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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 17,363 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterization of the South Timbalier 26 Field: The Importance of Shelf Margin Deltas as Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico; #90007 (2002)

Vitor Abreu, Phillip Teas, Thomas De Brock, Kendall Meyers, Williams Spears, Steve Pierce, Dag Nummedal

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...ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterization of the South Timbalier 26 Field: The Importance of Shelf Margin Deltas as Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico...


ABSTRACT: Source Rocks and Reservoirs in Rift Lake Basins over the Past 300 Ma in Central and Eastern Africa; #90007 (2002)

Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Kiram-Eddine Lezzar, Bernard Le Gall

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...ABSTRACT: Source Rocks and Reservoirs in Rift Lake Basins over the Past 300 Ma in Central and Eastern Africa; #90007 (2002) Jean-Jacques Tiercelin...


ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Distribution of Miocene Plays: A Case Study from Starfak and Tiger Shoal Fields, Offshore Louisiana; #90007 (2002)

Tucker F. Hentz, Hongliu Zeng, Lesli J. Wood

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... and Tiger Shoal Fields, Offshore Louisiana Recently published play atlases of the northern Gulf of Mexico classify reservoirs within broad groupings...


ABSTRACT: Petroleum Geology and Exploration Potential of Block 5, Offshore Angola, West Africa; #90007 (2002)

Gyorgy Marton, Douglas Haun, Jake Hossack, Tony Barwise, Thomas Mason, Mateta Domingos, Herlander Meneses, Paulino Gomes, Tommy Egebjerg

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...-deltaic Mucanzo Formation. A second possible reservoir segment has been interpreted in the Upper Albian Quissonde Formation, which probably...


ABSTRACT: An Emergent Play in the Deep Water Basin Between Canary Islands and Morocco; #90017 (2003)

J. Buitrago Borras, C. Diaz-Merino, A. Morabet, W. Martinez del Olmo, M. Nahim

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... at Albian-CenomanianTuronian (ACT) time. Secondary sources may be present in Domerian, Oxfordian and Barremian sections. - Reservoirs: Highstand...


ABSTRACT: An Emergent Play in the Deep Water Basin Between Canary Islands and Morocco; #90017 (2003)

J. Buitrago, C. Diaz-Merino, M. Nahim, A. Almorabet, W. Martinez del Olmo

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... established at AlbianCenomanian-Turonian (ACT) time. Secondary sources may be present in Domerian, Oxfordian and Barremian sections. (ii)Reservoirs: Highstand...


ABSTRACT: Correlation and Sedimentary Steering to Maximize Well Placement Certainty in Mature Reservoirs While Drilling; #90061 (2006)

Jeremy Prosser, stephen Morris, and Jeremy Lofts

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...ABSTRACT: Correlation and Sedimentary Steering to Maximize Well Placement Certainty in Mature Reservoirs While Drilling; #90061 (2006) Jeremy Prosser...


ABSTRACT Pore Pressure Prediction in Challenging Areas - Reducing Uncertainty by Understanding Rock Behaviour, #90104 (2010)

O'Connor Stephen; Swarbrick Richard; Lahann Rick; Clegg Phill; Scott David; Green Sam; Pindar Bitrus

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...  ; Pindar, Bitrus   (1) geopressure technology,  Durham, United Kingdom.     In extensional Tertiary deltaic systems where compaction disequilibrium...


ABSTRACT: Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Depositional Systems, and Reservoir Facies of the Northern Gulf of Mexico; #90117 (2010)

Robert W. Scott

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... major transgressive events. New data and reservoir models stimulate exploration of Cretaceous rocks: fluvial sandstone and gas-prone shale reservoirs...


ABSTRACT: Using Bedforms and Stratigraphic Architecture to Indicate a Shallow Shelf Depositional Setting of Carlile and Niobrara Formations, SW Saskatchewan and SE Alberta; #90108 (2010)

Samantha E. Taylor, Per K. Pedersen, Dallin P. Laycock, Ron Spencer, Haiping Huang, and Ian Gates

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... to an alternatively proposed deltaic setting. This study provides insight on depositional processes within a thick shale wedge and the lateral distribution...


Sedimentology, Ichnology and Reservoir Properties of the Low Permeability Upper Cretaceous Alderson Member … Hatton Gas Pool, SW-Saskatchewan, Canada

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...-associated reservoirs. The fields contained within this play produce from shallow zones (less than ~600m) from thin bedded, fine-grained sand within...


Abstract: Prodelta Hyperpycnites: Facies, Processes and Reservoir Significance - Examples from the Lower Cretaceous of Russia; #90255 (2017)

Carlos Zavala, Mariano Arcuri, Mariano Di Meglio, Agustin Zorzano, Victor Hugo Goitia Antezana, Luis Roberto Arnez Espinosa

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... conventional clastic reservoirs especially in shallow oilfields. Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Karabashskiy Oil & Gas discovery in western Siberia provides...


Abstract: Encouraging First Steps to Extend the Nahr Umr Subcrop Play and Portfolio in the South Oman East Flank, PDO Block 6; #90317 (2018)

Kristoffer Engenes, Samira Al-Kalbani, Karima Al-Ghafri, Qais Al-Battashi, Ibrahim Al-Battashi, Ahmed Al-Mahruqi

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...-Carboniferous Haushi reservoirs which sub crop against Cretaceous Nahr Umr sealing shales. Rakid can be described as a combined structural fault bounded...


Giant Fields of Indonesia: Play Types, Geologic Factors, and Prospectivities of Future Giant Fields

Awang Harun Satyana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... since sources and reservoirs are not separated in space and time. In addition, multiple stacks of the deltaic sequences typically provide a very...


A Uniquely Attractive Area for Oil Exploration in the Southern Bowen Basin

Dennis Morton, Michelle Smyth, Neil Sherwood

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Creek Group is represented by a sequence of thick fluvio-deltaic clastics containing sandstone reservoirs with considerable porosities...


Abstract: Main Producing Systems in Southeast Asia

Richard W. Murphy, Ian Longey

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... and the main reservoirs are wedge-base deltaic sandstones and grain carbonates in the early sag phase. Some are inversion structures and some are not. Mio...


Abstract: Oil and Gas Resources of the North African Trias/Ghadames Petroleum Province

Robert J. Lunn, Allan Driggs, Patrick Thompson, Philip Farfanand, and Francois Gauthier

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and into western Libya. Oil and gas in Triassic reservoirs have been correlated through the analyses of geochemical markers to have migrated...


Conditions for Preservation of Pore-Type Reservoirs at Great Depths in Paleozoic Sediments of the Northeast of the Antipov-Shcherbakov Zone

V. A. Tsygankova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Conditions for Preservation of Pore-Type Reservoirs at Great Depths in Paleozoic Sediments of the Northeast of the Antipov-Shcherbakov Zone V...


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