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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 1,887 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Using Gravity to Enhance Recovery
Bjarte Fageraas, Martha Lien, Remy Agersborg
GEO ExPro Magazine
... acquisition. Developments range from designing packages with state-of-the-art sensors, designing concrete stations, planning the survey operations...
Use of outcrop observations, geostatistical analysis, and flow simulation to investigate structural controls on secondary hydrocarbon migration in the Anacacho Limestone, Uvalde, Texas
Christopher E. Wilson, Atilla Aydin, Louis J. Durlofsky, Alexandre Boucher, Darrell T. Brownlow
AAPG Bulletin
... setting of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, west-central Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 94-4039, 50 p.Beggs, H...
Designing and evaluating irregular and opportunistic onshore seismic surveys
Tim Dean, Dave Monk
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... that the regularization is successful. In this paper we outline a workflow for designing an opportunistic survey using a real example in a particularly...
Improving Petroleum System Identification in an Offshore Salt Environment: Gulf of Mexico and Red Sea Case Studies; #41607 (2015)
Rick Schrynemeeckers
Search and Discovery.com
.... The objective of this survey was to use Gore Amplified Geochemical Imaging Technology to differentiate normal pressured wells from those that were...
A method of attenuating bubble effect based on frequency domain filter
Yifei Xiao, Jianguo Song
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... effect by designing a frequency domain filter, and shows the debubbled result. The result shows that the bubble effect has been effectively suppressed...
Evolution of the Geological Model, Lobster Field (Ewing Bank 873)
Mitchell K. Burk, Gregory L. Brown and David R. Petro
GCAGS Transactions
... survey added detail to the geological model. East side and west side reservoir compartments were identified based on reservoir pressure data, pvt data...
Multi-Scale Integration of Mudstone Properties in Interbedded Reservoirs, Insights into Additional Criteria for Evaluating Unconventional Reservoirs: Examples from the Duvernay Formation (Alberta, Canada) and the Woodford Shale (Oklahoma, USA)
Henry Galvis-Portilla, Daniela Becerra-Rondon, Per Kent Pedersen, Roger M. Slatt
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the level to which facies arrangements can affect important petrophysical, geochemical and geomechanical properties. Characteristics from the Duvernay...
Implementation of Cross-Functional Team Concept for Managing Duri Steamflood Reservoir
Albert B. M. Simanjuntak, Suharyanto, Yura Susanty, Hari Primadi, Rudi Setyanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... in designing the new organizational structure. Conduct Survey for Benchmarking Representatives from the HMPIT conducted a series of benchmarking meetings...
Ten Years of CO2 Storage and Operations
Rajindar Singh, Marc Chable
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... concurrent projects as at the time of writing are: designing a fifth well for the project; commissioning a carbon capture package to provide valuable...
Geochemical Fluid Correlations of the Cretaceous Petroleum Systems, Denver Basin, USA
Michael Dolan, Luke Arnsberger, Patrick Travers, Grant Zimbrick, Benjamin C. Burke
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Geochemical Fluid Correlations of the Cretaceous Petroleum Systems, Denver Basin, USA Michael Dolan, Luke Arnsberger, Patrick Travers, Grant Zimbrick...
Mesa: Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Analysis of Continental Margins
Donald Swift, George Freeland, David Drake, Patrick Hatcher, George Keller, William Lavelle, Terry Nelson, William Stubblefield, Anthony E. Cok, Thomas McKinney
Atlantic Geology
... shelves will experience by the turn of the century. Environ mental expertise developed during this proto type survey will be used by MESA in other prob...
Sequence Stratigraphic Elements and Geochemical Variability within a "Condensed Section": Eagle Ford Group, East-Central Texas
Louis M. Liro, William C. Dawson, Barry J. Katz, Vaughn D. Robison
GCAGS Transactions
..., should be avoided. These data further suggest that a geologic framework is critical to designing both a geochemical source rock sampling program...
Abstract: Surface-consistent Matching Filter for Time-lapse Processing; #90174 (2014)
Mahdi H. Almutlaq and Gary F. Margrave
Search and Discovery.com
.... We compute the spectral ratio in the time domain by first designing trace-sequential, least-squares match filters and then Fourier transforming them...
Australias Onshore Basin Inventories Foundational Knowledge Synthesis for Better Design of Precompetitive Data Acquisition
Adam H. E. Bailey, Lidena K. Carr, Russell Korsch
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... and regional geochemical studies. The Onshore Basin Inventories project continues to provide scientific and strategic direction for precompetitive data...
CSPG/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention 2011; - Abstracts, #90173 (2015).
Search and Discovery.com
Some Future Directions in Reservoir Fluid Geochemistry, #90110 (2010)
Steve Larter, Chunqing Jiang, Lloyd Snowdon, Barry Bennett, Thomas Oldenburg, Haiping Huang, Ian Gates, Jennifer Adams
Search and Discovery.com
... sector. Reservoir geochemical applications in the energy sector are now many and diverse with petroleum geochemical applications dominating...
Design Seismic Acquisition With Illumination Analysis, Gulf Of Thailand
Search and Discovery.com
Challenges in Imaging the Deep Seabed: Examples from Gulf of Mexico Cold Seeps
Carol B. Lutken, Marco D’Emidio, Leonardo Macelloni, Mariangela Lodi, Michela Ingrassia, Martina Pierdomenico, Vernon Asper, Arne Diercks, Max U. Woolsey, Roy Jarnagin
GCAGS Transactions
.... Figure 4 also shows the necessary percentage of overlap of survey lines. Designing the survey according to the geometry of the system and some...
Abstract: 3D Design for Interpolation: A Decimation Case Study; #90187 (2014)
A. J. Crook, Balazs Nemeth, Christian Escalante, Laurie Ross, Ye Zheng, and Keith Millis
Search and Discovery.com
... effort on large regional 3D seismic surveys? Is it feasible to acquire small infill 3Ds within a sparsely acquired regional 3D survey and interpolate...
Assessment of the Petroleum Generation Potential of the Neal shale in the Black Warrior Basin, Alabama
Joel, A. Legg, Rona Donahoe, Rich Martens
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and designing completion programs. If the Neal shale has generated and maintained sufficient volumes of hydrocarbons and the mineralogy is suitable...
Biogenic Structures in Outcrops and Cores. I. Approaches to Ichnology
Robert W. Frey, S. George Pemberton
CSPG Bulletin
... at St. Monance, Scotland. Great Britain Geological Survey Bulletin, v. 32, p. 21-51. Crimes, T. P. 1973. From limestones to distal turbidites: a facies...
Characterization of Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs using a Shale Gas Facies Expert System to Identify Lithofacies and Optimal Completion Intervals, #80123 (2010)
Arijit Mitra, Daniel Warrington, Duane A. Sommer
Search and Discovery.com
... contribution of total gas production has continued to increase. These reservoirs are rather complex and heterogeneous in terms of their geochemical...
Abstract: Implementation of a Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (Eori), Laramie, Wy, by B. Reyes and K. Murray; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Geologic Analysis of East Canton Consolidated Field for CO2-EOR
Search and Discovery.com