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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 195,689 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Some British Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Hot Spots

Duncan Murchison

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... n i v e r s i t y o f N e w c a s t l e Newcas t l e upon Tyne, England Diachronous m a r i n e d e p o s i t i o n a c r o s s the B r l t i s h C...


ABSTRACT: Chemical Comparison of Vitrinite Concentrates from Carboniferous and Tertiary Basins

J.T. Senftle, S.R. Larter, B.W. Bromley, J.H. Brown

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... r o u s a n d Lower T e r t i a r y a g e h a v e b e e n c . h e m i c a l l y c h a r a c t e r i z e d as f o l l o w s . Bulk c h e m i c a l c o...


New York

Ball Associates Ltd.

Bureau of Mines

...New York Ball Associates Ltd. 204 NEW YORK SURFACE AND SHALLOW P E T R O L E U M - I M P R E G N A T E D ROCKS KEY TO FIGURE 24 Monroe County 1...


Cuenca del Putumayo/Provincia Petrolifera Meridional de Colombia [PAPER IN SPANISH] Putumayo Basin/Southern Oil Province of Colombia

Humberto Cáceres Calderón, Plutarco Teatín Margfoy

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... Calderón, Plutarco Teatín Margfoy II S I M P O S I O BOLIVARIANO " E X P L O R A C I O N P E T R O L E R A EN L A S CUENCAS S U B A N D I N...


Convencion Anual de la A.A.P.G., S.E.P.M. y S.E.G. (IN SPANISH), AAPG, SEPM and SEG Annual Convention

Luis Benavides G

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... . 6 . — C o o r d i n a c i ó n de los d a t o s g e o l ó g i c o s y s i s m o l ó g i c o s e n el á r e a de P o z a R i c a y de la F a j a de O...


Volcaniclastic Rocks of the Alisitos Group, Baja California, Mexico

J. Mac Beggs

Pacific Section SEPM

... N I A , M E X I C O . J . Mac Beggs D e p a r t m e n t of G e o l o g i c a l S c i e n c e s U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a , Santa...


Benthonic Foraminifera Assemblages, Basal Modelo Formation, Big Mountain, Northern Simi Valley, California

Frederick E. Clark

Pacific Section SEPM



Barker Dome Oil Field, Custer County, South Dakota

John Paul Gries

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... m e r c i a l well i s l o c a t e d in the c e n t e r of the S W / 4 N E / 4 N W / 4 s e c 34. T . 6 S . , R . 2 E . , C u s t e r County. South...


Geology and Offshore Resources of Vanuatu--Introduction and Summary

H. Gary Greene, Alexander Macfarlane, Florence L. Wong

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... e 1950 s th e volum e o f geologi c dat a wa s enlarged wit h prospectin g an d geologi c mappin g b y teams o f geologist s fro m th e S o c i é t é...


Late Albian Dinoflagellate Assemblages from Outliers of the Great Valley Sequence and the Central Belt Franciscan Complex, Northern California

Joyce Lucas-Clark

Pacific Section SEPM

... c e (1975) McLaughlin et a 1. (1983), and Bachman (1981). Comprehensive studies of Cretaceous d i n o f l a g e l l a t e s are l i m i t e d , h o w...


Estudio Geologico de la Porcion Suroriental de la Sierra dePaila y Noroccidental de la Sierra del Chiflon, Estado de Coahuila. IN SPANISH. Geological Study Of The Southeast Portion Of The Sierra De Paila and Northwestern Of The Sierra Del Chiflon, Coahuila State.

Ricardo L. Ruiz Ojeda.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... c a n a , escala 1 : 5 0 0 0 0 0 ) . E l área cartografiada tiene una superficie aproximada de 1 2 5 0 km. B ) V Í A S D E C O M U N I C A C I Ó N . D...


Bijou Field Channel Sandstone, Morgan County, Colorado

Warren B. Scobey

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... COUNTY, COLORADO WARREN B. SCOBEY: Consulting Geologist, Denver, Colorado ABSTRACT: P a r t of t h e Bijou field p i o d u c e s petroleum f r o m a well...


