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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,548 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Petrology and Sedimentology of Mississippi Fan Cores, DSDP LEG 96
Paul A. Thayer , Harry H. Roberts
GCAGS Transactions
.... Monocrystalline grains sometimes display abraded or rounded overgrowths, indicating derivation from a sedimentary source. Polycrystalline quartz is most abundant...
Devonian Tetracorals from Spain and their relation to North American Species
G. Altevogt
CSPG Special Publications
... stage, No. L 21.44; × 2. 8b, transverse section of adult stage, No. L 21.44; × 2. 8c, longitudinal section, No. L 21.44; × 2. Derivation of name. angustus...
The Carrot Creek "K" Pool, Cardium Formation, Alberta: A Conglomeratic Reservoir Related to a Wave-Reworked Distributary Mouth-Bar Complex
R.W.C. Arnott
CSPG Bulletin
... cases, lithological evidence for the gravel source. Some authors have suggested a fluvial and related deltaic mouth-bar derivation (Bergman and Walker...
Simulation of Proppant Transport in Foam Fracturing Fluid Based on Experimental Results
Songyang Tong, Ming Gu, Robin Singh, Kishore Mohanty
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of drag coefficient CD , we can derive Eq. (5) In the derivation of classic Stokes settling velocity, d(ρs − ρf ) (5) ρf where ρs and ρf are the density...
The Influence of Transport Fluctuations on Spatially Averaged Topography on a Sandy, Braided Fluvial Fan
Chris Paola, Gary Parker, David C. Mohrig, Kelin X. Whipple
Special Publications of SEPM
... where Vo is a dimensionless coefficient such that v voqlV It is evident from the derivation of the equation that a good deal diffusional In many...
A Methodology for Handling Exploration Risk and Constructing Supply Curves for Oil and Gas Plays When Resources are Stacked
S. Mark Dallaire
CSPG Bulletin
... for estimating the average pool finding cost is modified as follows: The derivation of this equation can be found in the appendix. In this expression, the terms...
Criteria for Proper Production Decline Models and Algorithm for Decline Curve Parameter Inference
Peng Zhou, Yuewei Pan, Huiyan Sang, W. John Lee
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... This paper is organized as follows. First, we present a general derivation under two important constraints (1) the loss-ratio parameter (inverse of production...
Mantle Indicator Minerals in Ant Mounds and Conglomerates of the Southern Green River Basin, Wyoming
T. E. McCandless, W. P. Nash, W. Dan Hausel
Wyoming Geological Association
.... In a situation where detrital minerals are evaluated, it is important to first establish a mantle derivation. The classification schemes of Dawson and Stephens...
Comparison between the Different Approaches of Secondary and Tertiary Hydrocarbon Migration Modeling in Basin Simulators
Sylvie Pegaz-Fiornet, Bernard Carpentier, Anthony Michel, Sylvie Wolf
AAPG Special Volumes
..., On the theoretical derivation of Darcy and Forchheimer formulas: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 39, no. 4, p. 702707.Lenormand, R., 1981...
Identification of Organic-Rich Lower Tertiary Shales as Petroleum Source Rocks, South Louisiana
Elizabeth Chinn McDade , Roger Sassen , Lloyd Wenger , Gary A. Cole
GCAGS Transactions
... in the crude oils indicates derivation from an Upper Cretaceous or younger source. Bisnorhopane is particularly abundant relative to oleanane in eastern...
Geochemistry of medium gravity crude oils in southern Alberta and northern Montana
B. K. Manzano-Kareah, P. M. Stevenson, C. L. Riediger
CSPG Bulletin
... and high relative abundance of pregnane. These characteristics for an oil have been shown by various workers to be indicative of derivation from a carbonate...
Modified Fetkovich Type Curve Enhances Type Well Construction for Horizontal Wells with Multiple Fractures
Alexander C. Eleiott, W. John Lee, Nefeli Moridis
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... goes to zero. A complete derivation of Eq. 9 is given in the Appendix. The new type curve presented in this paper can be constructed entirely from Eqs...
