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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 195,689 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Diachronous Alleghanian Deformation of Coal-Bearing Strata in Pennsylvania, Interpreted from Patterns of Coal Rank and Reflectance Anisotropy

Jeffrey Ross Levine

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... by younger ( n o w e r o d e d ) strata t o at least 4 km depth Early episode of Alleghanian deformation ( ? ) M a x i m u m burial t o depths exceeding...


The Granitoids and Mineralization of the Eastern Belt of Peninsular Malaysia

S. Senathi Rajah, Fateh Chand, D. Santokh Singh

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

.... Chand & D. S a n t o k h S in g h E a s t e r n B e l t , P e n in s u l a r M a la y sia 211 The granitoids of the Eastern Belt start in north...


Acerca de Paleo-Vulcanologia (IN SPANISH), About Paleo-Vulcanology

Pierre Masson

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... del Instituto Francés del Petróleo en P e t r ó l e o s M e x i c a n o s , ha recibido del Profesor Louis Glangeaud, D e c a n o d e la Facultad de...


Petrologic Variations in Franciscan Sandstone from the Diablo Range, California

Mark Ivan Jacobson

Pacific Section SEPM

... Sequence very likely rests depositionally on Eylar M t . Sequence and The trench-slope m o d e l of continental accretion may provide an explanation...


Mission Canyon (Mississippian) Reservoir Study, Whitney Canyon-Carter Creek Field, Southwestern Wyoming

P. M. Harris, P. E. Flynn, J. L. Sieverding

Special Publications of SEPM

... s wide ( F i g . 1 ) . f i e l d i s v o l u m e t r i c a l l y t h e l a r g e s t n a t u r a l gas f i e l d i n t h e U.S. Mountains. The Rocky...


Review of Paleozoic Rocks of the Klamath Mountains

William P. Irwin

Pacific Section SEPM

... the Paleozoic rocks are m o s t w i d e l y exposed in the eastern and central parts of the p r o v i n c e . Paleozoic rocks of the Klamath Mountains...


Multichannel Seismic Operations for CCOP/SOPAC Cruise, Leg 3, Solomon Islands

D. M. Mann

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...Multichannel Seismic Operations for CCOP/SOPAC Cruise, Leg 3, Solomon Islands D. M. Mann © CircumPacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources...



Greg H. Mack, Mary Lynne Miller

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... i d c l i m a t i c condlt l o n s r e s u l t e d I n c y c l l c sedimentation of carbonate, marine shale, and evaporites ( ~ l l a s , 1963...


Road Log, Day Four: Nonmarine Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of the Downdip Castlegate Sandstone in the Book Cliffs of Western Colorado and Eastern Utah

John C. Van Wagoner

AAPG Special Volumes

... Oil and Gas Investigations Chart OC-68, 1 sheet. Stone, D. S., 1977, Tectonic history of the Uncompahgre uplift in H. K. Veal, ed., Exploration...


Memorial: Arthur Gilbertson Hutchison (1902-1949)

J. E. Smith

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... for making and keeping in touch with his friends; these include head-hunting D y a k s who idolized him in his early days in the M a l a y a n jungle...


Lower Tertiary Foraminiferal and Calcareous Nannofossil Zonation of California: An Overview and Recommendation

Alvin A. Almgren, Mark V. Filewicz, Hal L. Heitman

Pacific Section SEPM

... d primarily using the benthic foraminiferal zones of L a i m i n g (1939) and M a l l o r y (1959). Their zones and stages are defined by assemblages...


Posibilidades Petroliferas de la Region de San Jose de las Rusias-Sabino Gordo, Tamps. (IN SPANISH), Oil Possibilities of The Region of San Jose de Las Rusias-Sabino Gordo, Tamps

Teodoro Diaz G.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

..., Zona Norte. —Petróleos Mexicanos M E X I C A N A DE GEOLOGOS PETROLEROS 323 TEODORO D I A Z G. El interés petrolifero de esta región data del...


Kreyenhagen Formation and Related Rocks - A History

Kathleen A. Isaacson, Joyce R. Blueford

Pacific Section SEPM

... 345 M i d d l e f i e l d Rd M S 44 Menlo P a r k , CA 94025 W E S T SAN JOAQUIN V A L L E Y INTRODUCTION The reader is referred to figure 3...



Stephen A. Sonnenberg

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... L a r i m e r S t r e e t Denver, C o l o r a d o 80202 ABSTRACT: C r e t a c e o u s s a n d s t o n e s a r e oil a n d g a s p r o d u c t i v e...


Memorial: Kenneth Allen Johnston (1904-1942)

Stanley C. Herold

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... . Johnston was born at Boulder, Colorado, on M a r c h 18, 1904, the only child of D a i s y Allen Johnston and William Andrew Johnston, and grandson...


Palaeomagnetism, Geochronology and Petrology of the Dolerite Dykes and Basaltic Lavas from Kuantan, West Malaysia

N. S. Haile, R. D. Beckinsale, K. R. Chakraborty, Abdul Hanif Hussien, Tjahjo Hardjono

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... area o f west M a la y s ia , d il'le r in pe trolog y, age, and in p a la com a giictic d ire ctio n and arc thus n o t genetically related. The dykes...


Gradients of Vitrinite Reflectance and Present Temperature in the Los Angeles and Ventura Basins, California

N. H. Bostick, S. M. Cashman, T. H. McCulloh, C. T. Waddell

Pacific Section SEPM

... t h e r s , then w e should be closer to satisfying the needs for information on maturation of solid organic m a t t e r , temperature g r a d i e n...


Mesozoic Through Paleogene Evolution of the Sacramento Basin, California

Victor B. Cherven

Pacific Section SEPM

... c u n i t s along the f i e l d t r i p route. E m p h a s i s In t h i s guidebook i s on l a t e s t Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits, so that t h i...


ABSTRACT:Organic Petrography of the Devonian-Mississippian Black Shales of East-central Kentucky

Lance S. Barron and James C. Hower

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... S h a l e s of E a s t - c e n t r a l In conducting a state-wide assessment of In c o n d u c t i n g a s t a t e - w i d e a s s e s s m e n t shale...


Cambrian and Ordovician Stratigraphy of the Southen Mosquito Range, Colorado

Thomas B. Anderson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... sedimentary rocks dip eastward mto the p a r k basin and crop O r d o v i c i a n s e d i m e n t a r y r o c k s d i p e a s t w a r d Into crop out...


Tectonic, Sedimentary, and Seismic Models for D Sandstone, Zenith Field Area, Denver Basin, Colorado

Stephen A. Sonnenberg

AAPG Bulletin

... was completed in the D sandstone at depths of 7,296-7,318 ft (2,223.8-2,230.5 m) and had an initial potential for 1,285 BOPD and 750 MCFGD. Zenith field...


Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Generation in the Monterey Formation, Huasna Basin, California

Raynold I. Kablanow II, Ronald C. Surdam

Pacific Section SEPM

... c s U n i v e r s i t y o f Wyoming L a r a m i e , Wyoming 82071 R o n a l d C. Surdam Department o f G e o l o g y / G e o p h y s i c s U n i v e...


The trace fossil Yakutatia emersoni from the Matapedia Basin of New Brunswick and southeast Gaspé - its first reported occurrence outside of Alaska

R. K. Pickerill

Atlantic Geology

.... Third, it c o n f i r m s the p r e f e r r e d environment in which t h e producing organism inhabited as deep w a t e r marine. On r a p p o r t e et...


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