Las Anomalias Gravimetricas en la Cuenca Salina Y Planicie de Tabasco-Campeche (IN SPANISH), Gravity Anomalies in The Saline Basin and Plain of Tabasco-Campeche

A. Cornejo T.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... ciudad de M é x i c o , d u r a n t e el m e s d e F e b r e r o de 1 9 5 0 ( v é a s e Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Qeólogos Petroleros, val...


Resume of the Geology of the Laramie Anorthosite Mass

M.A. Klugman

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... MASS M. A. KLUGMAN, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado ABSTRACT: The L a r a m i e Anorthosite u n d e r l i e s the s o u t h e r n p a r...


Exploracion de la Zona Norte en 1948-1949 Y Perspectivas de nuevas reservas (IN SPANISH), Exploration of The North in 1948-1949 and Prospects for New Reserves

Alonso De Alba

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... t r a c o m ú n m e n t e e n f o r m a d e d i q u e y a s o c i a d a a r o c a s m e t a m ó r f i c a s . Esta p e r f o r a c i ó n p o s i b l e...


Memorial: Newell Morris Wilder (1908-1946)

D. J. Jones

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... a m e the K e n t u c k y W i l d c a t s p l a y e d with the " P r a y i n g C o l o n e l s " of C e n t e r College of D a n v i l l e , K e n t u...


ABSTRACT: Petrographic Analysis of Tertiary Wilcox Lignites in Calhoun County, Mississippi

Jerome A. Gnoose Jr. and Franz Froelicher

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... COUNTY, M I S S I S S I P P I . * * Jerome A. Gnoose J r . * a n d D r . F r a n z F r o e l i c h e r U n i v e r s i t y of S o u t h e r n M i s s i...


Tectonica Cenozoica Del Norte De Mexico. IN SPANISH. Cenozoic Tectonics Of Northern Mexico.

Samuel Eguiluz De Antuñano

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... TECTÓNICA C E N O Z O I C A D E L N O R T E D E M E X I C O Samuel Eguiluz de A n t u ñ a n o * R E S U M E N En la parte central del Norte de...


Title Page

Brian W. Logan, James F. Read, Gregory M. Hagan, Paul Hoffman, Raymond G. Brown, Peter J. Woods, Conrad D. Gebelein

AAPG Special Volumes

...Title Page Brian W. Logan, James F. Read, Gregory M. Hagan, Paul Hoffman, Raymond G. Brown, Peter J. Woods, Conrad D. Gebelein 1974 III III M 22...


Abstract: Organic Facies of Organic-Rich Devonian Rocks of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

L. D. Stasiuk, M. G. Fowler, M. Tomica, M. G. D. Addison, M. Hearn

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...Abstract: Organic Facies of Organic-Rich Devonian Rocks of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin L. D. Stasiuk, M. G. Fowler, M. Tomica, M. G. D...


Abstract: Metallogenesis of antimony-gold in Canadian Appalachian orogen compared with Hercynian-Mautitanide orogenic belt of western Europe and Morocco

D. J. Mossman, M. Leblanc, J. F. Burzynski

Atlantic Geology

... and Morocco D. J. Mossman, M. Leblanc, J. F. Burzynski ATLANTIC GEOLOGY 181 Metallogenesis or antimony-gold in Canadian Appalachian orogen compared...


Abstract: Learning from our legacy: high soil lead levels in St. Johns, Newfoundland

T. Bell, D. G. E. Liverman, M. Putt

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Learning from our legacy: high soil lead levels in St. Johns, Newfoundland T. Bell, D. G. E. Liverman, M. Putt 133 Atlantic Geology...


Geologists and Geophysicists - Heroes of Socialist Labor

James W. Clarke

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... Figure. L. I. Rovnin. Figure. A. Ya. Krems Figure. D. V. Nalivkin Figure. M. V. Chirvinskaya Figure. A. N. Mustafinov Figure. Yu. G. Erv’ye...


AAPG Memoir 73, Chapter 5: Mapping the Petroleum System--An Investigative Technique to Explore the Hydrocarbon Fluid System

L. B. Magoon and W. G. Dow

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Dow 2000 53 68 Petroleum Systems of South Atlantic Margins Al Arouri, K., C. J. Boreham, D. M. McKirdy, and N. M. Lemon, 1998, Modeling of thermal...


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