Radioactivity of Sedimentary Rocks and Associated Petroleum
K. G. Bell , Clark Goodman , W. L. Whitehead
AAPG Bulletin
... rocks are given in Table I. The radioactivity measurements on several crude oils are presented, together with a description of their derivation...
A Semi-Analytical Modeling Approach for Hydraulic Fracture Initiation and Orientation in Shale Reservoirs
Andreas Michael, Ipsita Gupta
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... on the schematic (from Michael et al., 2020). Semi-Analytical Modeling Framework Analytical Derivation. Assuming fracture initiation occurs...
Regional and Local Components in the Areal Distribution of Surface Sand Facies in the Breckland, Eastern England
R. J. Chorley, D. R. Stoddart, P. Haggett, H. O. Slaymaker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... 210------------------------ its derivation from the Neocomian Sandringham Sands and Carstone to the north. The low clay content is believed to have...
Petrology of Some Beacon Rocks between the Axel Heiberg and Shackelton Glaciers, Queen Maud Range, Antarctica
P. J. Barrett
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... derivation from granitic rocks or veins. Coarsely crystalline prehnite cements the rock and includes several euhedral grains of quartz as long as 0.2 mm. Mt...
Deformation Structures of Sedimentary Origin in the Lower Limestone Shales (Basal Carboniferous) of South Pembrokeshire, Wales
Gilbert Kelling, Brian P. J. Williams
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...°-305° and their asymmetry indicates derivation from the northeast. They therefore have an orientation close to that for ripples of the West Angle Bay...
Composition and Mean Age of Detritus of the Colorado River Delta in the Salton Trough, Southeastern California
L. J. Patrick Muffler, Bruce R. Doe
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Also the presence of minor plagioclase of andesine composition, in general rather fresh, suggests a partial local derivation. The clay fraction...
Studies on Influential Factors of Flowback and Productivity of MFHWs and a Field Case in Shale Gas Formations
Guicheng Jing, Zhangxin Chen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... research on the productivity of multi-stage fracturing horizontal wells after fracturing is limited, and the equation derivation process has been...
Diagenesis of Pre-Quaternary Carbonates as Indicated by Tracer Studies
Jan Veizer
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...------------------------ This diagenetic stabilization is achieved mostly in waters of meteoric derivation, which are characterized by lower Sr/Ca ratios and lighter 18O...
Petrology of Triassic-Jurassic Conglomerates in the Culpeper Basin, Virginia
R. C. Lindholm, J. M. Hazlett , S. W. Fagin
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... Intraformational conglomerate is also present. The general character of the Reston Formation clearly indicates derivation from nearby Piedmont terrane...
Current Ideas Regarding Source Beds For Petroleum: Part II. Origin and Evolution of Petroleum: Group 1. Origin
L. C. Snider
AAPG Special Volumes
... rocks. The derivation of oil and gas from organic material that has been buried in sedimentary rocks is so generally accepted that no further...
Depositional Facies of Mississippian Clastics, Antler Foreland Basin, Central Diamond Mountains, Nevada
Dwight W. Harbaugh , William R. Dickinson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... counts of conglomerate frameworks on outcrop reflect derivation from a provenance that lay entirely within the allochthon (Harbaugh, 1980). Twelve...
Flexure of the Lithosphere: Chapter 5
Charles L. Angevine, Paul L. Heller, Chris Paola
AAPG Special Volumes
...------------------------- B. ELASTIC PLATE FLEXURE The derivation of the elastic flexure equation is rather involved and, thus, beyond the scope of this course...
Tectonic Significance of Polymodal Compositions in Melange Sandstones, Western Melange Belt, North Cascade Range, Washington
Guy A. Jett, Paul L. Heller
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... that were uplifted and exposed along the flanks of the developing accretionary wedge. Derivation from local sources may explain the mixing...