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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 195,689 documents.

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Frontmatter: Oil recovery from gas-cap reservoirs: An engineering evaluation of conservation practices in six reservoirs

Lewis K. Weaver, Kenneth F. Anderson

Bureau of Mines

... the Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior, and the Interstate Oil Compact Commission. UNITED STATES D E P A R T M E N T OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU...


The Upper Eocene Nortonville Formation

Victor B. Cherven, W. Rupert Bodden

Pacific Section SEPM

... 73157 Gulf O i l INTRODUCTION c o m p r i s e s dark g r a y , t h i n - b e d d e d s i l i c e o u s s h a l e o v e r l y i n g F u l m e r...


La Exploracion Petrolera. Sintesis de las Actividades Ecploratorias de Petroleos. IN SPANISH. The Oil Exploration. Synthesis of Mexican Oil Exploratory Activities From 1938 to 1958.

Eduardo J. Guzman.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... M a c u s p a n a en la parte oriental del E s t a d o de T a b a s c o . S i n perder de vista l a s posibilidades petroleras buenas o r e m o...


Jorge L. Cumming (1901-1954) (IN SPANISH), Jorge L. Cumming (1901-1954)

Carlos Castillo Tejero

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... a r l o s C a s t i l l o T e j e r o ( * ) E l día 13 de octubre del presente a ñ o , la Asociación M e x i c a n a d e Geólogos Petroleros t u v o q u...


Memorial: Roy Noble Ferguson (1883-1961)

Roy P. McLaughlin

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

..., such as the B r u n t o n compass and geologist's h a n d pick. D e t e r m i n a t i o n of the age of s t r a t a depended on examination of fossil...





... for additional samples: A. Brock-Hon for the caliche sample, L. Crossey, D. Northup and M. Spilde for travertine samples and K. Heindel for the Tahiti...


Geology and Oil Occurrence of Displaced Diatomite Member, Monterey Formation - McKittrick Oil Field

M. E. Mulhern, J. C. Eacmen Jr., G. K. Lester

Pacific Section SEPM

... of the McKittn'ck Field are Monterey d i a t o m i t e s and r e l a t e d siliceous sedimentary rocks holding up t o 832 million bbls of probable i n - p l a c e...



F.M. Van Tuyl

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... The a n c e s t r a l Colorado F r o n t Range had i t s i n c e p t ~ o n the L a r a m i d e Revolution, when a l a r g e a r c h was developed c o n...


Memorial: Victoria Martin (?-1967)

Staff of AAPG Bulletin

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... of its staff. M i s s e s CANDICE SIMMONS a n d VICTORIA MARTIN died o n S e p t e m b e r IS a n d 16, r e s p e c t i v e l y , as a result of injuries...


Abstract: Applied Forensic Igneous Petrogenesis: Locating the Source Quarry for the "Black Granite" Titanic Headstones in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

D. Barrie Clarke, Christopher R. M. McFarlane, Gregory R. Dunning, David Stevens, David Hamilton

Atlantic Geology

..., Canada D. Barrie Clarke, Christopher R. M. McFarlane, Gregory R. Dunning, David Stevens, David Hamilton Applied forensic igneous petrogenesis: locating...


Heavy Minerals of the Point Loma Formation

Scott D. McDonough

Pacific Section SEPM

... a s h e d , d r i e d , and examined for heavy m i n e r a l s . grains consisting of ilmenite, m a g n e t i t e , and b i o t i t e (sample 1, Table 1...


On the Origin of Some Rhyolitic Clasts in the Basal Sespe Formation, Los Angeles Area, California

Patrick L. Abbott, T. E. Smith, C. H. Huang

Pacific Section SEPM

... c e s San Diego State University San Diego, CA 92182 We showed that the trace-element s i g n a t u r e s ( A b b o t t a n d S m i t h , 1 9 7 8...


The Spatial Distribution of Earthquakes, Focal Mechanisms, and Subducted Lithosphere in the Solomon Islands

Patricia Cooper, Brian Taylor

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... Solomon I s l a n d s , C i r c u m - P a c i f i c C o u n c i l f o r Energy and M i n e r a l Resources Earth Science S e r i e s , v . 7: Houston...


