



Second Day's Road Log: Walsenburg to Black Hills, Gardner, Pass Creek, Russell, La Veta Pass, La Veta, Cucharas Pass, Apishipa Pass, Aguilar, Walsenburg

Ross B. Johnson, Dudley W. Bolyard, W.R. Thurston

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... e d n o r t h e r l y toward Pueblo on 1-25, In the f o r e g r o u n d to the west a r e nume r o u s m i n e d u m p s i n the Walsenburg coal...


Trace Fossils of the San Clemente Deep-Sea Fan, California

Reese E. Barrick

Pacific Section SEPM

... massive debris-flow sandstones to relatively well-bedded t u r b i d i t e s . T h a l a s s i n o i d e s , O p h i o m o r p h a , and Skolithos w e...


Prebatholithic Paleogeography of Peninsular California and Adjacent Mexico

Gordon Gastil, Richard Miller

Pacific Section SEPM

..., PALEOGEOGRAPHY AND ADJACENT G a s t i l and R i c h a r d M i l l e r : San Diego State U n i v e r s i t y , ABSTRACT CALIFORNIA Department San D i e g...


Clay Fabric of Very Fissile Paleozoic Gray Shales

Neal R. O’Brien

Atlantic Geology

...Clay Fabric of Very Fissile Paleozoic Gray Shales Neal R. O’Brien Maritime Sediments, Vol. 4, N o . 3, D e c e m b e r , 1968, p p . 104 100-103...


Dinoflagellates from Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Rocks of the Sebastian Vizcaino Basin, Baja California, Mexico

Javier Helenes

Pacific Section SEPM

... described h e r e i n . ABSTRACT A sedimentary sequence ranging in age from Valangininan(?) to m i d d l e Eocene is present in the subsurface of the V i z...


Nuevos Libros (IN SPANISH), New Books

Jaques Butterlin

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... estudio d e S c h u c h e r t p u b l i c a d o h a c e v e i n t e a ñ o s , y a q u e d e e n t o n c e s a la fecha s e h a n p u b l i c a d o n u m e...


Depositional Environments and Quaternary Sedimentary Units Within Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska … A High-Energy Tidally Dominated Embayment along the Pacific Margin of the United States

M. L. Rappeport

Pacific Section SEPM

... the Pacific Margin of the United States M. L. Rappeport D E P O S I T I O N A L E N V I R O N M E N T S AND Q U A T E R N A R Y S E D I M E N T A R Y UNITS W...


Significance of Algae in Waltman Shale Member of Fort Union Formation (Paleocene), Wyoming

Karl R. Newman

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... s e c t i o n of t h e W a l t m a n S h a l e M e m b e r i n the Wind R i v e r B a s i n , c e n t r a l Wyoming. O c c u r r e n c e d a t a s h o...


Sedimentologic and tectonic origin of an incised-valley-fill sequence along an extensional marginal-lacustrine system in the Basin and Range province, United States: Implications for predictive models of the location of incised valleys

Jack E. Deibert, Phyllis A. Camilleri

AAPG Bulletin

... Memoir 50, p. 209224.Perkins, M. E., F. H. Brown, W. P. Nash, W. McIntosh, and S. K. Williams, 1998, Sequence, age, and source of silicic fallout...


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