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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 1,887 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Oral Session Abstracts: Seismic Survey Design Criteria: A Case Study Using Colville Foreland Basin Data - Abstract
James Bogardus
Alaska Geological Society
... of fine spatial sampling and have implications for 3D survey design. The problem of designing a survey around unknown criteria (e.g., spatial sampling...
Abstract: Merging of Multi 3D Land Seismic Surveys, Challenges and Mitigations; #90319 (2018)
Anwar Al-Kandari, Riyanto Kusumo, Agus Abdullah, Fatma Basha, Hanan Al-Hasan
Search and Discovery.com
... been carried out by utilizing each data set separately. Comprehensive efforts have been paid in designing these surveys and parameterizing...
Abstract: A Transfer Learning Approach to Rock Property Estimation Workflows;
Ahmad Mustafa, Motaz Alfarraj, Ghassan Alregib
Search and Discovery.com
... in the subsurface. Rock properties can be measured directly from boreholes in a seismic survey. However, wells are very scarce in a seismic survey due...
Low Frequency Seismic Technology: A New Era for Reservoir Solutions
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sourcing artifact native copper using electron probe microanalysis: preliminary results
C. Evans, S. E. Blair, D. C. Hall, A. F. Park
Atlantic Geology
... and a team of researchers from the University of New Brunswick undertook a project to determine their geochemical composition. The overall goal...
ABSTRACT: Meeting Seismic Data Quality Expectations: New Dimensions in Seismic Survey Design; #90051 (2006)
Said Abri, Paul Matheny
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Meeting Seismic Data Quality Expectations: New Dimensions in Seismic Survey Design; #90051 (2006) Said Abri, Paul Matheny AAPG Search...
Identification of Diagenetic Footprint and Associated Development Challenges in the Deep Conventional Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs of North Kuwait
Search and Discovery.com
Abstracts: Geophysical Study of the Peace River Landslide; #90173 (2015)
Oluwafemi O. Ogunsuyi, Douglas R. Schmitt, Derek Martin, James Morgan, and Corey Froese
Search and Discovery.com
..., dschmitt@ualberta.ca, derek.martin@ualberta.ca James Morgan and Corey Froese Alberta Geological Survey, Edmonton, Alberta James.Morgan@ercb.ca...
Abstract: Genesis 4D Project — Design and Execution Overview
Search and Discovery.com
Innovative Technology for Coalbed Methane in the Appalachian Basin - Workshop Summary
Katharine Lee Avary, Joe Awny, C.M. Boyer, Mark Deering, Rick Lewis, Toni Markowski, Bob Milici, Charles Nelson, Brandon Nuttal, Gary Rodvelt, Pete Soot, Lloyd Tabor
... in West Virginia Katharine Lee Avary, West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey The technology of coaled methane has evolved tremendously over...
ABSTRACT: Geophysical Data Acquisition Gateway: Tools for Planning, Tracking, Reporting and Collaboration, by Al-Helal, Hussein A.; Al-Qateefi, Mahdi I.; Mahr, Shaheed; Al-Daubal, Mohammed; Al-Saleh, Yousef; #90141 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Role of Geophysics in Oil and Gas Field Development
Khee Kok Kean, Mohd Izham Ismail
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... a wide range of geophysical tools~ are used ~n the select~on of safe platform locations. The data from a properly carried out site survey~ will provide...
Abstract: Reservoir Characterization of Multiple-Bar Sandstones in the Mississippian Cypress Formation, Tamaroa Field, Perry County, Illinois, by J. P. Grube; #91005 (1991).
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Abstract: A Method to Determine Acquisition Equivalency, by Richard Hastings-James and Peter van Baaren; #90077 (2008)
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Abstract: Best Practice Seismic Acquisition in the Canadian Arctic: Mackenzie Delta and Colville Hills, NWT, by Michael E. Enachescu, John Hogg, Fred Kierulf, Paul Price, and Allan Châtenay; #90130 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Shabih M. Syed, Amjad A. Khan, Amjad W. Qureshi, Muhammad Rehan, and Muhammad Adnan
Search and Discovery.com
... of a cursor projection on seismic. It guided in designing check shots for wells with no check shot survey previously available. Finally for the wells...
Marble, Colorado–Beauty and the Beast
W. P. Rogers
Grand Junction Geological Society
..., Gunnison and Pitkin Counties, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ 512. Holmes, W. H., 1876, Report on the geology...
Abstract: Wettability Alteration in Reservoirs: How It Happens and How It Boosts Production; #90244 (2016)
Geoffrey Thyne
Search and Discovery.com
.... The approach can explain the successes and failures of low salinity waterflooding and provide the basis for designing the correct fluid chemistry...
ABSTRACT: Electrical Conductivity Geophysical Methods Applied to Subsurface Mapping of Produced Waters, by Smith, Bruce D., Joanna N. Thamke, Jeffery G. Paine; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Building a Global Interoperable Geoscience Information Network, by M. L. Allison and Linda C. Gundersen; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Meeting Seismic Data Quality Expectations: New Dimensions in Seismic Survey Design
Search and Discovery.com
A New Approach Towards Optimized Passive Seismic Survey Design with Simultaneous Borehole and Surface Measurements; #41143 (2013)
Debotyam Maity and Fred Aminzadeh
Search and Discovery.com
... to identify and develop framework elements of the workflow aimed at designing an optimized multi-array survey (Figure 1) which works to improve...