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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 75,928 Results. Searched 196,217 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Preliminary Study of the Extraction Techniques in Oil Shales

C.G. Blanco, J.G. Prado, M.D. Guillen, A.G. Borrego

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... y o f t h e b i t u m e n s i n o i l s h a l e s i s a n u s e f u l tool f o r f i n d i n g o u t about t h e i r o r i g i n and degree...


Abstract: Engineering Geology of the Kenyir Damsite, Trengganu

Chow Weng Sum

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... to 550 NE~ spaced 0.03 m to 1.0 m with an average spacing of 0.2 m to 0.5 m. Diamond d:r>il Zing up to a depth of 75.0 m in the damsite indicated...


The Debert Archaeological Project

Douglas S. Byers

Atlantic Geology

... Foundation for Archaeology Phillips A c a d e m y , Andover, M a s s . A n archaeological site that dates from approximately 8635±4-7 y e a r s before...


Miocene Strata and Their Relation to Other Rocks Santa Catalina Island, California

J. G. Vedder, D. G. Howell, J. A. Forman

Pacific Section SEPM

... . S . Geological Survey Menlo P a r k , California J . A . Forman Mobil Oil Company D a l l a s , Texas ABSTRACT On Santa Catalina Island, M i o c e n e...


Carboniferous Corals from Northeast Thailand

Henri Fontaine, Rucha Ingavat, Daniel Vachard

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

.... The larger ones usually have dissepiments and belong to more than 10 genera: P seu d o u ra lin ia , S ip h o n o p h yllia ? , C a n in o p h yllu m , C...


Energy, Mineral, and Ground-Water Resources of Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah (B-132)

R.W. Gloyn, D.E. Tabet, B.T. Tripp, C.E. Bishop, C.D. Morgan, J.W. Gwynn, R.E. Blackett

Utah Geological Survey

... (inactive) S A N P E T E Gre en Manti 6 U I N T A White Oak #1 (in reclamation) Castle Dale 191 E M E R Y G R A N D Nephi E River U T A H...


Lower Cretaceous of Wyoming and the Southern Rockies

Robert G. Young

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... complex strat1graphic sequence s 1n the Rocky Mountam reg1on. They cons1st of many dlfferent conslst different lithologic f o r m e d i n v a r l o u...


The gas-bearing Devonian Presqu'ile Dolomite of the Cordova embayment region of British Columbia, Canada: Dolomitization and the stratigraphic template

David W. Morrow, Mengwei Zhao, Lavern D. Stasiuk

AAPG Bulletin

...: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 96, p. 567-587. Johnsson, M. J., D. G. Howell, and K. J. Bird, 1993, Thermal maturity patterns in Alaska...


Age and Paleoceanography of the Point Fermin Fan Complex

Jon R. Sloan

Pacific Section SEPM

... Mineralogists, Pacific Section, Book 15, p . 71-76. T A B L E 1 . SAMPLE L O C A T I O N S ALONG THREE M E A S U R E D SECTIONS W I T H DISTANCES UP...


Memorial: Charles Edwin Whiteside (1897-1927)

Bruce Seymour

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...Memorial: Charles Edwin Whiteside (1897-1927) Bruce Seymour jMznttttml CHARLES EDWIN WHITESIDE Charles E d w i n Whiteside died on N o v e m b e r...


Memorial: Walter Bernoulli (1885-1946)

H. P. Schaub

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... he became president of the board of directors and was since then responsible for the administration of the M u s e u m . D u r i n g the war years...


Direction of Exploration in the Volynopodolin Area and Prospects for Discovery of Pools of Hydrocarbons

V. V. Glushko, Ya. M. Sandler, V. D. Skorduli, A. V. Khizhnyakov, V. A. Kotyk, R. T. Trushkevich, V. I. Yushkevich, V. N. Boyko, M. D. Buderkevich

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Direction of Exploration in the Volynopodolin Area and Prospects for Discovery of Pools of Hydrocarbons V. V. Glushko, Ya. M. Sandler, V. D. Skorduli...


Memorial: Thomas Earl Davie (1906-1959)

John P. Thompson

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... in 1931 with a degree in Geological Engineering. T h e school year of 1929-1930 was spent working in the geological d e p a r t m e n t of the Sunray Oil...


In Hot Water? How Climate Change May (or May Not) Affect the Groundwater Resources of Texas

Robert E. Mace and Shirley C. Wade

GCAGS Transactions

.... Davidson, W. Hare, S. Huq, D. Karoly, V. Kattsov, Z. Kundzewicz, J. Liu, U. Lohmann, M. Manning, T. Matsuno, B. Menne, B. Metz, M. Mirza, N. Nicholls...


Memorial: Leroy Gatlin (1926-1990)

Craig Wright

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... in Oklahoma City in 1952 f o r the r e m a i n d e r of his career. W h i l e working for Sohio Petroleum Company, Leroy attended night law school...


Exploration and Development

J. R. Hamke, L. C. Marchant, C. Q. Cupps

Bureau of Mines

... Completed Remarks Dry Gasfield, Mouse River loop: 25 wells. Gas well, city of Glendive. Gas well, Cedar Creek area. 16 Gas wells, Gas City, Baker D o m...


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