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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,548 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Old Red Sandstone Sedimentation and Basin Development in the Dingle Peninsula, Southwest Ireland
Simon P. Todd, J. Douglas Boyd, Christopher D. Dodd
CSPG Special Publications
... derivation from both the NW and, more significantly, from the SE. The contrast between the volcanic provenance of these southeasterly derived...
Relationships of Cratonic and Continental-Margin Tectonic Episodes
L. L. Sloss, Robert C. Speed
Special Publications of SEPM
... which ture contrast sands delivered and margins episodes from interior as Here the iden derivation are with the imma deposited at continental...
Devonian Biogeography: An Update
A. J. Boucot
CSPG Special Publications
... Realm have closest affinities with those of the Eastern Americas Realm (Boucot et al., 1969). Derivation of these brachiopods from nearby South American...
Multi-proxy provenance of the lower Pennsylvanian Pottsville sandstone of the northern Appalachian basin in Pennsylvania, U.S.A: Paleodrainage, sources, and detrital history
Shifat J. Monami, Ashraf Uddin, Willis E. Hames
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... igneous rocks. Particularly, the ternary plot of Fe3+–Cr3+–Al3+ end members for the chrome spinels possibly suggest a derivation from an alpine-type...
Quantifying river avulsion activity from satellite remote sensing: Implications for how avulsions contribute to floodplain stratigraphy in foreland basins
Jeffery M. Valenza, Douglas A. Edmonds, Gary S. Weissmann
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., T., and Tong, Q., 2014, Derivation of a Tasselled Cap Transformation based on Landsat 8 at-satellite reflectance: Remote Sensing Letters, v. 5, p. 423...
Sedimentary Facies in the Jura-Cretaceous Kootenay Formation, Crowsnest Pass Area, Southwestern Alberta and Southeastern British Columbia
D. W. Gibson
CSPG Bulletin
.... Rapson, J. E., 1965, Petrography and derivation of Jurassic-Cretaceous clastic rocks, southern Rocky Mountains, Canada: Am. Assoc. Petroleum...
The Cadomin Formation: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Tectonic Implications
J. R. McLean
CSPG Bulletin
...: Geol. Assoc. Canada, Spec. Paper 6, p. 7-25. Rapson, J. E., 1965, Petrography and derivation of Jurassic-Cretaceous clastic rocks, southern Rocky...
High-Energy Shelf Deposit: Early Proterozoic Wishart Formation, Northeastern Canada
Bruce M. Simonson
Special Publications of SEPM
... microclines feldspars but true occur The consistent with the derivation of the detritus from the Ashuanipi basement complex to the west of the La...
Organic-Inorganic Interactions as a Mechanism for Porosity Enhancement in the Upper Cretaceous Ericson Sandstone, Green River Basin, Wyoming
Janell D. Edman, Ronald C. Surdam
Special Publications of SEPM
... was deposited approximately 73 to 74 m. y. ago (B. E. Law, pers. commun., 1984), is included in this sequence of synorogenic sediments. The derivation...
Trends in Sandstone Diagenesis with Depth of Burial, Viking Formation, Southern Alberta
G.E. Reinson, A.E. Foscolos
CSPG Bulletin
...). Much consideration has been given to the source of authigenic cements, particularly within the context of their derivation from alteration of detrital...
Dolomitization of Shallow-Water Platform Carbonates by Sea Water and Seawater Derived Brines San Andres Formation (Guadalupian), West Texas
Stephen C. Ruppel, Harris S. Cander
Special Publications of SEPM
... lattice Derivation of Fe the aforementioned sources may have been accom from via reduction of iron oxides and hydroxides 2 oxidation of sulfide...
High-Resolution Visualization of Flow Interference Between Frac Clusters (Part 1): Model Verification and Basic Cases
Ruud Weijermars, Arnaud van Harmelen, Lihua Zuo, Ibere Nascentes Alves, Wei Yu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...) instead of the finite reservoir radius (re) in Eq. (18). Appendix C gives a more complete derivation of solutions of the diffusivity equation...
