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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 1,998 Results. Searched 197,926 documents.
A Comprehensive Approach to Depth Imaging in Thrust Belt Environments
Ron Schmid, Brian Link, Patrick Butler
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... and hence provide isopach information. 3) Interval thickness information is combined with the interval time delay information (obtained from the time...
Deferred Maintenance A Major Industry Challenge?
Kylie Seccombe, Derrick O’Keeffe
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
...) and process controls (procedures and standards). It may also be taken to mean the delay of a maintenance activity past the date assigned...
Beneath Belize
Gareth Williams
GEO ExPro Magazine
...: the Corozal Basin in the north, and the Belize Basin in Yalbac Formation at the Never Delay area just outside of the south, separated by the Maya Mountains...
A Two-Phase Well Test Analysis for Water Injection Wells
Takao Namba
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... be to perform the injection testing with the existence of a water bank around the well since the preinjected water bank can delay the pressure response...
Structure, Seismic Data and Orogenic Evolution of Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains: DISCUSSION
C. Warren Hunt
CSPG Bulletin
... and underthrusting the geosynclinal End_Page 381------------------------ sedimentary fill), and (3) the delay of orogeny until after overthrusting...
The South West Queensland Gas Pipeline: Developments During the Last Twelve Months
Graeme Hogarth
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
.... • Unseasonal rainfall also occurred on two occasions during July which caused another 17 day delay. -13- • The changes in the Federal and State Government's...
The Cretaceous of Southern Oklahoma — The Society’s Spring
Neil H. Suneson
Oklahoma City Geological Society
...) Thallasinoides burrows in the very top of the Goodland filled with Kiamichi silt and sand. Figure 4. Some of our group preferred to delay lunch...
Independent/Major Roles in Exploration for Oil and Gas
J. R. Jackson, Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
... in exploring deeper objectives (Fig. 4). INDEPENDENT/MAJOR RELATIONSHIPS IN GENERAL Because of their size and organizational structure, independents and majors...
Crinoids of Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Harrell L. Strimple
Tulsa Geological Society
...-fasts, or root systems, were recovered. Columnals (individual stem ossicles) have interlocking series of crenellae which would tend to delay...
Technology as a Driver of Human Resources Development in the Oil and Gas Sector
Muliana Sukardi, Petrus Mamuko
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of local workforce and create and enrich the skills of Indonesian people. In addition, integrated oil and gas management in the country will delay...
Northwest Europe
Gehrig Schultz, Patrick Barnard, Geo ExPro Staff
GEO ExPro Magazine
... to develop Rosebank? Above-ground factors may have caused a delay in getting Rosebank over the line recently, but it is the geology that is the key...
Unlocking value through automated asset performance optimization for sustainable production
Yannick Agbor, Pradeep Salapakkam, Naveen George
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... was calculated as the sum of the detector alarm delay time, typically 30-30 seconds, and the time taken of ultrasonic noise to travel from the leak source...
Ronny Setså, Henk Kombrink
GEO ExPro Magazine
.... THE INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVE In addition to the environmental movements concerns, Storebrand Asset Management supports a delay in extraction of deep-sea...
Refraction tomography at the Nova Ni-Cu mine
Ian James, Graeme Hird, Andrew Fitzpatrick
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... and delay-time algorithms through to tomographic ray tracing. The 3D tomography produced a velocity model for the top 300 m, thereby extending...
A high-resolution seismic investigation for shallow iron ore
Ashley Grant*, Sasha Ziramov, Milovan Urosevic
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... Grant, Ziramov and Urosevic We used the same processing flow for both surveys (Table 1). Near surface delay times were resolved from the first break...
Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey by Using Accelerated Weight Drop as Seismic Source
Alfian Alfian, Rachmat Sule, Awali Priyono, Masami Hato, Takao Aizawa, Alphius Dwi Guntara
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., moving shots 0.5 ms 2s 0 580 m TABLE 2 SEISMIC DATA PROCESSING SEQUENCES Line-1 Data Loading Geometry Triger delay correction and bandpass filter...
Deep water OBN multiple prediction from local reflectivity in the Stolt domain
Cesar Ricardez
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... of single time delay spikes. Figure 3 compares input, Stolt deconvolution and SRME models in XT and Stolt domains. Figure 4 shows pre-stack depth...
Lithologically Controlled Pore Pressure Prediction and Geomechanical Modeling Using Probabilistic Multivariate Clustering Analysis and an Expert System
Alan A. Curtis, Eric Eslinger, Randy Nickerson, Siva Nookala, Francis Boyle
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... Electroclasses. It is important to realise that the classification of each Electroclass into a general Lithology might be misleading for Lithologies...
Production Starts at Simpson
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., or face a three month delay. "The greatest ach ievement was ·getting it onstream so qu ickly w ith no incidents", s he stated proud ly. To faci litate...
Improved Efficiency and Cost Savings: Horizontal Drilling, South Florence Field, Vermilion Parish, Louisiana
Jeffrey A. Spencer, Travis H. Gillham, Allen T. Kutch, Art D. Lombard
GCAGS Transactions
...-lower lobe" would be approximately twice that for a vertical completion. A horizontal well would not appreciably delay the onset of coning, however...
Preservation of Unconsolidated Sediment Cores in Plastic
J.P. Shannon, Jr., C. W. Lord
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Note: Always have specimens in the trays before pouring, as a time delay will allow the liquid mixture to set up in its container; also, always mix more...
Extending the Range and Geographical Applicability of the Q-Marine Solution
Tim Bunting
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., as m uch as 60%. delaying fi ring of t he deeper sub-arrays to ensure the dow n-going wave-fields combi ne. As a consequence of t he firing delay...
An Integrated Reservoir Modeling Case Study in the Permian Basin: Model Calibration and Predictions
M. Gaddipati, H.Sarak, B.Musgrove,T.Itibrout, J.Stachowiak, T. Firincioglu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... (shown in solid red box numbered as 2 in Figure 17(a)) were completed with time delay of 6, 12 and 24 months. The closer wells from 1st and 2nd visit wells...
Government Unites Industry Titans, Threats Divide Them
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., t he cost of delay cou ld be massive'; he said. "In North America, we saw US gas prices increase, and in the midst of a stable environment...
Carnarvons Path to Paradise is Paved with PAVO Aspirations
Dale Granger
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... the explorers on its deliverables. “This delay to FID had a knock-on impact to Carnarvon’s share price which was particularly disappointing...