Stratigraphy, Facies, and Depositional Provinces of the Middle Eocene Domengine Formation, Southern Sacramento Basin

Victor B. Cherven

Pacific Section SEPM

... a n d Trough t o t h e west and southwest. T h i s s u b s i d e n t r e g i o n was b o r d e r e d on t h e s o u t h by t h e 7) M t . D i a b l o...



T.F. Tyler, J.A. Campbell

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., C o l o r a d o J. A. C A M I ' B E L L : 3 U. S. Geological Survey Denver, C o l o r a d o ABSTRACT: The Upper Cambrian (Trempealeauian...


Cattle Creek Anticline, A Salt Diapir Near Glenwood Springs, Colorado

W.W. Mallory

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... k a n t i c l l n e , 7 m i l e s s o u t h of Glenwood S p r i n g s , G a r f i e l d C o u n t y , C o l o r a d o , is d e t e r m i n e d by v e...


Computer Applications in Geology, No.4, Chapter 12: Use of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrocarbon Resource Assessment and Opportunity Analysis

Kenneth C. Hood, Bernard C. South, F. Dennis Walton, Otha D. Baldwin, and William A. Burroughs

AAPG Special Volumes

..., No. 4: Geographic Information Systems in Petroleum Exploration and Development Baker, R. A., H. M. Gehman, W. R. James, and D. A., White, 1986, Geologic...


Abstract: Margin evolution and reservoir distribution - slope depositional systems along the Scotian margin

Grant D. Wach, David C. Mosher, D. C. Campbell, M. K. Giles, V. I. Brake

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Margin evolution and reservoir distribution - slope depositional systems along the Scotian margin Grant D. Wach, David C. Mosher, D. C...


Climatic and Tectonic Controls on Pedogenesis and Landscape Evolution in a Quaternary Intramontane Basin (Val d’Agri Basin, Southern Apennines, Italy)

Irene Zembo, Luca Trombino, Riccardo Bersezio, Fabrizio Felletti, Monica Dapiaggi

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Methods: Harpenden, Soil Survey Technical Monograph, no. 6. Bavusi, M., Chianese, D., Giano, S.I., and Mucciarelli, M., 2004, Multidisciplinary...


Temporal Changes in Coal-bearing Depositional Sequences (Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian) of the Central Appalachian Basin, U.S.A.

J. C. Pashin and R. A. Gastaldo, Stephen F. Greb, Donald R. Chesnut Jr., Cortland F. Eble

AAPG Special Volumes

... sheet.Lyons, P. C., W. F. Outerbridge, DM. Triplehorn, H. T. Evans Jr., R. D. Congdon, M. Capiro, J. C. Hess, and W. P. Nash, 1992, An Appalachian isochronA...


Correlation of Aptian-Albian Carbon Isotope Excursions in Continental Strata of the Cretaceous Foreland Basin, Eastern Utah, U.S.A.

Greg A. Ludvigson, R.M. Joeckel, Luis A. Gonzalez, Erik L. Gulbranson, E. Troy Rasbury, Gary J. Hunt, James I. Kirkland, Scott Madsen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Young University, Geology Studies, v. 16, p. 35–60. Boggs, S, Jr, and Krinsley, D., 2006. Application of Cathodoluminescence Imaging to the Study...


Appendix 3: North Slope Geographic-Name Sources for Geologic Nomenclature

Donald J. Orth

Pacific Section SEPM

.... A f o r m a l g e o l o g i c n a m e , a c c o r d i n g t o t h e c o d e of s t r a t i g r a p h i c n o m e n c l a t u r e f o r m u l a t e d...


Provincias Geotermales de Mexico. IN SPANISH. Mexico Geothermal Provinces.

Federico Mooser.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... t u r a de afallamiento en bloques y hundimientos subsecuentes dentro de la zona c e n t r a l de un g r a n geot u m o r a l a r g a d o ( M o o s e...


ABSTRACT: Geologic Characteristics of Sedimentary Basins in China

Zhai Guangming

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... style. Eastern C h i n a contains the m a j o r producing fields, where oil a n d gas accumulations are found in c o m b i n a t i o n structural...


Memorial: John Reed Moseley (1900-1959)

John T. Sanford

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... two years earlier had been an extremely severe blow to him. His physical condition m a d e work difficult during the last months of his life, b u...


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