Pre-Diagenetic Sedimentary Fractionation of Andesitic Detritus in a Semi-Arid Climate an Example from the Eocene Datil Group, New Mexico
Steven M. Cather, Robert L. Folk
Special Publications of SEPM
... The composition of the detrital matrix in dicates derivation largely from groundmass minerals in lower others tains 0 0 1 1 2 Grain Size FIG Graph...
Old Red Sandstone Basins of North America and Northwest Europe
J. R. L. Allen, D. L. Dineley, P. F. Friend
CSPG Special Publications
..., implying high relief. The great thicknesses of the successions, combined with evidence of derivation from relatively nearby sources, imply vigorous crustal...
Stratigraphy and Structure of Pennsylvanian and Permian Rocks in Salt Creek Area, Mosquito Range, Colorado
Don B. Gould
AAPG Bulletin
... the east, the source probably lay in that direction. The arkosic nature of the gravel and abundance of large pieces of quartz suggest its derivation from pre...
Provenance of the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group, British Columbia: Evidence From U-PB Analyses of Detrital Zircons
Peter S. Mustard, Randall R. Parrish, Vicki McNicoll
Special Publications of SEPM
... derivation from varied sources which may include the eastern zircons and a combination of the Idaho Batholith and Omineca Belt plutons 72 73 Ma...
Biomarker Geochemistry of the Early Cambrian Oil Show in Wilkatana-1: Implications for Oil Generation in the Arrowie and Stansbury Basins
D. M. McKirdy
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... diasterane Cz9 diasterane/sterane Cz9 aaa sterane20S/20R Cz9 a~~/aaa 20R sterane Table 3 - indicate its derivation from marine algal remains...
Regional Petroleum Geochemistry of Indonesian Basins: Updated, and Implications for Future Exploration
Awang Harun Satyana
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... through a number of means. These include derivation from an organic source, the destruction of carbonate minerals through catalysis with clays, hydrolysis...
Concepts and Applications of a 3-D Multiple Lithology, Diffusive Model in Stratigraphic Modeling
D. Granjeon, Phillip Joseph
Special Publications of SEPM
... and a classical derivation of some fluid flow mechanics laws to establish a set of linked 3 D water constrained diffusion equations applicable...
The Late Early Miocene Sabine River
Earl Manning
GCAGS Transactions
... flank of the uplift. As such, derivation of the late Cretaceous TB fauna from isolated outcrops of that type can be ruled out. Table 3. Late...
Carbonate-Phosphate Competition in the Negev Phosphorites (Southern Israel): A Microstructural Study
David Soudry
Special Publications of SEPM
... consists of phosThe phosphate fraction of these rocks typically consists of phosphate intraclasts of subjacent derivation, mixed with aa few phate...
Preliminary Report on the Geology, Geochemistry, Mineralization, and Mining History of the Seminoe Mountains Mining District, Carbon County, Wyoming
W. Dan Hausel
Wyoming Geological Association
... of volcanic-sedimentary piles; (2) derivation of metals from carbonated zones in volcanics and sediments; (3) derivation from the alteration of iron...
Upper Miocene: Chapter X
Ralph D. Reed
AAPG Special Volumes
... near Oakdale. The distribution and character of the andesitic conglomerates of the San Pablo correspond well with a derivation from the Sierra Nevada...
Facies Analysis of the Neogene Delta of the Amur River, Sakhalin, Russian Far East: Controls on Sand Distribution
Clare Davies, Sarah Poynter, David Macdonald, Rachel Flecker, Larisa Voronova, Vladimir Galverson, Pavel Kovtunovich, Lidiya Fot'yanova, Eric Blanc
Special Publications of SEPM
... and wellrounded, commonly bored pebbles suggests mobile, unconsolidated sediment deposited in a high-energy environment. The derivation of diatomite clasts...
Anomalous Diffusion or Classical Diffusion in an Anomalous Reservoir? Evaluation of the Impact of Multi-Phase Flow on Reservoir Signatures in Unconventional Reservoirs
Christopher Clarkson, Bin Yuan, Zhenzihao Zhang, Farshad Tabasinejad, Hamid Behmanesh, Hamidreza Hamdi, Dave Anderson, John Thompson, Dylan Lougheed
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., derivation of this relationship is more complicated because the inner boundary condition cannot be eliminated from the P-S relationship, unlike the CRRF...