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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,887 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Designing surveys in an updated regulatory environment With consideration of processing

Carsten Udengaard, David Brookes, Simon Dean, Seet Li Yong, Henrik Roende, Duncan Bate, Etienne Marc

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Designing surveys in an updated regulatory environment With consideration of processing Carsten Udengaard, David Brookes, Simon Dean, Seet Li Yong...


Anatomy of a Nearshore Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Deposit, the Plio-Pleistocene of Southern Broward County, Florida

Thomas M. Missimer, Robert G. Maliva, Charles W. Walker, Elizabeth Owosina

GCAGS Transactions

..., p. 29-62. Causaras, C.R., 1985, Geology of the Surficial Aquifer System, Broward County, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources...


Some Advances in Understanding and Application of Stream Sediment Geochemistry to Mineral Exploration in SE Asia

W. K. Fletcher

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... a regional geochemical survey in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia. Modified from Carlile et al. (1990) . December j !J!J!J 270 W.K. FLETCHER Table 3...


Abstract: Development of a Geochemical Tool for Sourcing Leaking Well Fluids in Southwestern Ontario; #90224 (2015)

Mitchell E. Skuce, Fred J. Longstaffe, Joanne Potter, and Terry R. Carter

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...Abstract: Development of a Geochemical Tool for Sourcing Leaking Well Fluids in Southwestern Ontario; #90224 (2015) Mitchell E. Skuce, Fred J...


Detection of hydrocarbon reservoir boundaries using neural network analysis of surface geochemical data

Hari Doraisamy, Daniel H. Vice, Phillip M. Halleck

AAPG Bulletin

...Detection of hydrocarbon reservoir boundaries using neural network analysis of surface geochemical data Hari Doraisamy, Daniel H. Vice, Phillip M...



Christine M. Budai, Michael L. Cummings

North Dakota Geological Society

...: U.S. Geological Survey, Misc. Field Studies, Map MF-960 Ethridge,F. G.and Jackson, T. J., 1980...


Abstract: Private sector marine geoscience in Newfoundland and Labrador (Poster)

Ewan Cumming, Peter Simpkin

Atlantic Geology

... as sedimentary analysis, from offshore and coastal zones. IKB Technologies was incorporated in 1975 as a Newfoundland company committed to designing...


Abstract: The Role of Advanced Seismic Interpretation in Development Planning for the Kinabalu Main Field, Offshore NW Borneo (Paper 27)

Christian F. W. Hocker, Sonny H. B. Lim

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... prior to designing a major development plan was recognised. This led to an appraisal campaign consisting of a well which was extensively logged, cored...


ABSTRACT Reservoir Characterization for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Middle Mississippian Cypress Sandstones at Lawrence Field, Illinois, #90104 (2010)

Seyler Beverly; Grube John; Huff Bryan G.; Blakley Curt S.; Johanek Philip

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...) Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, IL.     Detailed reservoir characterization studies of Cypress Sandstone reservoirs at Lawrence Field...


ABSTRACT: Pennsylvanian Organic Mudstone Reservoir Characteristics from the Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah; #90106 (2010)

Robert Bereskin, Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., John D. McLennan

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... Bereskin and Associates, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT. 2 Utah Geological Survey, Salt Lake City, UT. 3 Energy and Geoscience Institute, University of Utah...


Sea Level is Rising--So What?: EDITORIAL

Harold R. Wanless

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... sequences. Many--perhaps most--of us have not even asked "So what?" when designing sedimentological, geochemical, ecological, environmental, or engineering...


Memorial: William Baltser Kramer, III (1896-1963)

Glenn R. V. Griffith

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

..., Oklahoma; assistant in geology, University of Chicago. After obtaining his Ph.D. he was a geologist designing exhibits for the Texas Centennial, Humble...


Man's Activities on the Continental Slope

Harold D. Palmer

Special Publications of SEPM

... potential lies depths in excess the impacts volumes of surficial sea regional floor for slope support of movements must sediments structures...


Application of audio-magnetotelluric method to cover thickness estimation for drill site targeting

Wenping Jiang, Ross Brodie, Jingming Duan

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

..., and these must be understood and considered when designing a geophysical investigation Figure 1 Schematic MT field layout, modified from Schmoldt...


ABSTRACT Geologic Uncertainty and Geophysical Challenges in Developing a Carbon Sequestration Project, #90103 (2010)

H.E. Leetarua, D. Paddockb, J. H. McBridec, M. L. Couësland

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..., and M. L. Couësland a Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, Illinois b Schlumberger WesternGeco, Houston, Texas c Brigham Young University, Provo...


Abstract: Horn River Microseismic Acquisition: Designing a Shallow Array; #90174 (2014)

Neil Taylor, Paige Snelling, Kyubum Hwang, Mark Stacey, and Dave Abbott

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...Abstract: Horn River Microseismic Acquisition: Designing a Shallow Array; #90174 (2014) Neil Taylor, Paige Snelling, Kyubum Hwang, Mark Stacey...


Table of Contents: 33rd Annual Convention Proceedings, 2009

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...) van Gorsel IPA09-G-087 A Surface Geochemical Survey From Deep Water Offshore Brunei Malvin Bjoroy, Ian L. Ferriday, Peter B. Hall IPA09-G-088 Geological...


Abstract: Subsalt Seismic Modeling and Illumination Analysis in Red Sea Transition Zone; #90254 (2016)

Ewenet Gashawbeza, Hongwei Liu, Saleh AL-Saleh

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... modeling is critical for understanding data limitation and for designing more optimal and cost-effective surveys. Accurate modeling requires a detailed...


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