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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,508 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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ABSTRACT: How Current Understanding of Basement Outcrops in Oklahoma Can Help Decipher Later Geologic History; #90048 (2005)

M. C. Gilbert

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... with abundant coarse Ca-plagioclase. When such mineralogy is seen in Granite Wash, it clearly shows derivation from a gabbroic source. Furthermore...


Abstract: Evolution of a Northern Cordilleran Foreland Basin Inferred from Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Seismic Sections, and Detrital Zircons, Mackenzie Mountains, NWT; #90171 (2013)

T. Hadlari, D. Thomson, C.J. Schröder-Adams, Y. Lemieux, MacLean, B., and Gabites, J.E.

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... with derivation from Proterozoic and Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks that were probably uplifted and eroded in mountains to the west during regional...


Abstract: The Challenge of Pore Pressure Prediction in Complex Environments … Jeanne dArc Basin, Eastern Canada; #90174 (2014)

Sam Green, Stephen O’Connor, and Richard Swarbrick

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... in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin relies not only on derivation of the normal compaction trend(s) for shales and accurate measurement of the reservoir pressure...


Abstract: Inorganic Origin of CO2 and Its Indication for Sweet Spots in Tight Formations, North West Saudi Arabia; #90310 (2017)

Pan Luo, Khaled Arouri, Peng Lu, Feng Lu

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... and dissolution of carbonate cements, e.g., siderite, suggest CO2 derivation from carbonate dissolution/decomposition. In contrast, the δ13C of CO2 generated...


Abstract: Origin and Distribution of Carbonate Cements With Implications for Reservoir Quality in Tight Gas Sandstones, Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China; #90310 (2017)

Benben Ma, Yingchang Cao, Kenneth Eriksson

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... are consistent with derivation from the early-formed dolomite. The origin and distribution of carbonate cements have significant implications...


Abstract: Petrographic Study of the Middle Devonian Portwood Member of the New Albany Shale: Implications for Depositional Processes and Paleoenvironment Interpretations;

Xinhe Shao, Juergen Schieber

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... is the underlying cause for local derivation of detrital dolomite and high lateral variability of depositional environments, and is also responsible...


Abstract: Detrital Zircon U-Pb Data of Pennsylvanian to Lower Permian Sandstones from the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin „ Insights into Syn-Collisional Sediment Provenance and Sediment Routing Systems;

Patricia Standring, Thomas Ditges, Daniel Stockli, Timothy Lawton

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... argue for derivation from the orogenic hinterland, recycling the former rifted margin, and tapping into Gondwana and Oaxaquian source terranes...


A Decoupled Model for Compositional Multiphase Flow in Porous Media and Multiphysics Approaches for Two-Phase Flow, #120063 (2012)

R. Helmig, Y. Cao1, B. Faigle, B. Flemisch, M. Wolff

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... of multiphase flow in porous media and provides a consistent derivation of the conservation equations of non-isothermal compositional flow and transport...


Geochemical, petrographic, and uranium–lead geochronological evidence for multisourced polycyclic provenance of deep-water strata in a hybrid tectonic setting: The upper Miocene upper Mount Messenger Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

Jonathan R. Rotzien, Greg H. Browne, and Peter R. King

AAPG Bulletin

... attribute analysis and tectono-stratigraphy of offshore south-western Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Ph.D. thesis, Victoria University of Wellington...


Some Musings on The Devonian Elk Point Basin, Western Canada

G.K. Williams

CSPG Bulletin

... growth was about the same in the past, if we accept Schlager's (1981) conclusions, and if we attribute the Hume-Winnipegosis drowning to fast-rising sea...


Supply, segregation, successions, and significance of shallow marine conglomeratic deposits

H. Edward Clifton

CSPG Bulletin

... Francisco, California, clearly owe their derivation to erosion of that unit. Many of the clasts on the modern beach consist of concretions (or parts...


Hypotheses for an Inorganic Origin: Chapter 2: Part I. Genesis of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott

AAPG Special Volumes

... and those which attribute it to the result of chemical reactions. (p. 94.) To these should be added the concept that postulates origin of petroleum...


Regional Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Northern Gulf of Alaska Continental Margin

George Plafker

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... with the marine Tokun Formation, and toward the west with the Stillwater Forma­ tion. Predominantly arkosic sandstone reflects derivation from a granitic...


Unearthing the Source

Marta Barbarano

GEO ExPro Magazine

...–400 Ma). Derivation from the Bohemian Massif of northern Germany, which is a source of late Neoproterozoic zircon grains related to the Cadomian Orogeny...


The Occurrence and Derivation of an Augite-Rich Beach Sand, Grenada, B.W.I.

H. S. Bennett, P. Martin-Kaye

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...The Occurrence and Derivation of an Augite-Rich Beach Sand, Grenada, B.W.I. H. S. Bennett, P. Martin-Kaye 1951 Vol. 21 No. 4. (December), The beach...


Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Siluro-Devonian Sandstones, Rocky Mountains, Northeastern British Columbia

G.M. Ross, V.J. McNicoll, H.H.J. Geldsetzer, R.R. Parrish, S.D. Carr, A. Kinsman

CSPG Bulletin

... component over a large area and suggest possible sediment derivation from a western source area, perhaps reflecting uplift during the early phases...


Conditions of Sedimentation and Sources of the Oriskany Sandstone as Indicated by Petrology

Marcellus H. Stow

AAPG Bulletin

... distinctly different heavy-mineral suites were found. The assemblage of tourmaline, zircon, rutile, leucoxene, indicative of derivation from...


Measurement of Dip Angles on Aerial Photographs: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Louis Desjardins

AAPG Bulletin

... (4) K unknown (5) H known (3) S and s unknown: Substitute qmSm/q for S in foregoing group. Formulas for d: (derivation given at end). EQUATION (1...


The Triangle Method--Semiquantitative Determination of Clay Minerals: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Ulrich Mann , Klaus Fischer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of climbing angles (0 to 40 degrees) for opening angles of 10, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 degrees. FIG. 4. Triangle with auxiliary lines for the derivation...


The Effect of Grain Size on Detrital Modes: A Test of The Gazzi-Dickinson Point-Counting Method: DISCUSSION

Lee J. Suttner, Abhijit Basu

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in the mysterious derivation of Lm from Qm through breakage. In the hope that more standardization and rigorous identification will result, we would like to repeat...



AAPG Special Volumes

... for later editions are invited. ORGANIZATION: Each annotation has several subheadings. As a rule, these are: Derivation, Definition, History and usage...



John G. Dennis

AAPG Special Volumes

...U John G. Dennis 1967 159 161 M 7: International Tectonic Dictionary: English Terminology UNCONFORMITY, UNCOMFORMABLE Derivation: Conformity...


Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration Routes in the East Texas Basin: DISCUSSION

K. F. M. Thompson

AAPG Bulletin

... S:N ratio, close to 20, suggests (Thompson, 1994) derivation of the oil from carbonate source rocks deposited in a hypersaline environment...


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