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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 195,689 documents.

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Geologic Dating of Selected Archaeological Sites in the Rocky Mountain Region

Arthur G. Randall

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... the tools of e a r l y m a n i n the Rocky Mountain r e g i o n help provide a s t r a t i g r a p h i c r e c o r d that distinguishs between e a r l y , m i...


The Effect of Degradinite on Coal Properties and its Conversion at Ikeshima Coal Mine in Japan

Keizo Fujii, Sumio Yamazaki, Koji Shida, Keiji Miki

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... to 46,000 ddpm. Experiments involved the same samples that were used for F u j i i , Yamazaki, S h i d a , M i k i 485 S o far, a s i m p l e r e l...


The sheep Creek Thrust at Cooper Creek, Fremont County, Wyoming

C.J. Gudim

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... r i l l e d through the Sheep C r e e k t h r u s t and pro;ides i m p o r t a n t s t r u c t u r a l d a t a . The Sinclair No. I Unit ( s e c . 19...


Catalog of Hanna Basin Stratigraphy

Don F. Cardinal, Greg T. Parsons

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... of the Muddy Gap Quadrangle, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ-771. Love, J. D., 1970, Cenozoic geology of the Granite Mountains area...


Paleogeographic and Facies Characteristics of Reef Masses in the North Zone of the Pripyat Depression

T. A. Shevchenko, L. A. Demidovich, G. G. Stadnik

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... the area. They are dolomites on the north and limestones on the south. Thickness is up to 60 m. The terraces A-D are clearly expressed; organic banks...


Stratigraphy of the Arisaig Group

Thomas E. Lane, Lyndon R. Jensen

Atlantic Geology

... A R I S A I G Silurian Ludlovian G R O U P Moydart Formation F i g . 3 R o c k t y p e s and d e p o s i t i o n a l e n v i r o n m e n t s of t h...


Homenaje de los Ingenieros al Benemerito de las Americas. IN SPANISH. Tribute from the Engineers To the Merited Of The Americas.

Carlos Castillo Tejero.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

...) GEOLOGOS PETROLEROS L a h i s t o r i a d e las n a c i o n e s está l l e n a d e los e p i s o d i o s c o n m o v e d o r e s d e la l u c h a e n...


Seismic Hazard Evaluation of the Magna Tailings Impoundment

Ivan Wong, Susan Olig, Robert Green, Yoshi Moriwaki, Norm Abrahamson, Dale Baures, Walter Silva, Paul Somerville, Dick Davidson, Joergen Pilz, Bob Dunne

Utah Geological Association

..., Selection of earthquake ground motions at rock sites: National Institute of Standards and Technology Report NIST GCR 93-625. Joyner, W.B. and Boore, D. M...


Revision De La Estratigrafia Y Potencial Petrolero De La Cuenca De Tlaxiaco. IN SPANISH. Review Of The Stratigraphy And Petroleum Potential Of The Tlaxiaco Basin.

David López Ticha

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... hidrocarburos, dado que los objetivos j u r á s i c o s están se­ pultados por u n a c u b i e r t a cretácica m o d e r a d a m e n t e d e f o r m a d a , q...


Structural Geology of the Spread Eagle Peak Area Sangre De Cristo Mountains, Colorado

Robert D. Munger

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... o l o r a d o , w a s u n d e r t a k e n t o c o m p l e t e a s e r i e s of geologic m a p p i n g s t u d i e s i n t h i s r e g i o n . T h e...


Dakota Formation South of Golden, Jefferson County, Colorado

L.W. Le Roy

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO L. W. LE ROY: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado ABSTRACT: T h r e e c o m p l e t e s e c t i o n s a n d one p a r t i...


Geologic Transect Across the Western Transverse Ranges; Frontmatter and Roadlogs

Thomas L. Davis, Jay S. Namson

Pacific Section SEPM

... E R S E R A N G E S A p r i l 19-20, 1986 Field Trip L e a d e r s T h o m a s L . Davis A R C O International O i l and Gas Company Los A n g e l e...


Ages of Mesozoic Terranes in the San Juan Islands, Washington

John T. Whetten, David L. Jones, Darrel S. Cowan, Robert E. Zartman

Pacific Section SEPM

... a n e , composed of interbedded turbidite s a n d s t o n e , m u d s t o n e , and conglomerate of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age...


Structural Geology of the Franciscan Complex of the Crescent City Area, Northern California

K. R. Aalto

Pacific Section SEPM

... prisms is a controversial topic, commanding the attention of researchers . of both m o d e r n and ancient "subduction complexes" (Moore, Cowan...


Depositional History and Shoreline Evolution of the Upper Wilcox Group and Lower Reklaw Formation, Northern Bee County, Texas; #51502 (2018)

William Ambrose, Hongliu Zeng, Mariana Olariu, Jinyu Zhang

Search and

... Reklaw Formation, Northern Bee County, Texas Vertical scale 30 10 SP ohm-m Res 10,000 West Normanna 8500 8 km QAe5178(a) 0 SP ohm-m U U U D...


Estratigrafia Y Paleontologia del Mioceno de San Andres Tuxtla, Veracruz, Mexico (IN SPANISH), Miocene Stratigraphy and Paleontology of San Andres Tuxtla, Veracrux, Mexico.

Pierre Masson, Gloria Alencaster Ibarra

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... - s u r del E s t a d o de Veracruz, aproximadamente a 1 2 0 K m al S E del p u e r t o de V e r a c r u z , en la orilla s u r o e s t e del m a c i...



Ball Associates Ltd.

Bureau of Mines

...Oregon Ball Associates Ltd. 291 OREGON SURFACE AND SHALLOW P E T R O L E U M - I M P R E G N A T E D ROCKS Summary Oil seeps, outcrops of solid...


Basement Structure Map of the Raton Basin Area, Colorado

Christopher J. Lewis, Donald E. Wilde, Lee C. Gerhard

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... s , the P e n n sylvanian a n c e s t r a l Rocky Mountain orogeny and the L a t e C r e t a c e o u s - E a r l y Paleogene L a r a m i d e orogeny...


Stratigraphy of Basal Sandstones in the Green River Formation Northeast Piceance Basin, Rio Blanco County, Colorado

C. Bruce Snow

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... P1ceance C r e e k fields,, were mveshgated from mechan1cal and sample logs. P i c e a n c e C reek f i e l d s w e r e investigated f r o m m e c h a n i...


Origen edel Petroleo en Relacion a las Cuencas de Deposito. IN SPANISH. Origin of Petroleum Relative To Basins Deposits.

Ernesto Lopez Ramos.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... a d e s u b s u e l o c o m o e n l a m e c á n i c a l o ­ cal de los y a c i m i e n t o s petrolíferos, se intenta p o r p r i m e r a v e r...



Miguel L. Ramirez

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., Colorado, i s composed e s s e n t i a l l y o f marine carbona t e rocks. Since the discovery of the Comanche o i l f i e l d i n 1964, more than 7.4 m...


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