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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,534 Results. Searched 195,689 documents.

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Sedimentary Basins and Basin-Forming Mechanisms

Christopher Beaumont, Anthony J. Tankard

CSPG Special Publications

... BY CONTINENTAL EXTENSION M. A. Etheridge, J. C. Branson and P. G. Stuart-Smith 147 LINKED TECTONICS OF THE NORTHERN NORTH SEA BASINS A. D. Gibbs 163...


Third Day's Road Log: Walsenburg to Rye to Wetmoe Mesozoic of the Wet Mountains

Anson Mark, Norris Requist

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... a n o r t h of Walsenburg a t Junction of I n t e r s t a t e 25 and U. S. Highway 8 5 - 8 7 ( W a l s e n b u r g Exit). Coal m i n e d u m p s onc m...


Canada’s Continental Margins and Offshore Petroleum Exploration

C. J. Yorath, E. R. Parker, D. J. Glass

CSPG Special Publications



Borrego Pass Lentil, a New Member of the Crevasse Canyon Formation, Southen San Juan Basin, New Mexico

Aderbal Caetano Correa

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...:: Colorado Sdwol of Mines, Golden, Colorado Goltlen, Coloratlo ABSTRACT: A conspicuous s a n d s t o n e unit in the C r e v a s s e Canyon F o r m...


Arctic Reconstruction from an Alaskan Point of View

R. C. Crane

Pacific Section SEPM

... r e e k t o West F o r e l a n d s t h r o u g h t o t h e Shelikofs in a n a r r o w t r o u g h . Poul C r e e k and K a t a l l a s e d i m e n...


Cross Catalina Anticline: An Oil Accumulation in the New Guinea Fold Belt in Irian Jaya (West Papua)

H. D. Mason, B. A. McConachie

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... o f m any structures in the foreland/fold belt corridor of the w e stern h a lf of the W arim P ro d u c tio n S h a rin g Contract (PSC), held...


Large Gypsum Mounds in the Todilto Formation, New Mexico

William F. Tanner

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... ABSTRACT: The unusual and interesting mounds whLch characterize much of the northern and southern edges of the The i n t i r e s t i n g m o u n d s which c...


Abstract: Regional setting of gold mineralization at the Viking property, southern White Bay, western Newfoundland

M. Minnett, H. A. Sandeman, D. Wilton

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Regional setting of gold mineralization at the Viking property, southern White Bay, western Newfoundland M. Minnett, H. A. Sandeman, D...


Abstract: An Updated Stratigraphic Nomenclature for Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Strata in the Alberta Deep Basin: Minnes, Monteith or Nakanassin?; #90174 (2014)

Ross B. Kukulski, M. Keegan Rains, Brett D. Miles, and Stephen M. Hubbard

Search and

...?; #90174 (2014) Ross B. Kukulski, M. Keegan Rains, Brett D. Miles, and Stephen M. Hubbard AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90174 CSPG©2014...


Mesozoic Through Paleogene Evolution of the Sacramento Basin, California

Victor B. Cherven

Pacific Section SEPM

... s as an overview t o t h e preN e o q e n e g e o l o g y of t h e S a c r a m e n t o B a s i n and s e t s the s t a g e f o r more d e t a i l e d p a p e r s d...


Style and Age of Deformation on the Chino Fault

Edward G. Heath, Dennis E. Jensen, David W. Lukesh

Pacific Section SEPM

... of deformation on the structure and its potential as a seismic h a z a r d . The Chino fault has been mapped as a 13 m i l e - l o n g , steeply west-dipping...


Resultados de las Perforaciones de Petroleos Mexicanos en 1950 (IN SPANISH), Drilling Results of Mexican Petroleums in 1950.

E. J. Guzman, F. Mina U.

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

...) RESULTADOS PETRÓLEOS DE LAS PERFORACIONES MEXICANOS EN 1950 (*) E . J. G u z M A N Y F . M I N A U . DE (**) I N T R O D U C C I Ó N E s t e t r...


Geology of the Central and Western Solomon Islands

F. I. Coulson, J. G. Vedder

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... OF T H E C E N T R A L A N D W E S T E R N S O L O M O N ISLANDS F. L Coulson Institute of Geological Sciences, Nicker Hill, K e y w o r t h , E n g...


ABSTRACT: Regional Variation of Vitrinite Reflectance of the Pierre Shale (Upper Cretaceous) in the Mountain Basins and Along the Eastern Rocky Mountain

N. H. Bostick and M. J. Pawlewicz

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... n f r o n were s a m p l e d t o r t u d y i t s o r g a n i c rank. eastern mountain frontt w e r e sampled to study its organic r a n k . The P i e...


ABSTRACT: The Chemistry of Vitrinite Fluorescence

Rui Lin, Alan Davis, D.F. Bensley, F.J. Derbyshire

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... d e d as c o n s i s t i n g o f two phases. One i s c o n s i d e r e d t o be a r e l a t i v e l y more condensed t h r e e - d i m e n s i o n...


ABSTRACT: Microspectrofluorimetry Applied to Organic Petrology of Source-Rocks: A New Calibration Procedure for Fluorescence Measurement of Oil and Kerogen

R. Baranger, L. Martinez, J.L. Pittion, J. Pouleau

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... Avenue du Haut LevOque 33650 PESSAC (FRANCE) ABSTRACT A new m i c r o s p e c t r o f l u o r i m e t r y c a l . i b r a t i o n p r o c e d u r e...


ABSTRACT: Characteristics and Origin of Fracture-Hosted Impsonite, Quebec City Area, Canada

Jeffrey Ross Levine

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... 35486 ' Cambrc-Ordovician s t r a t a from t h e Qu6bec C i t y a r e a c o n t a i n s o l i d o r g a n i c m a t t e r o c c u r r i n g a s f r a c...



Memorial: George Clark Gester (1884-1959)

Graham B. Moody

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... Pacific C o m p a n y , 1909 to 1912. T h e n he became chief development geologist for K e r n T r a d i n g and Oil Company, a subsidiary...


Neotectonics in Southern California Guidebook: Roadlog 2

R. S. Yeats, E. A. Keller, K. R. Lajoie, T. K. Rockwell, A. M. Sarna-Wojcicki, R. F. Yerkes

Pacific Section SEPM

... i t h dirt road (at 0.3 m i l e s ) ; follow main road to left and begin climbing Tecuya R i d g e . Cross Garlock fault (local north s p l a y...


Memorial: Charles Frederick Deiss (1903-1959)

John B. Patton

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...Memorial: Charles Frederick Deiss (1903-1959) John B. Patton CHARLES F R E D E R I C K (1903-1959) DEISS Charles Frederick Deiss was born M a r c h...


Properties of Martian Surfaces from the Morphology of Small Impact Craters - Abstract

J. M. Kieniewicz, V. L. Sharpton, J. E. Chappelow, S. E. Pitiss

Alaska Geological Society

...Properties of Martian Surfaces from the Morphology of Small Impact Craters - Abstract J. M. Kieniewicz, V. L. Sharpton, J. E. Chappelow, S. E. Pitiss...


Paleocene Biogeography of the West Coast of North America: A Look at the Molluscan Fauna from Sepultura Formation, Mesa San Carlos, Baja California Norte

William J. Zinsmeister, Luis M. Paredes-Mejia

Pacific Section SEPM

... Sepultura Formation, Mesa San Carlos, Baja California Norte William J . Zinsmeister and Luis M . Paredes-Mejia D e p a r t m e n t of E a r t h and A t m o...


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