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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 174 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Evolution of Thought on Structure of Middle and Southern Appalachians

John Rodgers

AAPG Bulletin

... faults were different in kind as well as in degree from the high-angle thrust faults previously recognized, many of which, as the Rogers brothers had...


Holocene Carbonate Sedimentation on Northern Belize Shelf: PART 1

Walter C. Pusey III

AAPG Special Volumes

... Tertiary limestones and marls. He indicated that these were located along fault lines and believed that the nodules originated when water from silica...


Detrital Quartz as a Natural Tracer--fourier Grain Shape Analysis

Robert Ehrlich, John J. Orzeck, Bernhard Weinberg

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... grains of the lagoon. Shape Information These results indicate the feasibility for deducing transport and depositional histories of quartz grains from...


2017 AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition

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Montana Geological Society

....), it is significant that such a trend exists. Had this data not been examined from the standpoint of time, the variation would have gone...


A Sedimentological Continuum Occurring through Geologic Time: A Study for students

B. R. Pelletier

Atlantic Geology

... Is already apparent. FIG. 3 Well sorted, imbricated river gravels occuring a few miles downstream from a fall line in northeastern British Columbia. Mean...


Flow Regimes and Solute/Energy Transport

Jeffrey S. Hanor

Special Publications of SEPM

... will discuss the Iberia example in the section on techniques for calculating flow regimes from field data. The density inversions documented at Welsh...



Paul B. Basan

Special Publications of SEPM

... up well against the test of time. Certainly, in many instances, trace fossil evidence has helped to separate deep marine deposits from shallow...


Modification of Clast Shape in High-Arctic Glacial Environments

Matthew R. Bennett , Michael J. Hambrey , and David Huddart

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...; and (6) well sorted gravels from the moraine mound complex, including several samples of the Midre Lovenbreen "egg-gravel". CLAST SHAPE DATA Clast Form...


Distinctions and Uses of Stratification Types in the Interpretation of Eolian Sand

Gary Kocurek , Robert H. Dott, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., needless to say, the level to which interpretations can be made may well rest on the ability to distinguish clearly eolian from subaqueous cross-strata. We...


Authigenic Iron Sulfides as Paleosalinity Indicators

Robert A. Berner, Timothy Baldwin, George R. Holdren, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Harbor, Connecticut. Dissolved sulfate concentrations are rounded values interpolated from the data of Holdren (1977) and Rosenfeld (1977). Values...


Chemical Diagenesis of a Multicomponent Carbonate System--1: Trace Elements

Uwe Brand , Jan Veizer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., whereas in the Read Bay Formation this increase in textural maturity involves the transition from micrite to microspar to minor pseudospar and sparite...


Paleogeography and Carbonate Facies Evolution in NW Sarawak from the Late Eocene to the Middle Miocene

Franz L. Kessler, John Jong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... for deducing the paleogeographic evolution is based on an integration of both outcrop and well studies including an updated view from the recent Engkabang...


Allocyclic Control on Late Devonian Buildup Development, Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains

David J. McLean , Eric W. Mountjoy

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... carbonate cycles and third-order sequences (Lower Ordovician El Paso Gp, west Texas): constraints from outcrop data and stratigraphic modeling: Journal...


Fluid Inclusions in Bedded Permian Halite, Palo Duro Basin, Texas: Evidence for Modification of Seawater in Evaporite Brine-Pools and Subsequent Early Diagenesis

Amos Bein , S. D. Hovorka, R. S. Fisher, Edwin Roedder

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Syndepositional alteration of clay and feldspar minerals probably also occurred, but these effects cannot be evaluated from the present data...


A model for fibrous illite nucleation and growth in sandstones

Robert H. Lander, Linda M. Bonnell

AAPG Bulletin

... that sandstones from this well in our data set contain K-feldspar (0 to 1 vol.%) and muscovite grains (0 to 0.7 vol.%) as well as clay matrix (0.7 to 3.7...


Pb Ages of Detrital Zircons In Relation To Geodynamic Evolution: Paleozoic of the Northern Gemericum (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)

Anna VozáRová, Dušan Laurinc, Katarína Šarinová, Alexander Larionov, Sergey Presnyakov, Nickolay Rodionov, Ilya Paderin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... at the west from the Štítnik Fault: Geologické Práce Správy, v. 57, p. 339– 348 (in Slovak). Allen, M.B., Morton, A.C., Fanning, C.M., Ismail-Zadeh, A.J....


Geochemical Inversion – A Modern Approach to Inferring Source-Rock Identity from Characteristics of Accumulated Oil and Gas

K. K. Bissada, L. W. Elrod, L. M. Darnell, H. M. Szymczyk, J. L. Trostle

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... oils from non-marine oils using the carbon isotopic composition of the saturate and aromatic fractions of the oil. Data from Texaco's archives...


Quantification of thermal conductivity uncertainty for basin modeling

Patrick Elison, Jan Niederau, Christian Vogt, and Christoph Clauser

AAPG Bulletin

... are derived from the formation lithologies because no measured data are available. Lithology is derived from literature and seismic attributes. Deducing...


Deep-Water Sandstone Facies and Ancient Submarine Fans: Models for Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps

Roger G. Walker

AAPG Bulletin

... slip line orientations from the geometry of folds: Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 65, p. 387-405. Hansen, E., 1971, Strain facies: New York...


Ancient Continental Slope Sequences and Their Value in Understanding Modern Slope Development

Harry E. Cook

Special Publications of SEPM

... GILBERT 1977 p 309 331 Methods of deducing slip line orientations from the geometry of 410 386 Rept Geophys Lab p Physical processes in geology San...


Plate-tectonic Evolution and Paleogeography of the Circum-Carpathian Region

Jan Golonka, Lisa Gahagan, Micha Krobicki, Frantisek Marko, Nestor Oszczypko, Andrzej lczka

AAPG Special Volumes

..., 1996, Tectonothermal evolution of the internal Alps and Carpathians; evidence from 40Ar/39Ar mineral and whole-rock data, in S. M. Schmid, M. Frey...


A juvenile redlichiid trilobite caught on the move: Evidence from the Cambrian (Series 2) Chengjiang Lagerstätte, southwestern China

Qiang Ou, Degan Shu, Jian Han, Xingliang Zhang, Zhifei Zhang, Jianni Liu


....-G., BERGSTROM, J., WANG, H.-F., FENG, X.-H., and CHEN, A.-L., 1999, The Chengjiang fauna: Exceptionally well-preserved animals from 530 million...


Experimental Carbonate Cementation: Salinity, Temperature and Vadose-Phreatic Effects

Khosrow Badiozamani, F. T. Mackenzie, D. C. Thorstenson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 376 p. PLUMMER, L. N., AND F. T. MACKENZIE, 1973, Predicting mineral solubility from rate data: Application to the dissolution...


A Royal Flush in the Great Campos (Brazil's Santos-Campos) Basin, #10994 (2017).

Craig F. Schiefelbein, William Dickson

Search and

...-disciplinary study predicted Santos Basin pre-salt sourcing working from non-exclusive data: key piston cores, a satellite SAR interpretation, 2D basin modeling...


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