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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 174 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Joint inversions with the SimPEG framework

Joseph Capriotti, Lindsey J. Heagy, Santiago Soler

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... The joint inversion schemes that we implement all start from the Tikhonov inversion consisting of data misfit function of a data misfit, fd...


Sequence stratigraphy of the Niobrara Formation: Implications for age-constraining tectonic events and stratigraphic complexities in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, United States

William R. Drake and Sarah J. Hawkins

AAPG Bulletin

...te Cretaceous during the overlap of the Sevier and Laramide orogenies, with the Sevier orogeny extending from the Jurassic well into the Eoce...


Arc, Forearc, and Trench Sedimentation and Tectonics; Amlia Corridor of the Aleutian Ridge: Convergent Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

D. W. Scholl, T. L. Vallier, A. J. Stevenson

AAPG Special Volumes

...). His work represents the first attempt to combine marine geological and geophysical data for the purpose of deducing the tectonic evolution...


Compositional Variation and Sequence in the Miocene Monterey Formation, Santa Barbara Coastal Area, California

Caroline M. Isaacs

Pacific Section SEPM

... of 1-45 km leftlateral movement along the Santa Ynez fault, for example, increases the distance from the strandline. Recent paleomagnetic study suggests...


The Distribution of Contaminants in Ground Water at the Slick Rock and Naturita, Colorado Uranium Mill Tailings Sites

Armand R. Groffman, Dan Erskine

Utah Geological Association

... site to 0.008 at the SRK-UC site to 0.005 at the Naturita site. A porosity of 0.25 and hydraulic conductivity values calculated from slug test data...


Oscillatory Ripple Marks and the Evaluation of Ancient Wave Conditions and Environments

Paul D. Komar

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Seas, and Tanner (1971) contributes data from lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. RIPPLE LENGTH AND THE BOTTOM ORBITAL DIAMETER The primary relationship...


Flood Transport and Deposition of Tracer Heavy Minerals in a Gravel-Bed Meander Bend Channel

Johan Hattingh , Izak C. Rust

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...% sandstone and < 1% fault breccia and phyllite. Quartzite clasts range in size from -9 ( 0.5 m) to sand size. The 50th-percentile fraction of the bed...


Relationship Between Eustatic Sea Level Changes and Basement Subsidence

T. M. Guidish , I. Lerche , C. G. St. C. Kendall , J. J. O'Brien

AAPG Bulletin

... with respect to sea level. This burial path is deduced from well data, which include paleobathymetry, lithology, depth, thickness, and age of formations...


The Precambrian Purcell System in the Rocky Mountains of Southern Alberta and British Columbia

R. A. Price

CSPG Bulletin

... Range (Price, 1962). It can be identified in the cuttings from Pacific-Atlantic Flathead No. 1 well at Sage Creek (see Appendix II). Beneath the greater...


A Compositional Classification For Grain Assemblages In Fine-Grained Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks—Discussion

Wayne K. Camp, Sven Egenhoff, Juergen Schieber, Roger M. Slatt

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of a wealth of new data from outcrops and subsurface cores, using a range of advanced investigative techniques (such as argon ion-milling, X-ray CT imaging...


Geomorphic Evolution of Continental Terrace (Continental Shelf and Slope)

Robert S. Dietz

AAPG Bulletin

... redrawn from fathogram, showing form of continental terrace of Atlantic Coast of the United States. Fan-shaped deep-sea wedge is well developed and abuts...


Sea-Level Changes: Mechanisms, Magnitudes and Rates

John F. Dewey, Walter C. Pitman

Special Publications of SEPM

... and falls of sea level Vail et aI 1977 From these data a global sea leveVtime Paleogeographic Evolution and Non glacial Eustasy Northern South...


Weatherability of Zircon

Dorothy Carroll

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... concentrate are all robust, well-rounded, and practically free from inclusions; about one grain in 200 is zoned, and it shows the effect of gradual alteration...


Photometer Method for Studying Quartz Grain Orientation

Joseph D. Martinez

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ compiled from these data as well as those shown in Figure 13. The total number of measurements plotted is 87, obtained...


Diagenesis of Ferromanganese Crusts: Chemical and Biological Alteration of Artificial Substrates on Cross Seamount

Miriam A. Bertram, James P. Cowen

Special Publications of SEPM

... reveal distinct morphological and chemical boundasies (McMurtry et al., 1994; Wen et al., 1997) as well as gradations in cornposition from the crust...


Benthic Foraminiferal Ecology and Paleocology: A Review of Concepts and Methods

Robert G. Douglas

Special Publications of SEPM

... for deducing paleoecological conditions. approach was expanded in the 1950's as data on the distribution of modern benthic species Relationships provided...


Genetic Characterization of Natural Gases

Martin Schoell

AAPG Bulletin

... sites from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP), as well as some unpublished data from Trinidad, Peru, southeast Asia, and Taiwan. 13C in Methane...


Application of Electrical Resistivity Measurements to Problem of Fluid Flow in Porous Media

M. R. J. Wyllie , M. B. Spangler

AAPG Bulletin

... would explain Coulson's data in Table III. Table II shows that if tortuosities are calculated from electrical measurements for beds of packed spheres...


Effect of Source and Environment on Clay Minerals

I. H. Milne , J. W. Earley

AAPG Bulletin

.... The problem of deducing geological information from the chemistry and mineralogy of a clay mineral assemblage at some stage in the cycle is obviously full...


Fluvial Sedimentology: An Historical Review

Andrew D. Miall

Dallas Geological Society

...). Knowledge of the geomorphology of alluvial fans and meandering rivers was well advanced by the turn of the century, as quotes from Drew (1873...


Fluvial Sedimentology: An Historical Review

Andrew D. Miall

CSPG Special Publications

...). Knowledge of the geomorphology of alluvial fans and meandering rivers was well advanced by the turn of the century, as quotes from Drew (1873...


Modeling of gas generation from the Cameo coal zone in the Piceance Basin, Colorado

Etuan Zhang, Ronald J. Hill, Barry J. Katz, Yongchun Tang

AAPG Bulletin

... 1.95% Ro as observed in the well data from the Cameo coal. Johnson and Nuccio (1986) showed Ro reaching 2.1% in the Piceance Basin west of Rifle...


Search and Discovery

Search and


Petrographic Features of Sandstones that Affect Their Suitability for Road Material

Robert J. Yedlosky, John R. Dean

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of argillaceous material as well as interlocking resulting from pressure solution. The degree of cementation and pressure solution and compaction...


The Pelona-Orocopia Schist and Vincent-Chocolate Mountain Thrust System, Southern California

Gordon Haxel, John Dillon

Pacific Section SEPM

... , E d w a r d , 1 9 6 7 , M e t h o d s of deducing slip-line orientations from the geometry of folds: Carnegie Inst. Washington Yearbook 65, p...


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