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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,548 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Taxation and the Environment in the Oil and Gas Industry
Max Williamson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... need to be established as an umbrella of government to be exempt from income tax or its income will be subject to income tax in the year of derivation...
Age and Correlation of the Tully and Cedar Valley Formations in the United States
G. Arthur Cooper
CSPG Special Publications
... that are new or variants of Hamilton forms but this does not destroy the essentially Middle Devonian character of the fauna or its derivation from...
Problems With Application of Material Balance Time to Transient Flow Data in Diagnostic Plots
Himanshu S. Jha, W. John Lee
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... (1993) for decline curve analysis for variable pressure drop/variable flow rate systems. The derivation for material balance time was strictly valid...
Changing New Paradigm on HSE Perspective: The Transition from Project to Production Phase
Fakhrian Abqaria, Iyan Suryana, Hasanuddin Ritonga
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... meaning at all. The culture of the Company may be as a derivation of the system implemented in its facilities. It will be a long journey to achieve...
Organic Geochemical Characterization and Hydrocarbon Generation Potential of Mid-Late Devonian Horn River Bituminous Shales, Southern Northwest Territories
S. Feinstein,, G.K. Williams, L.R. Snowdon, P.W. Brooks, M.G. Fowler, F. Goodarzi, T. Gentzis
CSPG Bulletin
... between the Pine Point Evie, the "E" in the study area and the Bluefish Member in the Norman Wells area are consistent with derivation of terrigenous...
Lower to Middle Jurassic Clastic and Carbonate Sequences in the Dorrigo Embayment, Barrow Sub-Basin, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
J. D. Gorter, R. Morgan, J. P. Rexilius, R. Howe
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... grains show derivation from sandy fossiliferous limestones (?intraclasts) and appear to have had a calcitic rim, probably indicative of an oncolitic...
Summary of Recent Foreign Literature on the Problem of Petroleum Generation
Parker D. Trask
AAPG Bulletin
..., are required for the development of the plankton. Author thinks the prevalence of plankton in coastal waters points to a terrigenous derivation of some...
Field Scale Proppant Transport Simulation and Its Application to Optimize Stimulation Strategy
Rui Kou, George J. Moridis, Tom Blasingame
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... fluid shear force. Instead of computing each ⃗ 𝒇−𝒑 of the component forces listed above, one can use the following derivation to simplify the coupling term (𝒇 𝒊 ). Fir...
East Texas Field--U.S.A. East Texas Basin, Texas
Michel T. Halbouty
AAPG Special Volumes
... all of the Washita beds. The Austin Chalk occurs unconformably over the entire area. Concerning derivation of the Woodbine sediments, Oliver (1971...
Wolfcamp Geologic Reservoir Modeling Challenges
Brian Casey, Benjamin Richards, Connor Moore, Matthew Wehner
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... model used to derive the sector model may cover several hundred square miles in size. Derivation of the geologic model assumes a good understanding...
Thermal Maturity of Mesozoic Strata of Southern Saskatchewan
L.D. Stasiuk,, F. Goodarzi, J. Potter
CSPG Bulletin
... (Price, 1964). Using an arithmetic derivation of the graphical method of Dow (1977), the amount of strata which was removed by erosion...
Comparison of Oil-Source Rock Correlation Data for Alaskan North Slope: Techniques, Results, and Conclusions: INTRODUCTORY PAPERS
G. E. Claypool, L. B. Magoon
AAPG Special Volumes
... with derivation from carbonate source rocks, was recovered from the Lisburne Group, a carbonate lithology. Hence, the Lisburne, which was not included...
The Nature and Origin of Argentine Loess
Mario E. Teruggi
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... volcanic ashes (Larsson, 1937) and in Tertiary and Quaternary tuffs (both amply distributed in Argentina), their derivation from these rocks is suspected...
Mass Balance and Fluid Flow Constraints on Regional-Scale Dolomitization, Late Devonian, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: DISCUSSION
Hans G. Machel, Eric W. Mountjoy, Joachim E. Amthor
CSPG Bulletin
... in the RimbeyMeadowbrook reef trend (Machel and Mountjoy, 1987). We advocated derivation of the dolomitizing fluids from downdip End_Page 569...
Prediction of Facies Distributions in Prograding Clastic Shelf Sequences: A Non-Waltherian Model Based on Sediment Mechanics
Paul A. Washington , Steven A. Chisick
GCAGS Transactions
... boundary layer) can be expressed in terms of wave speed, wave height, and depth (Longuet-Higgins, 1953). Without going through the entire derivation...
Geology and Geochemistry of the Quaking Asp Mountain and Black Butte Silicified Zones, Green River Basin
W. Dan Hausel, Gordon G. Marlatt, Eric L. Nielsen, Robert W. Gregory
Wyoming Geological Association
... in the derivation of alunite from feldspar (King, 1953). The process of alunitization is also associated with kaolinization and silicification (Meyer...
The Photo-extinction Method for the Measurement of Silt-sized Particles
Gene Simmons
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the true weight percentage of particles in the unit size interval centered at dx. The following assumptions were made in the derivation of equation...
Diagenesis In Mississippian Calcilutites and Pseudobreccias
R. G. C. Bathurst
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... now in the mosaic. There is no reason to suspect derivation by fracture from larger grains. The various kinds of secondary origin involving...
Salt Insertions in Sedimentary Sequences: Impacts on Temperature and Thermal Maturation with Depth
K. Zhao, I. Lerche
GCAGS Transactions
... Graben: An Integrated Basin Analysis Assessment. Marine Petrol. Geol. 7, p. 123-137. Toth, D. J., et al., 1981, Vitrinite reflectance and derivation...
Petrology and Source of Sediments in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Massachusetts
Kenneth M. Towe
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... The presence of detrital quartz exhibiting undulatory extinction suggests derivation from a metamorphic terrain (Pettijohn, 1957a, p. 119). This is supported...
Petrologic Discrimination Between the Neogene Formations in Adams and Wilkinson Counties, Southwestern Mississippi
Kenneth F. Rhinehart, Maurice A. Meylan
GCAGS Transactions
... of smectite in some of the terrace samples is suggestive of derivation from the Hattiesburg lutites. However, a lack of iron-oxide staining was evident...
Composition, Grain Size, Roundness, and Sphericity of the Potsdam Sandstone (Cambrian) in Northeastern New York
Donald R. Wiesnet
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... are very spherical and very well rounded--at least within the Mooers Quadrangle. DISCUSSION The derivation of parameters from thin sections of sedimentary...
Kualakurun Frontier Exploration: Surface Reconnaissance on Petroleum Prospectivity in Onshore Central Kalimantan Area
Vicki Amir, Riki Tasrianto, Reki Indrawan, Duncan Witts
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... seep within the Kualakurun PSC, indicating derivation from similar terrestrial source rocks within the early-mid oil maturity window. Given the proximity...
Bug Field, T.36 S., R.25 & 26 E., San Juan County, Utah
Connie M. Krivanek
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., thus the derivation of the Bug Field name. The 1980 Bug Field discovery was made 10 years after the Papoose Canyon Field discovery. The two key...
Distorted Oolites and Pseudoolites
Albert V. Carozzi
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... shapes could be derived by increased stretching and distortion. Such a derivation was confirmed by constructing plastic models and cutting them along...